I've been meaning to make a comment about a post at Joe Huffman's, that I found out about at Jed's.
It seems this BATFU character Tom Mangan is abusing his position to insert agenda-driven editorial comments into what should be straight news stories, and the "Authorized Journalists" are more than happy to let him get away with it. That the bureau under "Maximum Mike" hasn't reined in his shameless self promotion can only mean it serves Sullivan's purposes.
Maybe Mangan's interested in advancing in the ranks after the presidential elections, or bucking for a position over at Crime Gun Solutions/AHSA if things don't work out...?
Let's hope it's the latter. The thought of this guy getting even more power should not sit well with anyone interested in gun rights.
Monday, January 07, 2008
We're the Only Ones "Kid-Friendly" Enough
A retired police officer, who once toured grade schools with a talking motorcycle, was sentenced Thursday to more than 19 years in prison for child rape and other offenses involving young relatives...Hey kids, wanna rev Harvey's throttle...?
As an officer, Giles appeared with Harvey, the talking motorcycle, in a grade school program designed to make police less scary...
[Via KABA Newslinks]
[More from "The Only Ones" Files]
GUNS Magazine: January 1958

SOLDIERS SINCE the world was young have been "souvenir hunters," fetching home everything from dames to diamonds. Uncle Sam's wandering warriors are champs (or chumps) in the souvenir department, whether they collect by "liberation" or by purchase with cigarettes or GI chocolate rations. And the first prize in the World War II souvenir grab bag was--a foreign pistol. Judging by the number of European pocket automatics in this country today, every GI must have come home with his pockets loaded.I'm surprised no one in the gun ban camp has gone hysterical over "The Greatest Generation Loophole"--there must be hundreds of thousands of these "weapons of war designed solely to kill people" still out there "on the street."
This isn't the only thing that's changed in 50 years, as you'll see when you click on the title link (Note: It's a big file, so if you're on dial up, be warned). The January 1958 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online.
Refuge, New York Times Style
They also appear to have forgotten that national parks and refuges are federal lands, set aside as peaceful preserves for all the species that enjoy them, including humans. Ready-to-fire guns have no place in them.You tell 'em, New York Times.
We're the Only Ones Killing Over Drugs Enough
Police shot a woman to death and injured her 1-year-old son during a raid on the home of a man charged with a drug crime, police said SaturdayIn another account, we find:
[Wilson] was killed by police as she held her baby...As long as we have the militarization of "Only Ones," the war on citizens will produce "collateral damages." For those inclined to judge the adults living in the house as having brought things on themselves, it could be just a matter of time before the contraband being sought is firearms--and think how much more incentive the invasion force will have to come in heavy and on edge when they're expecting armed-to-the-teeth occupants.
[O]fficers were aware that children were inside the home because there were toys in the yard outside and on the front porch.
[Via Jeff R]
We're the Only Ones Justified Enough
The sheriff said the decision to use SWAT team force was justified because the father was a "self-proclaimed constitutionalist" and had made threats and "comments" over the years.Oh, so that explains it. When I originally read that "Nearly a dozen members of a police SWAT team in western Colorado punched a hole in the front door and invaded a family's home with guns drawn," I couldn't help but wonder if such a massive "Only One" response was justified because somebody's butt crack was showing...
[Via joefm]
Oops, They Did It Again
The LAPD has denied that they swooped on Britney Spears’ Beverly Hills mansion because there was a gun in the house.Then why the need for "At least six police cars, an ambulance, a fire engine and even a police helicopter..."?
Maybe her butt crack was showing?
[Via Sebastian, who has more]
This Day in History: January 7
Royal Governor to East Florida, Patrick Tonyn, wrote to Lord Germain that the estates of Sir James Wright (Royal Governor of Georgia and South Carolina) and others had been seized in Georgia. A Battery was also being built at Tybee Island, GA.
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