Masked gunmen with Kalashnikovs open fire on a group of youngsters in Marseille leading to shoot-out with French police [More]But...but...but...
I'm sure David and Emma have some helpful solutions.
Notes from the Resistance...
Masked gunmen with Kalashnikovs open fire on a group of youngsters in Marseille leading to shoot-out with French police [More]But...but...but...
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Guest Lineup: An exceptional and incredibly informative Monster Broadcast from the Crossbreed Holster Studios. Hour one saw the return of Alan Gottlieb. Alan had been traveling and fighting the fight at various venues and gives us his one-of-a-kind insight today. Hour two saw AWR Hawkins be AWR Hawkins. Nuff said. Hour three brought long-time AAR contributor David Codrea, who as usual, shows why he is a long-time contributor! Enjoy this exceptional AAR broadcast! [More]Fun for me as usual...
Cops Claim That Mice Ate Half a Ton of Missing Marijuana [More]That's gotta be more believable than thinking the Only Ones trustworthy enough to have guns would do anything improper.
We’ve won the argument – 90 percent of Americans think that we should have universal background checks. [More]Yeah, but...
Jimmy Kimmel Thinks School Attacks Don’t Happen Where There Are ‘Real, Sensible Gun Laws’ -- But China And Reality Beg To Differ [More]At least he's been waking up dry for the past few years.
Make Schools Safe Again: Repeal The Gun-Free School Zones Act [More]Sorry-- there's no money and power in freedom-- at least for those who would take it from you.
Texas shooting suspect's choice of guns complicates debate over assault rifles [More]No kidding.
Elizabeth Warren pledges not to take ‘single penny’ from NRA. [More]Did anyone offer?
Star Wars character Lando Calrissian is pansexual, and I couldn't be happier [More]What else would we expect from Disney?
Koch Bros Running Ads for Democrats: ‘Thank You’ for Pushing Open Borders [More]How often are their names trotted out as archetypes for "conservatives"? Sure, most of that is by useful idiots, but at its core there's a purpose being served.
In Brazil, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is prohibited,125 with only narrow exemptions129 130 126 127 128 38Glomming onto the "trained policewoman" meme, resident male herbivores quickly fall into "Only One" subservience, with not a one of them being able to justify their assertions by citing police range qualification requirements (how often, how many shots, score, retries, like we talked about here). One, not making the point he thinks he's making asserts:
"I am a gun owner and bet I would freeze in a situation like this or get my kid out of there in a flash."In other words, if you're certain of that, you're admitting to being an untrained gun owner, which makes you an irresponsible gun owner, which makes fair the question why are you a gun owner, especially if you have children? You're saying you have a gun but if your kids are ever endangered by an aggressor you "bet" your reaction would be to "freeze" and you would be useless to them as a father and protector?
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We submitted a FOIA regarding NICS and the appeals process in April 2016. Today we received documents responsive to that request. The documents produced demonstrate that the FBI and NICS were not processing appeals as required by law as alleged in all of our 18 USC 925A cases we have filed to date. On page 50 of the attached, it says "The AST has five business days to tell a denied individual the reason for their denial. However, the AST Examiners are not performing any appeal work due to the increased volume." On page 57, someone wrote this email: "We stopped processing front-end [appeals] mail on 11/25/2015." [More]It links at the end to a pdf of the production.
I don't engage in conversations on Twitter, just Tweet some & read some. If you're a dick I block u. Defender of the US Constitution. Ain't no time to hate.No cognitive dissonance there at all.
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Former Porn Star Gives Up Her Gun In Virtue Signaling Stunt, Parrots Democratic Talking Points [More]I look at that photo with the Austin Only One and expect sleazy music to cut in.
The Illinois House of Representatives on Friday approved a plan to replace armed police officers in schools with unarmed mental health professionals. [More]No, this is not another absurd post from "The Onion." But it could be.
Until further notice is provided by the NRA Recruiting Programs staff, Recruiters are not authorized to display any materials advertising or referencing NRA insurance benefits.They're not allowed to "refer to the $2,500 ArmsCare Basic Firearms Insurance or $5,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance during your sales pitch. Recruiters should state only that the NRA endorses Lockton Affinity or AGIA as a broker." There are also prohibitions on displaying or advertising "the insurance benefits or insurance components of membership programs."
“Special” Session Starts Monday [More]Oregon Firearms Federation needs gun owners to be on their toes over the next few days.
Viral ‘grad with rifle’ image continues to cause a stir as Jim Carrey joins the debate [More]Say what you will, he reportedly really knows how to blister a gal...
Houston police chief pens scathing post on gun control, rips politicians who ‘do absolutely nothing’ [More]But he doesn't really get into specifics justifying why this or that would prevent what happened. He's making noise and showing his inability to think things through. It's a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
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"[W]eapons ... made for one purpose. They are designed to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time. They do not belong in our communities...”Except when enforcers deployed to disarm our communities determine they need to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time?