I know I'm just a lowly member of the unorganized militia 'n all, but would someone please mind telling me just what in bloody freaking hell Command SGT Major Daniel Luke is doing posing on a world government-lobbying gungrabber site, in uniform, in blatant violation of Army Regulation 670–1, Uniforms and Insignia, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia, Part One General Information and Responsibilities, Chapter 1 Introduction, 1–10. When the wear of the Army uniform is required or prohibited:
j. Wearing Army uniforms is prohibited in the following situations:?
(1) In connection with the furtherance of any political or commercial interests, or when engaged in off-duty civilian employment
You guys are still under civilian authority, right? So why is one of your noncoms out there exploiting the uniform and insignias of service, and undermining the unalienable right of sovereign American Citizens, by appealing to international authorities to regulate arms in contravention of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights--especially after the representative designated by the Commander in Chief has specifically repudiated global gun control as the administration's official position?
Note: I tried to check up on Sgt. Luke on the off-chance that someone posted his picture on the IANSA site without his authorization, or God forbid, that he died in service and a relative posted it. There's not much out there, but as this is a violation regardless, the Army should investigate.
UPDATE: The name tag on the above photo looks like it says "Diaz," not "Luke." I have been able to find some search hits for a Command SGT Major Daniel Luke Diaz, and if this is the same person, some of the posts ostensibly made by him say he is retired. I have no idea if the Army has recourse in this--I'm not sure what authority they would have to do anything but request that IANSA remove the picture. Whether or not--assuming this is willful--they would have any ability to pursue this with a retired sergeant is a matter for people knowledgeable in such matters.
UPDATE 2: Here we go. Hey Sarge, did you post your picture on the Million Faces website or is somebody doing this without your consent?
UPDATE 3: The Army just arrived.