Isn’t that just like Balkanizers, teabaggers and bitter clingers? Worried about protecting those not paying their “fair share” instead of joining in the blood dance over another “senseless child gun death”...? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the only thing more absurd than dead home-invading "anti-violence" pamphleteers on the state payroll is the fact that there's a critical mass of useful idiots who keep electing the criminals behind such outrages.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Anti-violence activist’s ‘gun death’ shows cynical ‘progressive’ exploitation
We're the Only Ones Brandishing Enough
Thank goodness California is a "may issue" state! [More]
And thank goodness "Her name was not being released as LAPD Internal Affairs Group is beginning an investigation to determine if any misconduct was committed."
I'm sure they'd afford equal protection should one of us mundanes be accused of pointing a gun at an Only One.
Wouldn't they?
[Via John Comeau]
And thank goodness "Her name was not being released as LAPD Internal Affairs Group is beginning an investigation to determine if any misconduct was committed."
I'm sure they'd afford equal protection should one of us mundanes be accused of pointing a gun at an Only One.
Wouldn't they?
[Via John Comeau]
At Last, Something We Can Agree On!
I wonder if Shannon has thought through "It doesn't matter what it takes," and the implications for all parties taking that attitude. [More]
About Last Night
"Well, that was a win for neo-'libertarians,'" WarOnGuns Correspondent "Russn8r" remarked via email following the appearance last night by Congressional candidate Jess Loban on Armed American Radio. He was referring to an answer to one of Mark Walters' questions in re whether or not Loban feels his stance on immigration in any way conflicts with his stated support for the right to keep and bear arms.
He said "No," but ducked the specifics of "why not," particularly in light of an issue position statement he says diverges from the Libertarian line (but not by much if you look at it):
He said "No," but ducked the specifics of "why not," particularly in light of an issue position statement he says diverges from the Libertarian line (but not by much if you look at it):
The cliché is true, we are a Nation of immigrants. Sections of our economy depend on the service and hard work of those who find their way into our borders. This work is done in secret and under duress for both the immigrant and the employer. I want to streamline the work visa system, and enable thousands of immigrants from all nations to gain a visa easily and quickly. I would also include a correction period for all employers and immigrants who have been working and living in the US outside of the law to become compliant with the new visa program. The tax base would be increased, expense of deportation and persecution would be decreased, stress and loss of life would be tremendously decreased. There are solutions, but we have to be willing to stop and realize what we are doing today is not an answer.My position, a topic I've written about numerous times, is the same as GOA's, but I did not get a chance make it known on the air. Rather than repeat myself, I'm going to share the email Russn8r sent me after the broadcast:
Enquiring minds want to know. If he wants to address these questions, I'll post his answers. I would expect Russn8r to be watching, evaluating and weighing in, and I am not able to selectively soften his comments the way I just did to his email."Find their way into our borders.""Correction period" for employers and "immigrants" who have been "outside the law".Good grief, what a double-talking...
Jess Loban dodged the real issues, hand-waving about allegedly being "more right" than the typical libertarian, and about how we need a workable "guest" worker program and how states should be allowed to enforce their borders... Unless the invaders manage to break in, and then they get amnesty -- er uh, I mean a "correction period". So what does his support for border enforcement mean? Nothing. His answer was inconsistent with his website statement, and he doesn't explain how a "guest" worker program stops the native born citizenry's voting control of the USA from being overwhelmed by immigrants and their kids who will continue to vote overwhelmingly Democrat.
Would he limit legal immigration so that our votes are not overwhelmed?
Does he propose a true guest worker program where they really are guests and they have to go home?
If they're "guests" as opposed to guests who actually have to go home, would he make them second class citizens who can never vote, so that our votes are not overwhelmed?
Would he abolish birthright citizenship so that our votes are not overwhelmed by the children of the guests or "guests"?
That's not what his website says.
Last Night on Armed American Radio
Big Lineup. Alan Gottlieb, Philadelphia mom Shaneen Allen’s attorney Evan Nappen, CO US House candidate Jess Loban, NJ Second Amendment Society’s Frank Fiamingo, legal immigrant Alberto Gutierrez, David Codrea, and a surprise guest, Dick Heller!I have some concerns about one of the guests I'll share in a separate post.
We're the Only Ones Misdispatched Enough
Freeman said, “The chief thinks it’s a little presumptuous to say police could have prevented the murders” if officers had been sent to the correct address. [More]Yeah, really. Some people!
[Via bondmen]
Planned Obsolescence
The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) intends to establish one or more contract awards to fulfill continuing requirements for foreign non-standard, U.S.-obsolete, and commercial weapons, commercial ammunition and accessories. [More]Anybody else not entirely comfortable with having the fedgov establish the standard for what is considered "in common use at the time"?
[Via Florida Guy]
What's in YOUR Holster?
By that point, the best opportunities for an effective response had already passed. [More]
[Via Florida Guy]
[Via Florida Guy]
Capitalists Selling Rope
“This interested Eric Holder,” Gentry says. “He wondered how we might be able to control who was or wasn’t authorized. I stopped him right there. I looked right across a table at Eric Holder — yeah, the attorney general of the United States — and told him, ‘If you try to mandate my smart-gun technology, I’ll burn it down.’ The Intelligun is designed to save lives, not restrict freedom.” [More]Yeah, except then he turns around and says "“Government be damned, we need this potentially life-saving technology.”
Minter's premise that this holds promise if only we can get the government and the antis to back off is perplexing, because he clearly groks the dangers. If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.
Until that piece of the equation gets figured out, and it'll take more than simplistic platitudes about "need[ing] truth to undo the spin," the only proper response from any gun owner who gives a damn about freedom is to boycott the hell out of any Quisling who proceeds to market. And the fault for that lies totally with the monopoly of violence cultists.
NRO. Figures.
[Via Michael G]
The Prince of Lies
His whole shtick is divide-and-conquer, he's intentionally opened the border floodgates, he is fundamentally transforming America by importing alien ideologies, He ignores the Constitution, and he accuses those adhering to Founding principles of Balkanization? [More]
For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
That and -- what's that great line from "The List of Adrian Messenger"? -- oh, yeah:
For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
That and -- what's that great line from "The List of Adrian Messenger"? -- oh, yeah:
Evil does exist. Evil is.
Bloomberg Gets a Hickey
Guess where and from whom... [More]
Funny. Until this came up, it never even occurred to me that such things might be part of the universe.
I know what I'm going to start calling the fawner.
[Tip and title via CYDL]
Funny. Until this came up, it never even occurred to me that such things might be part of the universe.
I know what I'm going to start calling the fawner.
[Tip and title via CYDL]
Won't You Go Home, Bruce Braley?
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Click to enlarge. |
And IFC has the story.
By the way, remember this?
All the thing's horses and all the thing's MILMs totally flopped.
I had a guy on Facebook respond to my Tell Obama What You Think of Him article by saying he doesn't want to be on any lists.
Like he's not already.
Don't be afraid tell this scumbag traitor where he can go and what he can do with himself when he gets there.
Help Wanted: Inquire Within
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer, P4 ... United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity [More]Dang, I can't get the "Apply Now" button to work. This could have been fun.
[Via Scott E]
A Pattern?
Between "The dog ate my homework" and "I don't recall," they've pretty much got things covered. [More]
It's so nice to know rule of law precludes rule of men. Otherwise, our government would be exactly what the Prozis accuse us of being: Vigilantes.
It's so nice to know rule of law precludes rule of men. Otherwise, our government would be exactly what the Prozis accuse us of being: Vigilantes.
Prozi Discourse
Bottom line: Is there a shared humanity to be found beneath the inflammatory political discourse before it’s too late? [More]Let's see, you just get done engaging in "inflammatory political discourse," including a really lame attempt to take on Vanderboegh that actually works in his favor, and then you ask for moderation when it's our turn?
We're the Only Ones Inciting Enough
The fatal shooting of a black teenager by police sent hundreds of angry residents out of their apartments Saturday in a St. Louis suburb, igniting shouts of "kill the police" during a confrontation that lasted several hours. [More]From statistically-likely Obama supporters?
Can't we all get along? Please?
We are hoping that just the presence is enough.And if it isn't?
Should you carry a concealed handgun into a bank?
Why, does something magical happen when you enter their premises? [More]
A Honda Accord for "Only Ones"
He' not just rather see you dead than armed, he'd also rather see you dead than armored. [More]
Fortunately, the contemptible 監督's proposed diktat ain't goin' nowhere. And he knows that. So the fraud is doing it all for show, and to stir the monopoly of violence cultists into an eye-rolling, tongue-speaking frenzy...
Fortunately, the contemptible 監督's proposed diktat ain't goin' nowhere. And he knows that. So the fraud is doing it all for show, and to stir the monopoly of violence cultists into an eye-rolling, tongue-speaking frenzy...
Workman on the Weekend
Does Friday’s homicide ruling in Brady death open door to exploitation? [More]Questions about the Pope's religion and what a bear does in the woods come to mind.
This Day in History: August 11
Corporal Gibbs of the 1st Jersey regiment was tried for desertion. For selling and spoiling some of his regimental cloths, and for forging or procuring a forged discharge found guilty, and sentenced to suffer death by hanging. [More]
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