Saturday, February 14, 2009
We're the Only Ones Dealing with the Drug Problem Enough
According to evidence presented at trial, Sease conspired with other Memphis drug dealers to arrange drug deals so that he could rob the other dealers when they arrived. On one occasion, evidence showed that Sease had a co-conspirator resell cocaine that Sease had stolen from one drug dealer to another drug dealer. Sease then pulled the buyer’s car over, stole the cocaine again and resold it. Sease and his co-conspirators kidnapped several drug dealers in an effort to get them to set up additional drug deals for Sease to rob.This "Only One" brought to you courtesy of the War on Drugs...
Sease was a Memphis police officer from 2001 through 2005. He was discharged in 2005 for misconduct relating to one of the robberies. After he was fired, one of Sease’s co-conspirators, Andrew Hunt, became a Memphis reserve police officer and the two continued to rob drug dealers while pretending to be police officers, according to evidence presented at trial. [More]
Which, as we all know (or should by now), establishes optimum conditions for the War on Guns.
A Rose by Any Other Name...
Blackwater Worldwide is abandoning its tarnished brand name as it tries to shake a reputation battered by oft-criticised work in Iraq, renaming its family of two dozen businesses under the name Xe. The parent company's new name is pronounced like the letter z. [More]So I wonder if Vanderboegh will have to change the name of Brightfire to eX...?
Oh, wait, I forget--it's fiction. Any similarity is coincidental...
There's a Place for Us...

There's been a stalking arrest at a mall. Guess what the mall doesn't "allow"?S: Security...
DC: Yeah...uh...I'm on your website and can't find some information. I don't see a weapons policy for people with concealed carry permits*...
S: No, we don't allow that...[More]
Here's today's Gun Rights Examiner column. I'd appreciate the help of the regulars here to share the link.
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners: Austin: Senator Boxer’s half-truths to promote ‘sensible gun control’ (Part 3) Charlotte: Phony gun groups, Part 3: 'American Hunters and Shooters Association' DC: DC taxpayers will pay for City Council’s gun ban redux Denver: Granny, get your gun Los Angeles: An open invitation to L. A. Times writer Dana Parsons. Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns Minneapolis: The folly across the river St. Louis: Are churchgoers' lives less worth defending?
This Day in History: February 14
We have certain intelligence, that they have drawn the greatest part of their Troops from Rhode Island, and are told, that part of them have landed on Staten Island and at Amboy, with a view of augmenting their force at Brunswick. [More]