Part 1
Part 2
Bottom line as I read these--A gun owner who says he was lawfully open carrying claims he was arrested for disorderly conduct. He says his gun was stol...uh...confiscated, and now they're screwing with him instead of giving his property back.
CAVEAT: This is one of those "raw data" situations, where in the absence of information from a "news source" I'm bringing what I've got to your attention with the understanding that it came from a forum. That said, we've seen "Authorized Journalists" ignore stuff before.
My information says the man making the claim has been invited to meet with a group of activists this weekend, so further verification should be forthcoming. But because this involves a situation where other gun owners could be at risk, I felt justified to at least call this to the attention of WoG readers. Naturally, if you know anything about this, please enlighten us in "Comments," below.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
We're the Only Ones Unqualified Enough
...San Francisco Police Chief Heather Fong acknowledged that she has gone years without taking the target practice required for officers who carry guns.But she's still one of "The Only Ones" allowed to carry in SF because the uniform and badge makes her more better than you and me.
[Via SayUncle]
Bill Brown: Still Elitist After All These Years
Long time WarOnGuns readers are familiar with the ongoing saga of Santa Barbara, CA Sheriff Bill Brown.
He's still up to his old tricks.
From on-the-scene correspondent Gerhard Paul:

And despite repeated attempts over the course of many months by several individuals to get a straight answer, hell, any answer, there's still no explanation for how and why this happened:

"He stated to me that he is an NRA member," Mr. Paul, a former eight-year CCW holder reported after his meeting with the sheriff on why his permit renewal was denied.
Bummer. But look at the bright side--now that you know him, maybe you can sit at his table at a FONRA dinner some time...
He's still up to his old tricks.
From on-the-scene correspondent Gerhard Paul:

Yeah, you're a very responsible and upstanding citizen. But not being one of my specially trained "Only Ones," or fitting one of my other arbitrary categories for super citizen status, I just don't trust you. So I've decided to make your choice on whether or not your life is worth protecting for you.
It's not.
But don't take it personally. And I hope you still think highly of me and my department, even though we will ruin your life big time if we catch you disobeying me.
And despite repeated attempts over the course of many months by several individuals to get a straight answer, hell, any answer, there's still no explanation for how and why this happened:

"He stated to me that he is an NRA member," Mr. Paul, a former eight-year CCW holder reported after his meeting with the sheriff on why his permit renewal was denied.
Bummer. But look at the bright side--now that you know him, maybe you can sit at his table at a FONRA dinner some time...
The Only Thing
The only thing that stops me is the fact of being put in jail forever, or having to kill myself, or getting killed by an officer.
Being stopped by an armed citizen--a teacher, an administrator, a visiting parent, a maintenance worker--wasn't even a passing consideration.
Why do you suppose that is, Wayne?
We're the Only Ones Within Appropriate Bounds Enough
A sixteen year old child was shocked with a Taser stun gun by police at a North Carolina school last week for failing to comply with orders to show an officer his I.D. badge.Good life lesson for the kid. When an "Only One" demands your papers, show him your papers.
If he wasn't doing anything wrong, this wouldn't have happened. Anyone who doesn't automatically obey a uniformed representative of the state deserves to be hurt.
And remember: They hate us because we're free.
[Via Cigar Rollers]
This Ma-agic Moment...
From Jeffersonian:
There's gotta be a snake pit and a Tree of Woe in here somewhere...
"America, this is our moment," the 46-year-old senator and one-time community organizer said in his first appearance as the Democratic nominee-in-waiting. "This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past." - Barack Hussein Obama, 3 June 2008
"Purging is at last at hand. Day of Doom is here! ...You, my children, are the water that will wash away all that has gone before." - Thulsa Doom, Conan the Barbarian, Universal 1982
There's gotta be a snake pit and a Tree of Woe in here somewhere...
The More You Mis...
...demeanor you get.
Look, I hope no one thinks I'm picking on poor Dennis Farina. Were it up to me, he could carry his guns all the live-long day.
It should be clear what I object to is special treatment for "Only Ones" and elites. If they're not under the same pressure we are, if they have their place at the table, there's no incentive for them to give a damn about what happens to those of us on the outside looking in.
One other thing this development tells me is his former cop status has not automatically conferred upon him an automatic license to carry, as some have speculated.
[Via Dave Licht]
Look, I hope no one thinks I'm picking on poor Dennis Farina. Were it up to me, he could carry his guns all the live-long day.
It should be clear what I object to is special treatment for "Only Ones" and elites. If they're not under the same pressure we are, if they have their place at the table, there's no incentive for them to give a damn about what happens to those of us on the outside looking in.
One other thing this development tells me is his former cop status has not automatically conferred upon him an automatic license to carry, as some have speculated.
[Via Dave Licht]
It's Off
From Less:
And with no customers to offend, I'd be inclined to maybe put a dead skunk in the dumpster (How did that get there? Must have crawled in and died...) and make the outside of my premises a very unpleasant place to congregate.
Looks like DSA is calling off the protest this 14th...With that being the case, I'd hang pro-freedom signs from my building so they'd be picked up by any news cameras covering this."After careful thought, DSA management has come to the decision that it is in everyone’s best interest not to organize a counter protest or stage any activity to oppose Mr. Jackson. We feel that this is the best decision because anything we do to oppose Mr. Jackson, his organization,or his protest will simply make it a more news worthy story, giving him more media attention. This is exactly what he wants, and DSA will not oblige Mr. Jackson or his organization. The protest will take place on Saturday, and our company is closed for business on that day. If Mr.Jackson would like to stand on an empty street, in front of an empty building to address issues which do not exist, that is his prerogative. DSA feels that this foolishness is unworthy of a response."
And with no customers to offend, I'd be inclined to maybe put a dead skunk in the dumpster (How did that get there? Must have crawled in and died...) and make the outside of my premises a very unpleasant place to congregate.
And By "Respectfully," We Mean "Screw You"
Do you get the feeling that doctors Frederick P. Rivara and Dimitri A. Christakis would just need one more partner to pose for this?

[Via Michael G]

[Via Michael G]
Welcome to the Forbidden Zone

D.C. Police would set-up checkpoints in targeted areas, demand to see ID and refuse admittance to people who don't live there, work there or have a “legitimate reason” to be there.Your papers...
And remember: They hate us because we're free.
[Via Cigar Rollers]
The Clip Joint
A teacher at Meridian Middle School found a gun clip with live rounds at 8:40 a.m. Wednesday at the school...I know use of that term for "magazine" is considered heresy in most gun circles.
I don't get too bent out of shape because no less an authority than the late Col. David Hackworth used "clip" on occasion.

I leave it to someone else to insist he was wrong.
As to the title-linked story itself, well, Wayne and I have both had our say about guns in schools and can't come to an agreement.
[Via Avg Joe]
The Company They Keep
CHICAGO -- Democratic insider Antoin "Tony" Rezko was convicted of federal corruption charges Wednesday for trading on his clout as a top advisor and fundraiser to Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich.And, of course, he's a "former ally" of Thulsa.
Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town.
This Day in History: June 5
Your Majestys ministers persevering in their measures and proceeding to open hostilities for enforcing them, have compelled us to arm in our own defence...
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