strandediniowa tells us why. [More]
I do admit I am curious. Not thirty bucks curious, but curious.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
We're the Only Ones Who Hate the Law Enough
Brian Cavanagh, veteran homicide prosecutor with the Broward State Attorney's Office, shares that view.We reserve that right for "Only Ones." But typically, instead of "stand your ground," we cite "no violation of department policy."
"The 'Stand Your Ground' law, I hate it, and I think I can speak for most prosecutors and law enforcement officers," he said. "It's a dangerous, dangerous law, especially if it's misinterpreted by citizens who think it gives them the right to use unbridled force. [More]
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Proficient Enough
"You don't get a driver's license without taking a driving-in-the-car test," Frank Adams, the Nevada association's executive director, said Monday. The same should apply for weapons owners, he said. "You should at least show proficiency." [More]Yeah, we want you to be as proficient as us trained and certified "Only Ones."
Thing is, once you accept the premise of a permit, he's got a point...
[Via Gun Owners of Nevada]
A Telling Vote
The Senate voted Monday to block the Housing and Urban Development Department from giving grants to ACORN, a community organization under fire in several voter-registration fraud cases.The 83-7 vote would deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. [More]And guess who voted to keep subsidizing these subversives...funny who she shows loyalty to and who she betrays...
And revealing...
[Via Peter G]
A Simple Geometry Lesson
Pi [3.1416] times the square of a circle's radius give you the area of that circle:Concerned American does the math.
3.1416 X 500 yards X 500 yards = 785,400.
Push it to 600 yards and you've got nearly 1,131,000 square yards of liberty. [More]
And the Winner Is...
I can't decide between Bob's impassioned soliloquy:
Antis sure do get their backs up when you offer the heretical opinion that women ought to have the right to choose when it comes to self defense. And that they ought to have a chance if they're attacked.
I know I talked about this yesterday, but the comments just keep coming in, and it's instructive for us to realize how badly some in our society hate not only promoters of the right to keep and bear arms, but gun owners in general.
There is no reasoning with such as these. And there can be no compromise.
See all the comments here. And feel free to post your own.
Go straight to hell, you cowardly gun nuts. You gun carrying morons kill thousands of each other every year...and now you want to use something like this to say gun ownership makes for safety?Or the simple elegance that is Olivia:
Unbelievable. You cretins are one of the reasons America is such a laughinstock the world over. You "hunters" get your rocks off killing defenseless animals. The rest of you are so afraid of your own shadows that you feel you need assault rifles to go to the corner store.
You gutless fools make me sick. You....turning this tragedy into something about your own insecurities. No doubt Annie Le's killer is some kind of ball-less, dickless moron who worships guns and knives and violence...just like you.
Only the most despicable scum would use this tragedy to push their pro gun, pro death, culture of violence perversion.And then there are all sorts of runners-up.
You sir, are a foul, disgusting thing.
Antis sure do get their backs up when you offer the heretical opinion that women ought to have the right to choose when it comes to self defense. And that they ought to have a chance if they're attacked.
I know I talked about this yesterday, but the comments just keep coming in, and it's instructive for us to realize how badly some in our society hate not only promoters of the right to keep and bear arms, but gun owners in general.
There is no reasoning with such as these. And there can be no compromise.
See all the comments here. And feel free to post your own.
Someone Needs to Pay for This!
Man shot inside home sues his gated community [More]I understand the gate may have been broken. But how easy is it to get over or around most gates? Anybody who thinks that's all you need to guarantee safety is ignorant and negligent. You shouldn't expect others to pay for that.
I'm having a tough time sympathizing here. There's no gate around my house. But there is a conviction that friends should be met at the door with open arms--and enemies with loaded ones.
[Via Mama Liberty]
Bill Parson: Another NV Senate Candidate Who Deserves Gun Owner Support

Another candidate, Bill Parson, has completed the questionnaire. Here's the Q&A... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column presents yet a third candidate who "gets it." The responses gleaned to date from Parson, Danny Tarkanian and Sharron Angle will stand in pretty stark contrast against candidates who won't even acknowledge they were asked.
Also in today's post: Liberty Belles look at anti-gun California democrats, Kevin Wilmeth examines a tradition, and my fellow GREs offer their latest commentary.
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This Day in History: September 15
September 15, 1777 Congress offers a commission of major general to Baron de Kalb, who had threatened to sue Congress for breach of contract after Congress failed to fulfill a contract between Kalb and Silas Deane promising such a commission. [More]
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