Captain of a Crew of One finally got some respect for a Nobel Prize nominee and gun control advocate. Tookie thinks if world governments "get tough on arms," his tough arms will be the only ones wielding a shotgun as he blasts his helpless victims to death. The Million Facers want to give Tookie that advantage.
The Captain also treats us to some other men whose identical costumes make them appear to be fraternity brothers, or members of the same club or something. Since Control Arms added their pictures to their gallery of supporters, perhaps they're members of some peace group...?
Anyway, meet Gat:
and--well wad'dya know--same name--we'll just call him Bizarro Firstdegree:
With names like that, they're probably a boy band. And maybe "Make Me Safe From Armed Violence" is the title of their new hit single...?
The Captain also links us to this entry from "Kristopher" (not sure if this is another Oleg masterpiece or not, but will mention it with gratitude for whoever deserves credit for this great photo):
Here's another one the Captain found, where "Jack" lets all those Control Arms supporters know what will happen when they abdicate responsibility for their own protection and rely completely on the government. Obviously, anyone who would do such a thing doesn't know Jack.
[If anyone knows who should be credited for this poster, please advise.]
Finally, the Captain found this picture of Neil, who has discovered a side benefit to victims being disarmed: Free transatlantic flights on Gulf Stream jets!
I note from comments on the Captain's post that Fish Or Man--who points us to a "Control Arms Success Story"-- may have been involved in posting some of these? I want to make sure everyone gets proper credit and no one feels snubbed--so if the Million Faces posts your picture, please drop me a line to let me know.
Fodder over at Ride Fast & Shoot Straight is having success with a Teutonic theme.
The Million Facers join in saying "Heil!" to Reinhard (as in SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich):
and Josef (Goebbels, that is):
Interlineated Update: Somebody at Control Arms must have recognized Reinhard and Josef, because they have been replaced with the placard-holding silhouettes--in other words, they will happily add them to their numbers of supporters, but prefer to mask their identities from embarrassing scrutiny. How very telling.
As we've noted before, Thus I Have Spoken is the place to go for screenshots:
Steamdragon is trying another novel tack--victims of government "gun control" enforcement. If Control Arms succeeds in getting more citizen disarmament laws passed, you can bet there will be plenty more opportunities for new Waco and Ruby Ridge-type massacres--for the children.
Why look--here's the Weaver family:
SD--be sure and let us know if any of your Mount Carmel victims make it, OK? People need to know about the lovely young lives snuffed out by government enforcing existing gun laws--and understand that adding global edicts into the mix will certainly add to the toll of victims.
He also managed to get Elian accepted. The last time we saw him, the poor kid was crying in terror from armed violence:
It also looks like Tookie got his name in twice. Sneaky Tookie! People can't turn their backs on you for a second, can they? What a card!
Likewise, "Jeff" has now made his second appearance. I think the first time, he went simply by "D." Oh well, call him anything--just don't call him late for dinner!
Nicki continues the "Predators on Parade" theme, and got a nice "thank you" addressed to "Joe Tito" from his pals at Control Arms. I cracked up when I realized she posted this on their "Yugoslavia" page.
Fun Bob also had fun with the predator angle. I knew he submitted Nazi mass murderer Adolf Eichmann, aka "Ricardo." I just couldn't believe Control Arms would post it, along with a heartfelt plea to be made safe from armed violence.
Meanwhile, Jeremy H. is on an emotional rollercoaster after being continuously rejected by the Million Faces campaign. They seem to like terrorists, Nazis, child molesters, criminals and murderers, but they didn't like seeing Jeremy happy--which I can understand--or fearful--which, considering their natural state, is surprising. Here, Jeremy wants to assure them that when it comes to guns, he feels their pain.
At least Jeremy's submission of Saddam crony Ibrahim al-Duri was acceptable. Jeremy--I think I know what your problem is. You need to go help gas a bunch of Kurds first, and then resubmit your pictures.
Still, Jeremy shouldn't feel alone. Bill Clark also knows the sting of rejection, which is too bad, because these guys are part of the same dreamy boy band that the Million Faces went gaga over, above.
I guess I just don't understand why Control Arms rejected these last two. I mean, who wouldn't want to give up their guns after seeing these guys?
Keep 'em coming--I think we're having an effect because I see many new submissions from the antis--and they look like they were all taken at the same convention or something--which could mean they are aware and countering. The switching of Reinhard and Josef seems to confirm this.
Thanks to those of you who have supported this, and if you're one who hasn't yet, come on--join the fun. It'll take you less than 5 minutes and won't cost a dime. When have you ever been solicited for a 2A cause where that was all that was asked of you?