Prosecutors have charged an Orange County sheriff's deputy with detaining prostitutes and then sexually assaulting them in his patrol car.And just think--had any of them been armed, "Only One" Rodriguez would have arrested them. That's a pretty neat trick in itself.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
We're the Only Ones Up to Our Old Tricks Enough
Guess Again
Musser’s proposal is going to cost money. Vendors who sell hunting licenses would need the ability to do background checks on those making the purchases.
But our guess is the citizens of Wisconsin would be willing to pay a little extra to make sure felons with a history of violence aren’t roaming the fields with loaded weapons during hunting season.
Let's see, criminals are breaking the law, so we need a new law, and we need to put the burden on everybody else. And God forbid criminals would break yet another law and just poach.
I don't know how hunting licenses are issued in Wisconsin and just don't have time now to slog through this, but my guess is they can be had at small general stores in remote little towns...? Somebody from there help me out here.
I don't see how a mom and pop operation would be equipped to deal with background checks, and this seems designed to drive a lot of them out of the process altogether. Of course, this could just be a ploy to drastically curtail hunting, which wouldn't surprise me a bit.
Note to hunters: If this doesn't convince you that gun owners of all stripes must join in opposing all infringements, you're simply not paying attention. You can't throw EBRs under the bus and expect it won't be your ox getting gored next.
The Winning Team
The Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office again bested eight other major police units in Western Visayas , in the enforcement of the Comelec gun ban during the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections on Oct. 29, police records show.I will not go for the cheap shot...
I will not go for the cheap shot...
I w...
‘Top Tory Twit’
WELSH MP David Davies said that being named as a “Top 10 Tory Twit” will not shake his faith in the suitability of Taser guns as household weapons.Even a Taser is over the top for the UK intelligentsia. Gosh, if Davies is a twit, what kind of drooling moron must that make someone like me in the eyes of David Williamson?
Sad, really--all I ever wanted was the respect of snotty herbivores.
And Now, from the Cradle of Liberty...
Boston police are launching a program that will call upon parents in high-crime neighborhoods to allow detectives into their homes, without a warrant, to search for guns in their children's bedrooms.No, it's based on the premise that livestock depends on handlers for every aspect of existence--from feeding time, to which pen to be ushered into...
The program, which is already raising questions about civil liberties, is based on the premise that parents are so fearful of gun violence and the possibility that their own teenagers will be caught up in it that they will turn to police for help, even in their own households.
World record holding Xtreme Sport Shooter Patrick Flanigan fires 12 shells in just 1.442 seconds with the Winchester Super X3 Shotgun!Don't anybody tell the Bradys or BATFU...
Watch the video--it really is cool.
[Via SameNoKami]
In His Scholarly Decision
In his scholarly decision, Gerstein adopts the view that the Second Amendment was enacted to protect of state militias from the federal government and not to declare the individual’s right to possess arms. With the disappearance of state militias, courts have generally held, the purpose of the Second Amendment is moot. Parker is "founded on a revisionist view of the Constitutional Convention, which view is far from generally accepted," said Gerstein.
More likely, Gernstein is just another in a long train of black-robed subversives bent on undermining the Natural Rights of his victims.
What is "generally accepted" today is very different than what was "generally accepted" by the Framers. Thanks in no small part to damage done over the years by despicable revisionists like Judge Gernstein.
One other thing this case illustrates is the folly of avoiding Second Amendment challenges by our "gun rights leaders." Anybody can claim a 2A defense. Is that the case we want moving forward, or would it best serve our interests to have one carefully crafted with all the resources and scholarship that can be mustered to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome?
[Via 1894C, via Alphecca]
Georgia On My Mind

Many Georgians assume that Georgia adopted its gun control laws for public safety reasons. They never stop to ask, why does Georgia ban carry at “public gatherings” generally when no other state does so, or why is Georgia one of only 12 states that requires a firearms license to carry a pistol openly? GCO Board member Mike Menkus asked these questions, and he then devoted months to researching the answers. Shocked by what he discovered, he decided to put them into a written form. The shocking title is stolen from an editorial title in the Atlanta newspaper, and GCO cannot help but observe that the Atlanta newspaper’s editorial stance on the right to bear arms seems not to have changed very much in the intervening century.GCO issues special report called “DISARM THE NEGROES - The Racist Roots of Georgia’s Gun Laws”. This report documents the ugly history of Georgia’s gun laws. As the Atlanta Journal made clear in their paper, the intent of Georgia’s gun laws was to disarm the Negroes. After reading this report, you will have a clearer understanding of the advocates of gun control in Georgia.Mike wants GCO members to know the truth behind Georgia’s restrictive gun laws. Read Mike’s report here.
Go. Read. Download and save for reference.
Great, great job. What a service Mike Menkus has done for us. Thank you, Mr. Menkus.
[Via Ed Stone]
During this segment, the interviewer peppered Edwards with a series of questions asking if he considered each a right or a privilege. In response to the proposition of “owning a handgun,” and following a pregnant pause, came the former Senator’s one word answer: “privilege.”
The Breck Girl proves he's unfit for citizenship, let alone elected office.
See video here.
This Day in History: November 17
Congress submits the Articles of Confederation to the states for ratification.
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