Thursday, April 18, 2013
Update Two
Stewart Rhodes called in to report they filed a motion to overturn the permit revocation and the judge will consider it overnight. [More]More details on what you have to do to exercise basic "guaranteed" Constitutional freedoms in the birthplace of Liberty.
Sipsey Street Satellite
Vanderboegh is in MA with Stewart Rhodes. He asked me to give this update, because for some reason, he can't log in to post to SSI from where he is, so unless he gets that figured out, WarOnGuns may have to suffice as a temporary repository for his updates. Regardless of what happens with the motion to overturn the permit revocation, he plans to be on Lexington Green tomorrow, then later to speak in W. Springfield, and then they'll both go on to the Connecticut Citizens Defense League rally on Saturday.
"Our Democracy"
Isn't that what Obama always calls the Republic? So naturally, if he can't get enough votes from the representatives of the people, he'll rule by diktat. [Read]
What'll we be looking at first? Tampering with exports? Something else sure to screw us over and exact petty revenge?
In terms of pulling the gun bill, Chris Woodard advises Reid can bring it back at any time. Per a GOA alert:
What'll we be looking at first? Tampering with exports? Something else sure to screw us over and exact petty revenge?
In terms of pulling the gun bill, Chris Woodard advises Reid can bring it back at any time. Per a GOA alert:
Harry Reid’s bill (S. 649) is still on the floor of the Senate, and there are two scheduled votes that will take place tomorrow. Eventually, the Senate will vote on whether to end debate on the bill (known as cloture), but that vote won’t necessarily take place tomorrow. The Senate will need 60 votes to end debate, but if they can’t reach that threshold, the bill effectively dies. So GOA is telling Senators to vote AGAINST cloture on the bill, whenever that vote comes. ACTION: We think that we can defeat cloture on final passage of the bill. But, to be safe, GOA is encouraging activists to contact their Senators and urge them oppose cloture! You can reach them at 202-224-3121.[Via Andrea Shea King]
Oath Keepers Lexington rally endangered by ‘Bull Connor’ tactics
“That’s the same tactic used by Bull Connor,” citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh reminded Gun Rights Examiner this morning in a telephone interview while he was en route to the rally with Rhodes. He was referring to the notorious Commissioner of Public Safety for the city of Birmingham, who infamously told civil rights demonstrators “No, you will not get a permit in Birmingham, Alabama to picket. I will picket you over to the City Jail.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at a right delayed, and will be bringing in updates from Stewart and Mike as I get them.
Relock N Reload

When this show went live I was unaware of final tallying of Senate votes on the gun control bills. Oh the celebration.NY Guns called in to bring me up to speed, followed by a call from Executive Director of GOA-Larry Pratt in Colorado, and the a thorough deconstruction of events with Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea. [Listen]Here's the archive for last night's Lock N Load Radio show presnted by Gun Owners of America with host Bill Frady: Listen at your leisure.
The American Way
”If that vote had been a secret ballot, I bet you it would have passed with 80 votes,” Kelly told reporters.[More]Spoken like a true Cosmonaut and Hero of the Soviet Union...
[Via Florida Guy]
This Much Gun Control
Pretty cool for Mitch McConell to let this be posted on his Facebook page... [Read]
And he's taking a lot of heat for it, so "our side" really ought to show some support.
That is, if "our side" isn't just conceding this battlefield to the enemy.
[Via Doug Rink]
And he's taking a lot of heat for it, so "our side" really ought to show some support.
That is, if "our side" isn't just conceding this battlefield to the enemy.
[Via Doug Rink]
Empire Statists Doubling Down

My sources revealed that two prominent and well regarded Buffalo Area Psychiatrists received subpoenas from State Officials, possibly on Friday April 12th 2013, commanding them to turn over all of their patient files to the State. Details are sketchy at this early stage, but I have been told that both Doctors have in house counsel as well as potentially consulting with the Law Firm of Jim Tresmond, Firearms Law Specialist and the Attorney of Record for Mr Lewis. [More]The plot thickens.
A Message to the Astroturf

I am asking activists to unsubscribe from these senators’ e-mail lists and to stop giving them money. [More]You hear that, Mike Bloomberg?
What, Gabby doesn't actually believe that "90%" crap that Biden's "legitimate media" is hawking with the same lockstep talking points-parroting fervor exhibited the last time they all agreed to push that number, does she?
Does she really think that grassroots will wasn't reflected yesterday?
[Via Andrea Shea King]
No Consensus
Good. [Read]
Maybe they'll keep squabbling and don't enact "shall issue," everything will default to Constitutional Carry when the clock runs out on June 10.
Scott Drury, what a tool you are.
Anybody have any additional knowledge to bring to the issue of no acquittals?
[Via Andrea Shea King]
Maybe they'll keep squabbling and don't enact "shall issue," everything will default to Constitutional Carry when the clock runs out on June 10.
Scott Drury, what a tool you are.
Anybody have any additional knowledge to bring to the issue of no acquittals?
[Via Andrea Shea King]
These Be Thy gods, O Israel
A license is to be required to manufacture magazines? [More]Can there be any more dangerous and destructive fanatic than a state worshiper?
Tonight, on the Andrea Shea King Show
On Thursday night CJ will join me again on my radio program to talk about this incident, and what has unfolded since then.CJ? You know, this guy.
Listen in tonight at 9 Eastern.
OK. Here's how it'll work. You respect my rights and I'll respect you. [Read]
What? That's not what you had in mind?
You take what's mine from me under force of state arms and demand respect?
Don't you mean abject groveling obedience?
How is that different from some sub-moronic gangbanger demanding respect --or else?
And why shouldn't you get the same response I'd give him?
You fail, Trevor Burrus. I think Inigo would like to have a word with you.
What? That's not what you had in mind?
You take what's mine from me under force of state arms and demand respect?
Don't you mean abject groveling obedience?
How is that different from some sub-moronic gangbanger demanding respect --or else?
And why shouldn't you get the same response I'd give him?
You fail, Trevor Burrus. I think Inigo would like to have a word with you.
Meanwhile, Over at the Most Transparent Administration in History...
Why does the name "Andreas Carl Strassmeir" come to mind...? [Read]
We're the Only Ones Bad-Ap-Bap-Bap-Baa, I'm Lovin' It Enough
A police officer who was waiting in the drive-thru line at a McDonald's restaurant in Forsyth County is accused of pulling a gun on the customer ahead of him because the officer was angry at having to wait for his food. [More]Note to Det. Scott Biumi: I'd suggest it's you who don't know who you're messing with.
More than 20 years on the force, huh?
This Day in History: April 18
In this Case Congress and their Constituents, will all be Satisfied. They will have neglected no Duty in their Power, and the World will then see the Power and Resources of three or four Millions of virtuous Men, inhabiting a fine Country, when contending for every Thing, which renders human Life worth Supporting. [More]
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