I just finished it last night. My editor at GUNS Magazine has OK'd a review, which I'll work on this week.
I'll tell you this much: It exceeded my expectations.
Notes from the Resistance...
The police department's manual of rules prohibits officers from using their names, photographs and positions in a campaign for elected office.
However, a department spokesman said the ad does not appear to violate the "letter" of the rule because Kozicki is identified as a "police captain," not an Oakland police captain.
Although Kozicki's captain bars are pinned to the collar of his department-issued blue uniform, he is not wearing his badge and his Oakland Police Department shoulder patch is taped over. No Oakland insignia can be seen.
Associate professor of philosophy Preston Covey, esteemed scholar and husband of library faculty member Denise Troll Covey, died at home last Monday. He was 64.
The LA County Gun Task Force has served another search warrant on the home of another member of the fifty caliber community. On Monday September 18th, eighteen police cars swarmed the neighborhood where the FCSA member lives and served a search warrant signed by Judge Steven Kleifield of the LA County Superior Court. The officers were at the residence for several hours and confiscated all semi-automatic firearms belonging to the victim...
It should be noted the LA Gun Task Force used "High Risk" entry tactics by sending a SWAT Entry team to make the initial entry into the victim's residence. Gun owners in LA County need to be prepared to expect these kinds of entry tactics and respond to commands from any officers if you are contacted.
FCI wants everyone to be aware that the LA County Gun Task Force is lead by agents from BATFE; LAPD and LASO. They appear to have focused their attention on members of the fifty caliber community and are aggressively trying to arrest law abiding citizens for just being "Gun Owners"...
John Burtt, Chmn
I then asked the DOJ overlords, “If we defy your terms of dictated surrender, how many SWAT raids do you estimate it will take to crush and destroy us? And how many patriots, including military and police personnel and their family members, are you and your masters in Sacramento willing to imprison or murder enforcing this treasonous edict?"You can't play nice with these people. You can't rely on "authorized journalists" to stir up community support by printing the truth. And you certainly can't preserve the Second Amendment by retaining a lawyer to arrange confiscation of your firearms--that is unless you believe surrender is the way gun owners should respond to The War on Guns.
...The DOJ flack standing at the microphone said, "None," which is a transparent lie, as the California Attorney General has pledged to vigorously enforce both Roberti-Roos and SB-23, and they spent much of the evening telling us how they intended to do so. In essence, this liar, acting in his official capacity as a law enforcement official, told a crowd of citizens at a public meeting, in direct response to a specific question, that they have no plans to enforce the law and prosecute resisters. As the Members’ Council had a camcorder running during the meeting, I hope they save the tape as evidence should some hapless citizen be prosecuted because he took this agent at his word.
After aborting a poorly planned and ill-timed attack on the British-controlled city of Montreal, Continental Army Colonel Ethan Allen is captured by the British on this day in 1775. After being identified as an officer of the Continental Amy, Allen was taken prisoner and sent to England to be executed.