These are some of the statements that are made about the ATF in their recruitment video:Me, I like where BATFU tells us they have their "roots going back to the creation of the American Constitution" (yeah, like enforcers for tyrants were the reason the Founders wanted to place strong, unequivocal restraints on the central government).
*The one phrase that defines an ATF Agent is someone that is committed to improving the public's quality of life.
*One of the best and most respected federal law enforcement agencies
*Voted best places to work in the federal government
*Self motivated people who seek a sense of honor and loyalty
*Strive to uphold the highest level of standards and integrity
*Value each other, as well as the citizens we serve
*Exciting place to work with many wonderful people

I'm also relieved to know that--at least when they stage takedowns for the camera using stand-ins for "criminals," they look like they know how to apply proper restraint, as opposed to what happens in the real world.
And I repeat my call to make sure all required-by-law federal procurement regulations were followed in the making of these videos. Too bad Leni Riefenstahl passed on. She would have been a natural at producing these...