Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We're the Only Ones GLBT-Bashing Enough

"Actually he was trying to get me to come over to where he was, and I responded by telling him that wasn't my name - that my mother didn't name me a 'faggot' or a 'he-she,' so he got upset and approached me. And that's when it started."
Somebody beats you in the head and face with cuffs, that's assault with a deadly weapon. It sure would be were the situation reversed.

As usual, we have the apologist telling us how this is an aberration and not the norm for the fine folks at the Memphis PD--but that doesn't explain why the animal felt free to administer a vicious beating right there in the main booking area--why no one stopped him--and why he was actually joined. It doesn't explain why the nurse ignored the victim.

All that is left to conclude is that it's not out of the ordinary, but rather, expected, condoned, encouraged, aided and abetted--and rewarded as long as you don't get caught.

And as usual, we know the victim's name but not the sociopathic, brutal "Only One."

We're the Only Ones Committing Highway Robbery Enough

Drivers caught speeding in this north Atlanta suburb soon will have to pay an extra $12 — to cover $4-a-gallon gas costs for the police officers who stop them.
Gotta keep Sergeant F..k-Buddy Morrison (!) from starving to death from the looks of things. Oh, I'm sorry, bad eyes, that's "F.K. 'Bucky'."

Without realizing it, "The Only Ones" are more and more becoming bad parodies of Dennis Moore:

Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore
Riding through the land
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore
Without a merry band
He steals from the poor.
And gives to the rich
Stupid bitch.

(Dennis Moore reins to sudden halt and looks over to camera.)

Dennis Moore:
What did you sing?

We sang... he steals from the poor and gives to the rich.

Dennis Moore:
Wait a tic... blimey, this redistribution of wealth is trickier than I thought.

[Via Zachary G]

Avoiding Tyranny

TSA has its rules and Williams has his, and one of mine is to avoid tyrants and idiots.
If only they'd let us.

True, we can for the most part avoid flying.

But the thugs impose themselves on us in so many other ways.

[Via AvgJoe]

We're the Only Ones Crotchety Enough

A prominent Hasidic businessman from Rockland County was arrested and charged with impersonating a gynecologist to allegedly sexually assault women.

To make matters worse, the already stunning allegation grew even more shocking when CBS 2 learned that a Rockland County police officer is accused of helping him.
Is this a case of an "Only One" taking matters into his own hands? I wonder who fingered him?

And I do apologize.

[Via Declan]

We're the Only Ones Making All that Racket Enough

A special prosecutor investigating the Perry Township constable's office has filed felony corruption charges in Marion Superior Court against Constable Roy Houchins and a former deputy.

The racketeering and theft-related charges center on accusations that two guns were inappropriately taken from a police property room and that sales of vehicles connected with the office also were improper.
See, this is why we need to close the "gun show loophole"! That and admit that "The Only Ones" are just plain more trustworthy than the rest of us.

[Via M.R. Jarrell]

We're the Only Ones Maintaining the Highest Integrity Enough

“We want to maintain the highest integrity within these specialized units,” Spears said...

Prosecutors say the officers stole cash and marijuana from drug dealers and resold the drugs through an Eastside music store.

Bill Owensby, president of the local Fraternal Order of Police chapter, said the union opposes polygraphs...
Yeah, the same FOP that supports all kinds of citizen disarmament--presumably so we won't be able to lift a finger when (alleged!) thugs like this union goon represents fix their predatory attention on us.

[Via M.R. Jarrell]

UPDATE: Armed & Christian shares some thoughts.

We're the Only Ones Treasonous Enough

[W]hen a cop tips off a terrorism suspect of an impending FBI raid, giving him time to destroy evidence, he isn't actually hanged. Nope, in our enlightened times he's allowed to remain on the force- and get paid no less- while Internal Affairs conduct an investigation. An investigation into matters which he has already admitted to and been found guilty of.
Cryptic Subterranean gives us yet more reasons why "Only Ones" are more trustworthy than the rest of us.

A Different Angle

From Brian F:
The image you posted doesn’t really show how ridiculous this only one is acting. Take a look at this one from a different angle. If the driver is so menacing, why does the only one in the background look like he is ready to fall asleep?

Maybe he's walking over, but you're right--he certainly doesn't look prepared to be in an area where such a police reaction is justified. The thing is, it's not the first time we've run into the phenomenon of threatening citizens with lethal force while others stand around with their thumbs up their...uh...their hands in their pockets.

Seeming Silly at the Beloit Daily News

Seem silly? So does concealed carry.

What's next? Duels?
When all they've got left is the tired old "Wild West" argument, you know they've reached the bottom of both their idea well and the Vagisil tube.

[Via Less]

Denver Prepares to Welcome Democrats

Denver police are stocking up on guns that fire a pepper spray-like substance instead of bullets - a less-lethal weapon used to disperse crowds - in advance of the Democratic National Convention.
Which gives me the semblance of an excuse to segue into this:
That's the old pepper, boy!
Maybe we'll get a chance to watch the left eat its own.

Pass the jalapeños.

[Via Dave Licht]

The Elephant Mystery in Memphis

Janikowski merged his computer map of crime patterns with Betts’s map of Section8 rentals.... the match was near-perfect. On the merged map, dense violent-crime areas are shaded dark blue, and Section8 addresses are represented by little red dots. All of the dark-blue areas are covered in little red dots, like bursts of gunfire. The rest of the city has almost no dots.

Earlier this year, Betts presented her findings to city leaders, including Robert Lipscomb, the head of the Memphis Housing Authority. From what Lipscomb said to me, he’s still not moved. “You’ve already marginalized people and told them they have to move out,” he told me irritably, just as he’s told Betts. “Now you’re saying they moved somewhere else and created all these problems? That’s a really, really unfair assessment. You’re putting a big burden on people who have been too burdened already, and to me that’s, quote-unquote, criminal.”
Huh. Who could have imagined this was so, or that the truth would have too many unsettling implications for most people to even listen to, let alone accept?

I guess it's better for our "leaders" to just keep the gravy train rolling. They can always blame a lack of "common sense gun laws" for the problem--it's not like the "Authorized Journalists" won't give 'em all the cover they need.

[Via ryanmguard]


Abigail Adam's astute analysis of the significance of Bunker Hill, referenced in today's "This Day in History" offering, provides the springboard for Mike Vanderboegh's latest, "Decisive."

Trouble is, it's posted at Mindful Musings and Western Rifle Shooters Association, and I can't decide which one to link to--so I just did both.

This Day in History: June 18

The Day; perhaps the decisive Day is come on which the fate of America depends.