Friday, April 14, 2017

The Problem of Theft from FFLs

Actually, it's the problem of theft, or more specifically, of "progressive" bred and incubated parasites and predators who are unfit to live among decent, civilized people. [More]

No society can long survive under such a burden of degenerates. At least not a free one.

[Via Neil W]

Sue the Manufacturer

I mean, if this is true, it must be the gun that's defective, right? [More]

Why else would police still be investigating?

Irreconcilable Differences

Let me get this straight: They ditched him over an unknown quantity but not over all the known ones?

We're the Only Ones Receiving Professional Courtesy Enough

“It is our goal to educate, not investigate, to ensure law enforcement officials comply with federal law in order to avoid unnecessary public embarrassment to themselves and your Department/Agency,” Harden wrote. [More]
As opposed to if they were just plain folks, who would be in for years of persecution and punishment -- assuming they were allowed to survive the initial encounter.

I don't suppose it occurs to our "leaders" that bestowing advantages on "Only Ones" to where they've got theirs does not exactly galvanize them to insist the rest of us have a seat at the table...

[Via TheFakePundit]

More on the Moron

This dummkopf.

He's not tenured and "he was born in Germany and is legally residing here."

Meaning he can be "repatriated."

How Did We Manage Before Websites?

You know, make sure we knew where we were wanted and treated people with the dignity we expected -- until they proved they didn't deserve it... ? [More]

And thank goodness their team includes "progressive" feminists and millenials to "dismantle toxic masculinity" and teach us how to be men -- or whatever else we choose to identify as.

[Via Jeet]

In with the Good News, Out with the Bad News...

“We have come to this realization that a bunch of people sitting in a room in California is not going to be the best way to reflect all the local values that people have around the world,” the Facebook CEO declared. “So we need to evolve the systems for collective decision making. [More]
Ah, good. I was worried there for a minute that the Caliphate and the Chicoms might not be represented in how my stuff is judged.

We're the Only Ones Punishing Enough

"The Punisher symbol on the patrol vehicles of the Solvay Police Department, while similar to the symbol featured in Marvel comics, is our way of showing our citizens that we will stand between good and evil," the statement from Chief Allen Wood and Lt. Derek Osbeck said. [More]
Because nothing says "To serve and protect" like a human skull. And as I asked about a similar flap in Kentucky, "What kind of cop basher could possibly find a Totenkopfverbände unit objectionable?

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Undercompensated Enough

Dotson said the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is losing about three officers every two weeks and he contributes a lot of this to the fact that they can’t offer a competitive salary. [More]
Can they really afford to lose the city's finest...?

Gee, and here I thought this public records inquiry into lawsuits brought against SLMPD might have something to do with available funds, but it turns out they "have no records responsive to [the] request"...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Fauxnly Ones Dhimmi-Witted Enough

Abdullah Rashid, 22, a Georgia native who moved to Cedar-Riverside last year, has been making the rounds in the Somali-dominated neighborhood, telling people not to drink, use drugs or interact with the opposite sex. If he sees Muslim women he believes are dressed inappropriately, he approaches them and suggests they should wear a jilbab, a long, flowing garment. And he says he's recruiting others to join the effort. [More]
He was "arrested as a juvenile ... for impersonating a police officer" and "initially said he was working with Minneapolis police"? That's a young man with some serious control issues, that is, a need to control others because he's incapable of fixing himself.

I make no pretenses to being a mental health professional (unlike most of the witch doctor practitioners out there), but I look at this kid's eyes and reported actions, and the terms "delusional disorder" and "schizophrenia" come to mind. Either that or "possession."

O Tempora! O Mores!

Boxing Promo Features Mexican Fighters Busting Through Trump’s Wall [More
And of course the bout is sold out.

Bread and circuses always did trump civilizational survival priorities.

We're the Only Ones Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places Enough

A San Francisco sheriff’s deputy was arraigned in federal court in connection with an alleged scheme to falsely a claim that her gun was stolen and passed to a former jail inmate with whom she was involved. [More]
I always wondered why inmates called guards "screws"...

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

Gun crime in London increases by 42% [More]
Give it a few years. We ain't seen nothin' yet.

The Question on Everyone's Mind

Will Jude Law's Dumbledore be openly gay? [More]
A personal anecdote about the whole "Harry Potter" phenomenon: We did not expressly forbid it to them as some parents have for religious reasons, but feral sons Uday and Qusay just were never interested. All the hoopla has been driven by pretty much the same "progressive" demographic that never gave up comic books and thus changed who they're written for.

Right, Archie?

A Candidate We Can All Support

Salon: Maxine Waters for President [More]
Please run her.



New Jersey is closer to settling a lawsuit that would end the state's ban on civilians buying stun guns. [More]
Thanks, "real reporters"!

And welcome to the party, pals.

The Obvious Solution

At least they've got
their priorities straight...
Suicide Barriers Going Up At Golden Gate Bridge After Over 1.5K Deaths [More]
Yes, of course "universal background checks," but even more importantly in this case, mental health denials (just forget about that pesky "due process")...

And whatever you do, especially noting where this is, don't forget to close up that "boyfriend loophole."

Good thing there's unlimited funds for this over-budget boondoggle.

Right, Jerry?

And best laid "sanctuary" schemes 'n all that, but you gotta wonder how many of the jumpers were illegals... and why, if "progressive" rule is so darned wonderful, so many would rather take the plunge.