Hell yes they all want to take your guns.
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
Kapo Abdul-Jabbar
Despite being a gun owner myself, I fully support the Aurora group’s goals of promoting aggressive gun reform... [More]Jabbering again, I see.
If I were an FFL and he came into my place, I'd tell him to get the hell out.
No Distinction
The forum, sponsored by two gun control organizations and MSNBC... [More]Make that three gun control organizations.
A Deliberate Distraction
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, State AGs, Seek Ammunition Background Checks [More]Hot off the NRA press...
Here's the thing: The damn thing was introduced in March, has no movement on it and has a 4% prognosis for passing. They push this sh** for eyeballs and donations, and meanwhile, gun owners are expending energy and focus critically needed elsewhere.
But I guess it helps take that focus off of Wayne's travails and makes it look like Fairfax is being vital and proactive.
We deserve better than to be manipulated.
[Via Keith B]
Then Who Needs 'em?
Many Republicans, meanwhile, are trying to avoid talking about the president or divisive issues such as guns and abortion. [More]They're given bully pulpits precisely so they will use them.
You won't find freedom with these useless cowards.
[Via Mack H]
You Say You Want a Resolution, Well-ell, You Know...
[T]he city enacts changes to its law only by ordinance, not by resolution, which means the swaggering language had no effect off the playground. [More]I beg to differ. It is libelous. It is being used by the unhinged to further agitate and smear. It increases meat space danger for all of us who so identify. And it was all done under the "authority" of government.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Properly Adjudicated Enough
With the Guyger Verdict, a Texas Jury Chips Away at the Unwritten Law That Helps Bad Cops Go Free [More]God help me, I agree with David French.
I listened to a recording of Guyger's sobbing, fear-based excuse-making and the immediate thought that struck is how unfit for that line of work such a weepy, entitled coward is, and how those very traits make things incredibly more dangerous for everyone they encounter.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Keeping You in Suspense Enough
Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin C. Roessler Jr. said Tuesday he suspended an officer who cooperated with federal deportation officers by turning over an illegal immigrant he encountered during a traffic stop — a move the chief said violated department policy. [More]So can we look forward to Chief Roessler suspending officers who cooperate with ATF, too?
[Via Mack H]
This is My Shocked Face
Ryan has joined the board of Fox Corporation and is pushing a ‘Never Trump’ agenda. [More]It's more of a "Never Trump Agenda" agenda, actually. There's a distinction.
[Via Mack H]
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
Judge Denies Request From Iraq War Veteran to Get Confiscated Guns Back [More]His "threat" was clearly predicated on an enemy initiating killings. I wouldn't have said it the way he did, but I think we all know what he meant. One thing's for sure -- if he really was the continuing threat the judge says he is, we'd have seen some movement by now.
So how's that "due process" working out?
[Via Mack H]
Wiping and Replacing the Collective Memory
A generation ago, America’s Founding Fathers were venerated. Today, they’re more likely to be under attack from the media, teachers, and politicians. And it’s not just the Founders, but our founding documents, institutions, and other leaders from our past. [More]They call it "totalitarianism" for a reason.
[Via Michael G]
Sixth Time's a Charm!
When Seconds Count [More]I suppose you could scream "GUN!" into the phone if you want to get 'em there fast, but I'm assuming the object is to survive the encounter.
[Via Jake S]
Of Course You Realize This Means War
Joe Biden is proposing to force owners of assault-style rifles to either sell their firearms through a voluntary buyback program or register them with the federal government under the same law that was first used to strictly control sales of machine guns in the wake of the gangland shootings of the 1920s and '30s. [More]No. Your move.
And make sure to reserve special recognition for stupid, cowardly Republiquislings out there helping remove the hurdles and smoothing the way to the goal line.
[Via Roger J]
We Come from the Land of the Ice and Snow
Swedes are Fleeing [More]Don't come here if you're going to bring your suicide cult politics with you.
[Via Michael G]
Was 'Commonsense' a Factor?
Teen stabbed to death while protecting little sister during home invasion [More]I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering if there were guns and if they were locked up.
[Via bondmen]
After the Fall
When the violence comes—and it will come... [More]Ready for inevitable chaos?
Or I should say "Ready as you can be?" since chaos means just that.
I typically avoid crystal balls since mine rarely works, but these predictions seem more probable than most. My only point of contention would be with "history's last."
"[E]xperience hath shewn" a new topper of the heap (top of the heaper?) will emerge.
Who knows--if the truth will out and really set you free, maybe after the painful rebirth, the next phase will take off for higher heights. Because a new Dark Ages followed by lather, rinse, repeat ain't much of a motivator.
[Via Len Savage]
Faking Autism to Defend against Sex Assault Recalls Earlier Gun-Grabber Absurdities
My first thought was of admiration for the student keeping enough control of her fears to proactively resist in that way. My immediate afterthought is how lucky she is that tactic worked and that her life did not depend, that time, on being able to escalate the amount of force needed. [More]As an aside, I can't wait for a #MeToo accusation against that virtue-signaling-to-get-laid little creep with the sign.
Idiocracy Writ Large
U.S. District Court Judge Joan Gottschall issued a 34-page detailed decision denying the motion and allowing arguments to be heard on the unique lawsuit, which argues that Illinois is violating both the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Illinois Civil Rights Act by not doing more to reduce gun trafficking. The resulting violence has caused “cognitive and emotional disabilities” in children, the suit argues, and has had a “disparate impact” of violence on minority communities. [More]I'm sure parental conduct and competence going back generations had nothing to do with it.
A Clinton appointee literally going "full retard," natch...
Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town.
[Via @pamnsc]
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Michigan Lawmaker: Hold Gun-Free Zones Liable for Shooting Injuries [More]And in the meantime, feel free to use one of these to document who the weasels are and to make 'em squirm a bit:
[Via DeplorableMeTex]
And this Year's Winner Is...
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Did they ever ID the aunt who snitched on Willis? I wonder how welcome she is at family reunions. Again I have no data points but one, but for some reason, I'm feeling a profile emerge.
[Via @pamnsc]
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