Friday, November 03, 2017
The Party of Criminals
Restored Voting Rights for Felons Could Tip VA Gov Race [More]Why else do you think he did it?
And what does it say about someone who trusts you enough to vote for Democrats but doesn't think you're responsible and trustworthy enough to own a gun?
[Via Michael G]
I am a Gun Kapo and Infringements Start with Me
Harvard School of Public Health’s list of scientific literature shows an overwhelming connection between gun ownership and gun violence. Researchers found that where there are higher levels of gun ownership, there are more gun suicides, more gun homicides, and more accidental gun deaths. [More]That's not what the link you embedded to corroborate your point says:
I assume you understand the legal and moral differences between ownership and mere possession, and how including the latter in conclusions about the former is an intentional tainting of results commonly done to advance an agenda.
If you don't, you have no business presenting yourself as an authority. If you do, you have no business presenting yourself as objective.
I'll take "progressive" deceiver for $200, Alex...
Welcome to the Party, Pals
A total of 115 employees, including journalists and ad salesmen, are now out in the cold. [More]So they're not as vitally important to everything as they thought they were?
What If They Gave a Riot and Nobody Came?
The intent is to provoke low-hanging fruit into hysterical overreaction and doing something stupid the commies can then point to and smear those they hate with. [More]
What would be better is letting them be the ones to make alienating asses of themselves, and to let their low-hanging fruits be the ones to explode in impatience and frustration.
If left to their own devices, my guess would be you'd see pathetic turnouts that would dwindle as it becomes apparent individual commitments and endurance are required to sustain the efforts.
[Via Neil W]
What would be better is letting them be the ones to make alienating asses of themselves, and to let their low-hanging fruits be the ones to explode in impatience and frustration.
If left to their own devices, my guess would be you'd see pathetic turnouts that would dwindle as it becomes apparent individual commitments and endurance are required to sustain the efforts.
[Via Neil W]
Beat That Dead Horse
WSJ's WH Reporter Bashes Trump for Not Calling for Execution of Already-Dead Las Vegas Shooter [More]I liked how everybody at the table basically nodded and grinned like idiots. These are the narrative-tellers and opinion-molders.
These are the dominant voices.
[Via Michael G]
Just Say 'No'?
WHAT IF HOME DEPOT HAD REFUSED TO RENT A TRUCK TO SAYFULLO SAIPOV? [More]What happened to people who saw something and said something?
[Via Mack H]
Just an Everyday Phrase
NYT: Don’t Be Afraid of ‘Allahu Akbar’ [More]Put it to the test.
Yell it out in their lobby.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Pleasured Enough
“Certainly gives me great pleasure to burn them and destroy them, so they’re not used anywhere else,” Chitwood said. [More]Kinky guy, that one. And the "reporter" sounded just as aroused.
[Via Jeffersonian]
Speak No Evil
University cancels play accused of criticizing Black Lives Matter [More]Forced recanting and stake-burning to follow...
[Via Michael G]
The Heirs of Liberty
Vassar activists: Free Speech rights invalid “in our white supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist society” [More]Who should know better about the evils that society has produced than liberal arts majors who can somehow afford this?
[Via Michael G]
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Wall
U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested three illegal aliens near the Canadian border and are now in custody. [More]Hey, I thought that meant they'd "earned the right to be citizens"...?
[Via Wynn A]
Mystery to Me
He said scientists haven't quite figured out why some years are stormier — and have smaller ozone holes — than others. [More]Yeah, it's not like there's weather or anything.
I know he's had his hands full, but I hope Trump gets a chance to purge the government-funded environmentalcases and social justice warriors and get Goddard back on the track of its namesake.
Hey, does this mean asthmatics can once more buy affordable OTC rescue inhalers?
[Via Matthew L]
I'm Ralph Northam and I Approved This Message
Campaign Finance Reports Show Northam Campaign Coordinated On Racist Truck Ad [More]And they want you disarmed and they want the mob to believe you're someone who needs to be forcefully dealt with.
[Via Mack H]
Through a Glass, Darkly
The Homeland Security Department wants technology that can passively scan the faces of foreign nationals crossing the U.S. border by car, ensuring that the individuals who enter the country are the same ones who leave it. [More]Well, gee, OK, as long as there's no potential for abuse...
I'll confess I wasn't aware that being "rigorous" meant just waving them through...
[Via Florida Guy]
The Big Question
Why are we so violent? [More]Truly. I mean, the place is under "progressive" rule. And it's part of Team Bloomberg.
Even Yul is stumped.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Taking Our Sweet Time Enough
The controversy revolves around whether some of the officers have been loafing on the job ... Chief Belmar said he expects the investigation to be finished and released before Thanksgiving. [More]Yeah, yeah, we'll get to it. What's the hurry?
Hey, who wants in on the football pool?
[Via bondmen]
The Lines are Being Drawn
How could the Supreme Court change gun laws? By ending gerrymandering. [More]And how could that state enforce them? By surrendering.
Once is Happenstance
Liz MacKean is the second high profile BBC journalist to die in suspicious circumstances after attempting to expose the truth about the pedophile ring operating in the upper reaches of the establishment. [More]I believe Mr. Goldfinger would like to weigh in...
Meanwhile, elsewhere...
[Via Neil W]
Target: YOU
If anyone here needs to guess who the only person who can save them is, they're in the wrong place. [More]
The Cleveland Show
'Cleveland, is that you?' armed robbery victim asks; 'No, it's not me,' suspect replies, according to warrant [More]I had to track down an actual report link, because when I first saw this as a graphic, I thought it had to be a joke.
Tell 'em What They've Won, Chuck!
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ELIGIBILITY: Open to globalist-preferred culutral terraformers who are 18 years of age or older. Americans who pay for all this and members of their immediate family (spouse, parent, sibling or child and their respective spouses, regardless of where they reside) and persons living in the same household of such employees, whether or not related, are not eligible to enter or win. Void where prohibited by law, which is no problem since we do what we want. Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws except for the supreme one.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
Two acid attacks on London delivery drivers 'may be linked' [More]No description or anything, you know, to help the public identify and report the attackers...?
It's probably just as well. His Royal Highness says there are too many hoi polloi anyway.
Anti-Gun Snoop Dogg’s Settlement with Underage Girls Deserves Amplification
It’s time to turn up the volume and blast out how the “progressive”-minded should be outraged over Snoop’s role in his “Girls Gone Wild: Doggy Style” video, when he was doing the important work of luring underage girls with drugs (settled out of court for undisclosed terms) to behave like drunk/stoned exhibitionist sluts for GGW founder Joe Francis, himself convicted of falsely imprisoning and assaulting women, “grabbing one … by the hair and throat and slamm[ing] her head into the floor.” [More]This miscreant wants a toe tag not just on Trump, but on those who support the agenda he ran on. Help put one instead on his career by exposing those who support him as excusers and enablers.
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