"What’s being passed at this point in time doesn’t intrude on the Second Amendment,” Scott flat-out lied. “It doesn’t take away their guns, and I believe that we will get accustomed to the new normal.” [More]Mike Vanderboegh had a workaround for bans. And I have a feeling Gov. Scott wouldn't want to open the door if it was Ethan Allen knocking.
Monday, April 02, 2018
Republican Governor’s Betrayal in Vermont Shows How Public Ignorance Lets Practiced Liars Say Anything
The American Conservative?
I support gun owners’ rights, but I would like to see significantly greater restrictions on access to weaponry. [More]I missed this when it first came out.
Where did they find this idiot?
And these people consider themselves more "conservative" than the "conservative" National Review?
Yes, Inigo? By all means, weigh in:
[Via Felix B]
And Everybody Smile when You Shout 'Welcome!'
Judge To Tennessee: You’ll Take Refugees Whether You Want To Or Not [More]Because nothing quite says "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" than having your own government force foreign invaders on you.
What's the judge's name? Who's responsible for elevating him to a position with that kind of power?
Finally, an Anti-Gun Protest I Can Get Behind
Howard University Students Occupy Building Demanding Police Disarm [More]Right on, and not just because I believe no group of citizens should enjoy rights withheld from the people, but also because I'm rooting for Howard to keep its championship crown.
[Via Michael G]
From the Same Student Leaders Wise Enough to Extol the Virtues of Citizen Disarmament
The latest social media craze among teens involves snorting an unwrapped condom up your nose and pulling it through your throat, but the so-called “condom challenge” puts young people at risk for choking and other hazards, authorities say. [More]May I suggest following it up with a swallowing challenge?
Strange Bedfellows
PornHub has banned gun videos. [More]I can't say I blame them. That's not what either of us are here for.
I see some are presuming this to be an April Fools joke. I don't know, but my opinion stands. As does my opinion of those making money off firearms but refusing to protect the right.
We're the Only Ones Cut Off Enough
New York Passes Bill Prohibiting Sex Between Police Officers And People In Custody [More]Really?
How has it been legal?
[Via Jess]
Nothing Short of Treason
Texas County Hit With Lawsuit for Concealing Records of Noncitizens Registered to Vote [More]Sounds like a capital crime to me...
[Via Jess]
A Dangerous Presumption
"Through cooperative investigation and prosecution of illegal firearm purchases, we have successfully taken dozens of illegal firearms out of the hands of dangerous criminals, which has undoubtedly saved lives," Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Kilmartin said. [More]How? As long as they're too dangerous to be trusted with a gun, how can they ever be trusted without a custodian?
[Via Jess]
Controlling the Language
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Changes Definition Of ‘Assault Rifle’ After Parkland Shooting [More]Ah yes, dictionary politics and the language of dystopia...
Remember when there was no double entendre in having "a gay old time"?
[Via Jess]
The Bump Stock Comment SNAFU
Bear follows up on dockets changing and comments disappearing. [More]
This has been going on for a few days now. There's still no official admission nor acknowledgement that all comments submitted will be located and included, which makes me wonder what we need to do to get some Oversight...
This has been going on for a few days now. There's still no official admission nor acknowledgement that all comments submitted will be located and included, which makes me wonder what we need to do to get some Oversight...
Close But No Cigar
I strongly support the right to bear arms. I don’t care about or believe that garbage about a well-armed militia. The Second Amendment was put in place and obtained its lofty position as the “Second Amendment” right behind the most essential amendment giving us free speech etc., etc., for a reason. [More]First, you need to care about the "well regulated militia." The "garbage" part is the unfounded insistence that the right is "collective." But militia membership as a duty and a birthright is the main legal argument left for proving SCOTUS-reognized Founding intent that the people have a right to "arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time [and] the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear … ordinary military equipment … that … could contribute to the common defense.”
Second, what's this "giving" presumption about?
[Via Sam Adams 1776]
Young at Heart
Here’s who actually attended the March for Our Lives. (No, it wasn’t mostly young people.) [More]In fairness, anyone so fixated on the forced surrender of rights over reality-denying delusions can't really be considered a fully-developed adult.
[Via Michael G]
When Tools are Outlawed
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[More] |
And no, this was not originated on an April Fool's Day post.
Meanwhile, wielders welcome.
[Via Michael G]
Not in Lockstep
About 75 Rockledge High School students walk out of class to support Second Amendment [More]Uh-oh, dissension in the ranks. We can't allow that.
I mean, haven't we already established that black Conservatives are Uncle Toms and white Republican women are brainless pawns of their domineering husbands?
Time to start scouring the troublemakers' social media posts to find something that can be used for ad hominem attacks...
[Via Michael G]
Talking Smack
Flynn’s son: Parkland student Hogg’s parents didn’t ‘smack’ him enough growing up [More]I get the sentiment, but there are superior ways to raise respectful sons. This will not work out well.
[Via Andy M]
To Protest Guns on Campus, Students in Texas Are Carrying Big, Fake Penises to Class [More]Oh, gosh-- now that they put it that way, I give up.
[Via Florida Guy]
But No One's Talking About Taking Your Guns
First off, kudos to Black for making his argument explicit: he wants total gun confiscation. [More]And he wants it done by men with guns representing an unopposable state.
Who thinks you can offer up a "compromise" to such as these?
[Via Jess]
Captain's Log
* It looks like the mags were 30-rounders and the "correction" is that they're recognized as "standard capacity."
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
London murder rate is HIGHER than New York's for the first time ever after TWELVE killings in just 19 days [More]I wonder if the victims were thrilled they hadn't been shot.
The aptly-named Cressida Dick is right about one thing: They "will not police [their] way out of this problem."
[Via William T]
Any Chair in a Bar Fight
‘SHUT THE F*CK UP’! Comfortably Smug GOES OFF on David Hogg over this shot at John McCain ]More]Yeah, I know: McCain.
VLLA SELLA 'n all that.
[Via Michael G]
Fair Weather Friend
Michigan’s GOP Rep. Mike Bishop Drops Gun Rights Support From His Website [More]I'd be inclined to drop support for Mike Bishop on election day, and make it known why.
Yes, of course that has a cost. But if you don't make an example out of defectors, you'll be inviting full scale desertion.
[Via Stephen M]
A 'Victim of Gun Violence'
In sentencing Moore to less time, Bauman said he took into account Moore’s willingness to spare Graves’ family the anguish of a trial by pleading guilty in the case. The judge said he also considered another factor. That factor is that this defendant, himself, was the victim of gun violence when a bullet fired by someone tore through his lung and his liver, almost killing him," Bauman said. [More]Gee, thanks, Moore. That's mighty nice of you.
So once more white racists and the NRA had no part in this?
And talk about a perfect example of "the law" at work. I wonder, if a man-eating tiger were sentenced to 12 years, if Judge Bauman would be willing to stand in front of the cage door when it was opened. With his family...
[Via Sons of Reagan]
Florida Gun Owners: Mark Your Calendars
Florida Carry's First Ever Second Amendment March [More]Saturday the 7th: you have the rest of the week to prepare.
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