Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:
Paul Valone/Charlotte:
Is Governor Perdue lying about North Carolina State of Emergency?
Anthony Bouchard/Cheyenne:
Governor Freudenthal pardons close friend, former District Attorney Kevin Meenan
Sean McClanahan/Des Moines:
Hurricane Earl blows in - North Carolina blows away gun rights
Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
Guns in restaurants revisited (again)
Dave Workman/Seattle:
Federal case against Seattle gun ban dropped; SAF-NRA lawsuit still alive
Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:
You're helping encourage all these fine folks' efforts by visiting their sites and passing along their links, right?
Friday, September 03, 2010
NAACP Slavery Enablers, a joint venture of the NAACP, Think Progess, Media Matters and New Left media, offer this photo from the Glenn Beck rally as an example of racist "Tea Party extremism."

What they don't explore is whether or not the man's message is true. Shall we see?
All they have are lies.

What they don't explore is whether or not the man's message is true. Shall we see?
Slavery persists in parts of Mauritania even though it was banned in 1981...Human rights groups say despite official denials the practice continues and is widespread.Human Rights Watch:
In this contemporary form of slavery government-backed and armed militia of the Baggara tribes raid to capture children and women who are then held in conditions of slavery in western Sudan and elsewhere. They are forced to work for free in homes and in fields, punished when they refuse, and abused physically and sometimes sexually. Raids are directed mostly at the civilian Dinka population of the southern region of Bahr El Ghazal. The government arms and sanctions the practice of slavery by this tribal militia, known as muraheleen, as a low cost part of its counterinsurgency war against the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), which is identified with the Dinka tribe of southern Sudan.Guardian UK:
The minimum estimate is that 43,000 people are in slavery across Niger. It is based on research by Timidria, a local human rights organisation, and Anti-Slavery International. The research involved more than 11,000 face-to-face interviews in six regions of the country, constituting the most comprehensive survey of slavery in Niger to date.USA Today:
Poverty has forced at least 225,000 children in Haiti's cities into slavery as unpaid household servants, far more than previously thought, a report said Tuesday.Well--that took all of five minutes.
All they have are lies.
We're the Only Ones Straight-Bashing Enough
“Who knows, AnnMarie, accidents happen, they could find you in the back parking lot with blood pouring out of your head.’’ [More]See, I don't think I'd be filing a complaint under those circumstances.
I wouldn't want anyone else to know about it. I'd want to keep it just between us.
[Via Ed M]
We're the Only Ones Better [hic!] Trained En...What the Hell YOU Lookin' At?

"BSSA testified that 'guns and alcohol don't mix' and that it was OK for officers to be in bars because they are better trained." [More]No doubt.
So... Davis is it? Did you start out wanting to be a professional liar or is that a career you just found over the years that you had a knack for?
The Metal Canister Terror!

Why not just give our enemies a list to tell them ways to bring everything to a grinding halt?
[Via Ed M]
Find Your Inner Moron
If I was a committed anti-gunner who wanted to perpetuate the stereotype of gun owners as slack-jawed hicks, I don't think I could have done a better job of it than NRA with this idiotic commercial.
Chuck Norris may approve it. I not only find it stupid and counterproductive, I also wonder how much money this cost, and who got the sweetheart deal to make it.
Kind of makes me want to respond to one of their interminable solicitations and write them a big fat check. While saying "Gol-lee!" like a cartoon knuckle-dragging rustic boob...
Is this really what they think of their members?
Chuck Norris may approve it. I not only find it stupid and counterproductive, I also wonder how much money this cost, and who got the sweetheart deal to make it.
Kind of makes me want to respond to one of their interminable solicitations and write them a big fat check. While saying "Gol-lee!" like a cartoon knuckle-dragging rustic boob...
Is this really what they think of their members?
Manning Up to Harry
No organization does more to protect our right to keep and bear arms than the National Rifle Association, and when you go against the NRA, you get thumped. Just ask Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. [More]Yeah, and while you're at it, ask him about that $5K the Fairfax manly men thumped into his campaign treasury, and why they refuse to man up and and endorse Sharron Angle.
What is it with "conservatives" lately..."
The Washington Times, Terry Jeffrey, Chris Ruddy...
I take it back. I know better than that. It's not just "lately."
Left Behind
One of those mothers is Mildred Carrion, whose 17-year-old son, Roberto, was fatally shot in the head last year as he and a group of teenagers played with a gun she didn't even know he possessed. [More]God forbid knowledge should be a factor in this. I guess the answer is to disarm you and me.
Anybody know if New Jersey has tried "gun control"? Because that seems to be where Bruce Lowry is going with this, and he must be better informed than we are, because he writes for a newspaper and everything...
It's Always Gunny in Philadelphia
On Monday, Sutton said, she was awakened by incessant pounding on her back door about 8 a.m. She looked out of the window and saw two men and a woman at her back door, peering in her window.HAH! That's all the excuse we need!
Scared, Sutton said she grabbed her gun and held it at her side as she answered the door. [More]
Just like with these compliant saps! [UPDATE: Did you catch the quote from Lt. Fran Healey about officer safety coming before rights? ]
What? Go after these guys instead?
What are you, nuts? We want to go home at the end of our shift!
A Diller, A Dollar...
America is responsible for Mexican drug cartels...As to the guns, there aren’t any magic policy bullets, but closing down the gun shops arrayed at the border, possibly though zoning laws, is a good start. [More]"Jacob Bronsther, a law student at New York University and former Fulbright Scholar" said it, I believe it, that settles it.
I mean, Clinton was a Fulbright scholar, too...
The question now is, do Los Zetas believe it...? Or would they happily saw this silly fool's head off and stuff his remains in a metal drum?
I mean, they never went to no fancy Americano school or nothing...
An Attractive Nuisance
Interim Police Chief Ralph Godbee Jr. said every gun turned in will be destroyed and is one less gun that could potentially be stolen if there is a home invasion. [More]Yeah, Ralph, that's what guns are for, to be stolen by home invaders.
That's what would happen with yours, right?
Oh, I forgot, you're a highly trained Detroit "Only One."
How nice you guys have the resources for this. It's not like there are any real problems there to address.
Plus, it gives Cleveland a comparative motto.
Westchester 'firearm safety' claim shows media bias
If these gun owners had not shown a willingness to obey laws by registering their guns and getting licenses/permits in the first place, the "Only Ones" wouldn't even know who to invade.
And the arrogance of the legislators in dismissing gun owner concerns is typical of those who perceive a lock on political power. Like all bullies, they love to rub it in the faces of those they lord over who may have the gall to protest their rule. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows yet one more example of what the New York police state thinks of "law-abiding gun owners."
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