I'll assume it's BATFU again, perhaps the chief counsel's office getting in a little weekend overtime...
Notes from the Resistance...
Behind closed doors and with no cameras present, President Obama signed into law Friday afternoon the bill raising the public debt limit from $12.394 trillion to $14.294 trillion. [More]Eh. You'd have just spent your "fair share" on non-government-essentials anyway.
The bit about her being a socialist is beneath you. You should be embarrassed. Even bringing it up is ridiculous, but using that website as a credible source is insane.Well, pally, my point was more about how the media would handle the information, with my belief that any tie-in with the "progressive" agenda would be minimized. I stand by my assertion that had there been any tie-in between Prof. Bishop and any perceived "right wing" movement, that "news" would be trumpeted. But they'll downplay any association with the left.
Dr. Bishop may have experienced a kind of anti-intellectual prejudice from the University of Alabama-Huntsville culture that could have just driven Bishop battyRight.
“I think it’s a terrible idea,” Byrd said after the House vote. “First of all, it adds another level of danger to our peace officers who are the front line in the field. It ties their hands in determining whether or not an individual is lawfully carrying a weapon or not.Oh, and the people you're supposed to represent do?
In Wyoming, officers are out on their own and don’t have the luxury of having backup with them at all times, Byrd said.
[He] went further, saying that loosening gun control regulations, except for hunting, would be dangerous to everyone.Maybe we should start calling him "Projection Pete".
"I've been in situations in other countries working where I'm glad I didn't have a gun," said Jorgensen, who served overseas in the U.S. Army. "I've not sure I would've controlled myself."
What that means is, he, like they, wishes for you to be effectively defenseless against released killers with guns. Not just at universities, but everywhere. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a politician who earned a "100" from the antis. Boy, if this guy decides to run again, have I got a campaign endorsement for him.
On February 14, 1778, while in Quiberon Bay, Ranger received the first recognition of the American flag by a foreign government when it was saluted by the French fleet. [More]