Here are the results of last week's poll (click on image to enlarge):

Most of you think SCOTUS will once more duck the critical issue of our time. I hope you're wrong.
Notes from the Resistance...
See, this is where so-called “conservative” news outlets are either ignorant of the particulars or flat out BS’ing us—either one being inexcusable when presenting themselves as "authorities" on the matter. Plain and simple, NRA tried to kill this case— first, they advised the lawyers representing Parker and the others not to pursue it. When that didn’t work, they filed a copycat complaint that added complications and tried to get the courts to merge their case with Parker—over the objections of its attorneys. Then, when that was not approved, their political allies began working on a bill where congress would overrule the DC gun control, which would have made a court ruling on Parker unnecessary.
These just keep coming- I see what you mean about not deliberately looking for them too.
Remember the police officer in the UK who was caught doing 159mph? He was acquitted, then found guilty and has now been let off again. All because of his “skills”.
Another for your files- Baltimore police sprang into action to arrest a 7 year old for sitting on a bike on the sidewalk. Not only did they forcibly drag him off the bike and yell at him, they arrested him, handcuffed him to a bench in the station and interrogated him.
I think I may be beginning to see why Baltimore has a crime problem…
Red's Trading Post is currently under fire from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). On March 5th our license to acquire firearms was revoked and is pending appeal in federal court. In the meantime we are still able to continue selling as we always have.
A 2004 audit by the ATF claims to have uncovered several minor clerical errors. Out of nearly10,000 firearms transferred between 1996 and 2004, the alleged error rate found was not even a full percentage point. There were no missing firearms, and no willful illegal acts.
This is not just happening to us though and is becoming a common trend throughout the United States...
It appears to be the usual purging of gun dealers, but the thing that really bothers me is the "patriot" response to the incident as seen on several forum boards. I think "we" have really lost our way. Everyone jumps on the victim, because today being a "good gun-owner" is taking pride in your ability to jump through all the master's hoops and survive all the "laws". We think we are somehow good because we are "law-abiding"(not necessarily a term to be proud of), while the victim in not. Not realizing that when it is our turn, the enemy will have a way of making us "law-un-abiding".If you really want to grind my gears, let me read some chatroom warrior criticizing a gun owner for getting busted with a complaint along the lines of "He knew better and chose to break the law. He deserves what's coming. He makes us all look bad."
We will wish we came to the aid of such people that came under fire, instead of abandoning them. We do not hang together for this reason, and then we wonder why it gets worse. I think the MSGM (Mainstream Gun Movement) is politically-correct and over-concerned about their image in the face of criticism. We worry about how we will be viewed when targeted by the dishonest accusations of the enemy, and make the mistake of capitulating to their ridiculous arguments, instead of refuting them. We have adopted the NICS, whimpered about how we are "law-abiding" while the enemy uses the color of the law to deprive us of our rights, and turn our backs on people like Ryan(the dealer) because he tripped on the bureaucratic red-tape trip-wires that were put there for the very purpose of driving dealers out of business.
John Coffin won't spend any more time in jail for beating up two sheriff's deputies inside his house, striking one in the head with a Taser gun he took from the other...
But Coffin, 56, had a right to defend his family and property because the deputies had no right to be in Coffin's house in the first place...
After four months of widespread protest in America, the British Parliament repeals the Stamp Act, a taxation measure enacted to raise revenues for a standing British army in America.