Hey, we can all stand to lose a little fat anyway. And think how much we'll save on fad diets that don't work... [More]
And look: Peru shows us the Shining Path of "international peace and disarmament policies" Hillary wants to lead us down. Interesting, how there is a common theme of melting things down here.
Of course, that may work against our herdsmen by diminishing the supply of animals plump enough for rendering...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Just Give Them What They Want
Good things the victims didn't resist with guns.
It's just not worth it over a set of wheel rims. [More]
It's just not worth it over a set of wheel rims. [More]
We're the Only Ones Protecting the Infrastructure Enough
The Northern Muckraker bestows an award of sorts. [More]Deputy Gylfie, do you not realize what a cartoon "Only One" you come off as?
Your performance would be laughable if it weren't so outrageous.
Hey, if anybody from Al-Qaeda is reading this, I'd like to sell you a couple pictures of this target:
This one and this one. Hey, the first one shows tracks.
I can even arrange a tour for you.
And I'll throw this in for free.
Sorry, no personal checks.
[Via Andre C]
The Road Warriors
Bands of roving “road pirates” have been stalking drivers along South Africa’s main highway linking OT Airport to Pretoria for the last three months, raising concerns for the safety of tourists coming for the 2010 World Cup Games. [More]I've seen this movie. Isn't it the one where the only solution against violent lawless bandits is a private individual repelling them with superior firepower?
Yeah, but that's just wild, unrealistic fantasy. The real world doesn't work that way--at least not in South Africa.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
The civil injunctions will include bans on meeting other gang members, wearing gang colours, going to certain locations or having a violent dog in a public place.Having zero tolerance for "breaching gangbos."
Breaching a gangbo could require the offender to report to the police regularly, obey a curfew enforced by an electronic tag or attend anger management courses. [More]
Ingenious. The Empire is saved!
And to think the answer has been right there in front of us all this time...
[Via Whose Paranoid]
Crazy Talk
Sure, this talk of the warmists at Copenhagen planning a new “world government” is crazy. I just wish the warmists wouldn’t talk of it themselves. [More]Actually, the insanity seems to be from you smart, sophisticated people who are in terminal denial. They can spell their plans out for you, in plain, clear words, and you'll still dismiss anyone who points to those words with caution as paranoid.
How sick is that?
Here's ol' Herman himself, outlining his global ambitions. He's their top guy. He couldn't be any clearer.
Crazy, huh?
I figured out who he reminds me of.

Attack of the Coke Fiends
Coca-Cola is spearheading a coalition of more than 100 companies pushing a United Nations climate treaty to bind the U.S. to cap-and-trade emissions regulation, commit the world's wealthiest nations to a potential $10 trillion in foreign aid and, possibly, form a proposed international "super-grid" for regulating and distributing electric power worldwide. [More]Just remember where you heard it first.
Holder Tells Senate Committee Justice Department Supports More 'Gun Control'

I held off on bringing this release to the attention of Gun Rights Examiner readers because I wanted to corroborate the claims--which, unfortunately, the official transcript of Holder's prepared remarks, posted on the Justice Department website, do not. So I contacted LEAA and spoke last night with their Chief Operating Officer and national spokesman, Ted Deeds. He told me they were reporting on remarks made during questioning, and sent me a transcript of the appropriate segments of AG Holder's testimony... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column once more talks about something that not only won't the "Authorized Journalists" tell us about, but what they actively sneer at as unfounded paranoia.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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This Day in History: November 21
Whereas large supplies of Wheat and Flour are wanted for the use of the Army under my command, You are to repair immediately to the State of Jersey and to use every prudent possible exertion to procure such quantities, as may be necessary for the purpose above mentioned, offering and paying for the same a just and generous price. [More]
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