Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has stated that it is legal in Wisconsin for citizens to carry guns openly in a peaceful manner. However, Chief Flynn is ordering his officers to “take down” citizens, “put them on the ground” and disarm them, and “then decide whether you have a right to carry it.” [More]Here's more substantiation.
Well, there's only one thing to do, since he is illegally demanding that citizens be arrested under color of authority--send in an anonymous tip demanding his arrest.

Won't you join me?
Come on people, invest one minute. And let's see if we can't get this idea spread all over.
Let's put his arrogant/elitist "Only One" ass "on the ground."
UPDATE: Everyone is reporting an error message when the tip form is submitted. It doesn't mean they're not getting them, but we have no way of knowing. Anyway, there's more than one way to skin a cat--here's their Contact Us" edress: