Again, I never intend for this category to dominate. Sometimes, the outrages just fall in my lap.
But I'm running out of time and won't be able to post these separately:
We're the Only Ones "To Catch a Predator" Enough
We're the Only Ones Blowing Our Career Enough
We're the Only Ones Going Off Enough
Perverted. Sadistic. Corrupt. Incompetent.
Defective human beings with the power of life and death.
"Only Ones."
And some would say, more competent and trustworthy than you and I are.
Monday, July 20, 2009
We're the Only Ones "It All Depends on the Meaning of the Word 'Irrational'" Enough
After the officers arrived, the man became increasingly irate, refused to let the officers into the house, threatened officers and then slammed the door, police said. [More]And that's more irrational than, say, calling out the SWAT team because somebody is yelling while playing video games how, exactly...? Because it really doesn't sound all that unreasonable...
I had to bellow at elder feral son Uday last night because he was on some damn game where he could talk to his online opponent, and tell him to hold it down.
Had I but known I had an "Only Ones" option available...
I gotcher "First Person Shooter" right here, pally...
[Via Tom Z]
We're the Only Ones Untucked Enough
What they are trying to prevent...are cases wherein both erring policemen and civilian gun owners are using the privilege given to them to carry firearms to commit abuses on unarmed civilians. [More]Perhaps the solution might be fewer unarmed civilians? That and doing away with the concept of "privilege" and "Only Ones"?
[Via Blacksnake]
Meanwhile, a Long Time Ago in a Sarah Brady Paradise Far, Far Away
Pupils as young as seven were left traumatised after a school staged a 'War of the Worlds' style production during which a teacher was abducted by aliens. [More]And the "Only Ones" helped!
Sounds like it's time for another Zargonian hunt...
[Via Tom Z]
We're the Only Ones "Bully for You!" Enough
But in cases in which it's a defendant's word against a police officer's, the benefit of doubt often falls to the cop.See, it's only a few bad apples. And of course:
Except when there's video...
The clerk on duty the night that Lopez confronted Lawless told investigators that three times after the incident, police officers spoke with him about the security tape and that two asked if he would erase it. [More]
A hearing to determine what discipline, if any, will be imposed on Lopez is still pending.Nice. Assault a girl with a deadly weapon. What a despicable, cowardly sociopath. And these are the "Only Ones" the evil and the stupid think should be "permitted" to carry guns because they consider you and me--what were their words?--"untrained and dangerous individuals".
[Via Brian F]
I Believe It
Pam Adams couldn’t recognize a ‘deranged gun owner’ if one bit her on her ass. [More]Sounds about right to me. And you'd have to be deranged.
[Via The Bitter Clinger]
"Dear Carson"
Mike Vanderboegh writes a letter about this and this. [More]
Unfortunately, BATFU has already determined how it will answer.
Just ask Wayne Fincher.
Unfortunately, BATFU has already determined how it will answer.
Just ask Wayne Fincher.
Nationwide Right-to-Carry Bill Prompts Anti-Defense Hysteria

Dangerous. Untrained. That is, not "Only Ones." You know, "the people," as in the ones whose right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner looks at the media and anti-defense zealot (there's a difference?) reaction to something as tepid as full faith and credit permit recognition. I really don't have a horse in that race, but find it interesting to watch from the sidelines.
With a special guest appearance by Kirsten "You Can Have Me for a Price" Gillibrand!
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Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
- Atlanta: You bet it's personal!
- Austin: Does civilian gun ownership cause bloodshed?
- Boston: Sotomayor: Unfit to serve
- Charlotte: Sotomayor: Where for art thou, NRA?
- Chicago: Judge Sotomayor thinks gun rights are about hunting?
- Cleveland: National ccw reciprocity to be considered in U.S. Senate
- DC: Sotomayor: latinas, guns, and werewolves
- Denver: Lessons from "bring your guns to church day"
- Los Angeles: On Sotomayor: The Judiciary Committee needs to get it, too.
- Minneapolis: It takes a gun to stop a gunman
- Seattle: NRA takes stand against Sotomayor; committee vote Tuesday
- St. Louis: The Brady Campaign to create 'gun crime'
- Wisconsin: Party like it was 1773
This Day in History: July 20
Ethan Crandall RING of Melrose is eighty-four years of age and is a son of Eleazar Ring of Chesterfield, who performed service during eight months in 1775, and also in the expedition to Manchester, VT., on July 20, 1777. He also was with Washington's army at Valley Forge. [More]
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