Postcard of Cause :

Cause for Concern:

Just Because:

Note that telling them you have an unalienable Constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep and bear arms is not acceptable as good cause. Is everyone starting to get the picture?
Notes from the Resistance...
School hid rapes of four 1st-gradersAnd this has what do do with gun rights?
Student, 12, was allowed to stay in school after first assault
The case has also illustrated how difficult it can be under the law for parents to hold a school system responsible for the safety of their children...I'd say this shocks my conscience:
In federal court last month, the district’s lawyer, John Freund III, argued that under the Constitution school officials cannot be held responsible simply for failing to protect youngsters from assaults by other students.
He cited federal court rulings that say school systems are generally immune from paying damages unless it can be shown that they actually took “affirmative” steps that put youngsters in danger, and that the action taken “shocks the conscience.”
First, we believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel.
Farmington police say that a 25-year-old man with a history as a sex offender has entered a middle school at least ten times while dressed as a police officer.Why do you think they call him "Officer Friendly"?
When two men delivering furniture for a reputable retailer end up getting shot by a customer, something has gone terribly wrong. When the shooter is a police officer and the incident took place in Prince George's County, alarm bells go off -- uh-oh, here we go again, say residents who have lived through all too many cases involving overzealous cops."Out here, I am the court" just about says it all, doesn't it?
Then, when the police department leaps to the shooter's defense -- announcing initially, before any investigation, that the unarmed deliverymen would probably be charged with assault -- the groans of exasperation grow louder. [More]
Future New Jersey Governor Joseph Bloomfield becomes captain of the third New Jersey Regiment of Foot in the Continental Army on this day in 1776.