Shock: Over 1% of Guatemala, Honduras entered US since September [More]Brought to you by Traitors!TM
Thursday, May 09, 2019
The Replacements
Cause and Effect
Below is a guide to help American gun rights activists understand the history of gun registration and gun control efforts in the U.K. and Australia, the two countries which anti-gun politicians often cite as muses for their proposed laws. [More]Then give it a few years of cultural terraforming and we ain't seen nothin' yet.
The Contentious Move
The contentious move comes one day after a shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Douglas County, Colorado, where one student died and eight others were injured. According to Education Week's school shooting tracker, it was the 12th school shooting this year that resulted in a death or injury. [More]Anybody else get the feeling "Education Reporter" Lauren Camera and the rest of the gang over at U.S. News & World Report couldn't resist signaling their disapproval of Florida Gov. DeSantis signing the teacher carry bill?
Pride Goeth Before Destruction, and an Haughty Spirit Before a Fall
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[More] |
Speaking of being proud, she must not be of this, because she keeps ducking it.
A Reasoned Approach
Joe Biden: We Need to Deal with Second Amendment ‘Rationally [More]You know, shoot blindly off the balcony, through the door...
[Via Keith B]
Ãœber Alles
Uber driver: "I'm just asking for a livable wage" [More]He mistakes his "progressive" masters for people who care if he lives.
[Via Steve T]
Snitch Pool Getting Deeper
The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns. [More]And isn't it time we passed Gladys Kravitz's Law to close the Neighbor Loophole?
Murder By #MeToo: Man Beaten to Death After ‘Empowered’ Girl Makes False Sex Assault Claim - She wanted attention, and now an innocent man is dead as a result. [More]And naturally, the names of the "juveniles" will not be released.
My guess is the young reptiles are both more concerned with themselves at the moment than racked with guilt and remorse. Kinda like all those indignant "feminists" om social media who've suddenly discovered they can keep their mouths shut when a situation doesn't support their agenda.
[Via Mack H]
In Graphic Detail
2A Survived 11 Attacks [More]*Yet we still hear the lie that an individual rights "interpretation" is a recent gun lobby fiction.
* Click on graphic and then press "F" to display.
Let's Hear It for Background Checks!
A former FBI translator from Virginia was arrested on charges of obstructing a federal investigation over his connection to a terror suspect. [More]But...but...but rigorous...
[Via William T]
The Golden Shower State
It includes descriptions of anal sex, bondage and other sexual activity. [More]Give it a few years and the children will be required to pass "practical" exams to prove they have mastered skills and techniques.
[Via Geordan]
We're the Only Ones Uncut Enough
Jefferson State Community College campus police officer shoots person armed with machete [More]Good thing he was in the right place at the right time. Anyone else with the capability of doing it would be engaging in "criminal behavior."
Lewis said he heard multiple shots fired. "It was more than 25, more than 30,'' he said ... The suspect was treated by medics on the scene and then taken to UAB Hospital’s Trauma Center with potentially life-threatening injuries.That's why we need to limit these things to trained professionals.
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Life Imitating Art Enough
Officer Andria Heese struck Gabriella outside Columbia's Battle High School while she was trying to park on the sidewalk to watch students loading onto buses... Authorities have not yet said why the girl was on the sidewalk. [More]Hey, I remember that bumper sticker!
[Via bondmen]
Right-Wing NRA Terrorists Go on Urban Rampage
2 killed, 19 injured in violent St. Louis weekend, including 3 men who accidentally shot themselves [More]Let me guess: They're dying of whiteness?
[Via bondmen]
Odds Are?
Pennsylvania Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R) was met with thunderous applause at a Second Amendment rally as he discussed his intentions of impeaching Democrat Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto over new gun regulations. [More]Good, that would be the proper thing to do. Not to rain on his parade, but I'd be less cynical if a reliable prognosis for success accompanied the rhetoric.
[Via bondmen]
Blood Dance on Your Own Time, Bitches
STEM School students walk out of planned vigil, frustrated by political talk - Students who came to the event said they were frustrated to hear politicians speak, and the discussion turn to gun control. [More]Somebody should send this to Jack ... uh ... Kristof.
[Via cydl]
UPDATE: Looks like the Bradys are trying to do make sure the fingers point at Shannon instead of them.
[Via Michael G]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Honor' Is
We Have 2 Dead Young Heroes. It’s Time to Stand Up to Guns. It’s too late to save Kendrick Castillo and Riley Howell, but we can honor them by taking on gun violence. [More]Yes, being even more defenseless must be the answer!
"Taking on gun violence"? Is that anything like Russell Crowe fighting cancer?
Forgive me for wondering what Nicholas Kristof would be capable of doing compared to, say, an armed and trained teacher, or even someone who's not a pussy. I just realized he's one of the wormtongues spreading talking points for professional liars like Cory Booker to parrot.
[Via Roger J]
Godwin's Law Writ Large
A New York professor recently compared President Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association to Nazis when speaking about the president’s decision to withdraw from a United Nations agreement. [More]And the guy says he's a "socialist"...?
[Via Michael G]
'Connected to the Gettys'
The man’s name has not been released... [More]I read about this big Bel Air gun bust last night and figured I'd give it overnight to see if they'd get around to telling us "who."
Somebody's an inconvenient embarrassment to those he's connected to, and it looks like the ready light on the damage control/plausible deniability machine hasn't flashed on yet.
"Anonymous tip"-- why am I thinking divor... uh, no, I'm not going to speculate on that any more than I'm going to admit I'm wondering if he'll turn out to be a Democrat, because that could be wrong...
[Via Dave Licht]
First Responders
Kendrick Castillo
Brendan BialyScot Peterson was unavailable for comment because he was busy enjoying his $8,700/mo. pension and complaining about being a scapegoat.
Joshua Jones [More]
Meanwhile, Over at the Party of Tolerance and Diversity
Shooters in Colorado School Were Transgender, Trump-Hating, Democrats Who Love Obama [More]Damn right-wingers.
Captain Dunsel
This is the great difference between earlier innovations that increased human productivity and living standards and the AI robotic innovation that eliminates the need for humans and makes them redundant. [More]Who the blazes is Captain Dunsel?
Mr. Carlin explains.
And don't look to "universal basic income" for help.
There's a more ambitious plan at work here.
Make America Grande Again
The government is so overwhelmed by the border surge that it’s already released 168,000 illegal immigrant family members directly into communities, the government said Wednesday. [More]This is the work of enemies.
It's also a great way to spread disease.
And horrible deaths.
Our diversity makes us stronger!
Be Prepared
Pro-lifers: If you’re going to pray outside clinics, be prepared to defend yourselves [More]Be prepared to defend yourself regardless of what you're doing and where you are. Just know that your decision to place yourself into a volatile situation will be a factor in how you are judged if you take action.
As an aside, I've witnessed firsthand how screaming "progressives" inflict themselves on open carry activists, and it really puts to the lie the claim that seeing armed citizens scares them.
[Via Mack H]
Something Must Be Done. But What?
Laura Loomer made an emotional plea for Republicans to take action against social media censorship. [More]Unfortunately, when Republicans were in the position of holding the House, Senate and White House, they showed us what they weren't made of.
A few observations:
Her enemies love licking her tears of unfathomable sadness and a public breakdown does not play well with those unfamiliar with the credibility of her work. That said, I've found if you don't plead your own case, very few of those who get regular value from the work will step up to the defense, so good on Gateway Pundit for being her advocate.
Considering the ruinous effect a ban can have on one's livelihood, reputation and future employability, I'm surprised no lawyer has figured out a way to treat such actions -- taken without specific, objective criteria -- as libelous.
One other thought I haven't seen out there (except in tangentially-related form), and that's in order for FB, Twitter, YouTube, etc. to reach their markets, they rely on right-of-way easements across property lines. It would seem something could be done with that fact, maybe through ordinances requiring standards from ISP utilities.
Government FOIA Flouting Responsible for One Bump Stock ‘Conspiracy Theory’
I’m not trying to imply anything. I’m merely repeating the government’s words. If anyone infers more to it, that could quickly be cleared up if DOJ wanted to give some straight answers and not play games with FOIAs. Especially since they’ve given us more reasons to scratch our heads. [More]The game they're playing is bizarre and only adds to the speculation as to why we have to take legal actions and still can't get a simple straight answer. It's also bizarre how many gun forum loudmouths hiding behind screen names vent their hostility at those asking the questions.
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