Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Without Personal Consequences, Oversight Fast and Furious Report Brings No One Closer to Justice

Bottom line: If the upshot of all this is words, finger-pointing, political gamesmanship, media placement and no results, this report will be representative of nothing so much as a line from Macbeth:
[I]t is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. [More]
Words are cheap.

Areola Grande

It's a madhouse. A MADHOUUSE!!!

[Via Jeet]

Unfortunately, This is Not a Surprise

Schuyler Pyatte Barbeau was one day into a jury trial in which he was representing himself when he pleaded guilty to possessing a machine gun and a related count, which likely will carry a prison sentence. [More]
Who thinks the punishment will in any way fit the "crime"?

The Fight Starts Here

AzCDL is gearing up in anticipation of Gungrabby Gabby. [More]

That's the Way the Bullet Bounces

Georgia man wounds mother-in-law after bullet ricochets off armadillo [More]
I have to admit that never would have occurred to me.

And yeah, I noticed this is two years old. It's new for here (although I did once anticipate penetrating armadillo armor as being an ammo ban criterion.)

[Via Florida Guy]   

Striking the Right Note

‘Without provocation, the supervisor for the Chicago-based carrier then lunged for Ms Correia’s case and, incredibly, tried to wrestle it away from the musician. Ms Correia screamed for help. The United supervisor threatened to “call security” and Ms Correia responded, “Please do!” at which point the United supervisor ran away.’ [More]
Say, those ARE friendly skies...

[Via Florida Guy]   

We Can't Have That!

You know, a free speech advocate having a position of responsibility in education... [More]

He doesn't even believe individual rights are fascist or racist. And he affiliates with haters threatening our safe spaces!

[Via Mack H]

Sanitized for Your Protection

Soon, iPhones will block texts while driving [More]
I can see making it to where you don't have an override option. And expanding the number of places where it activates. And applying the same shutoff tech to "smart guns."

[Via Florida Guy]   


After reading the responses, I feel confident in saying that they confirmed my primary thesis: Anti-Trump conservatives do not believe that Americans are fighting what I call the Second Civil War, while pro-Trump conservatives do. [More]
You didn't expect Neocon Review Online contributors to admit that hands might need to get dirty, did you, Mr. Prager?

And certainly not their hands.

[Via Mack H]

The Hobby Lobby

Chelsea Handler: Gun Owners' 'Hobby' Gets People Killed - "Nobody is trying to take away your guns." [More]
First of all, of course they are, liar.

Secondly, you know who else dismissed it as a "hobby"? Is it any wonder .50 BMGs  got banned in California?

[Via Michael G]

You Can Run But You Can't Hide

Before guns come to campus, this WSU professor is leaving [More]
Like the stupid "rules" would have stopped them from coming. And does she not know armed people are all over the place off campus?

Of course she does. She was gonna take her cushy tenured retirement regardless. This was just a way to gain some attention and SJW gravitas.

Which points to this being a fundamentally dishonest move.

And doesn't this say it all?
Ballard-Reisch said she and her adult son were robbed at gunpoint during a home invasion in 2014.
So everyone must be as pathetically unprepared and helpless as you and that "man" you raised?  Why is it my first instinct that the assailants knew him?

[Via Michael G]

The Devil Made Me Do It!

Yeah, you were "drugged." [More]

About that Fast and Furious Report from Oversight

Blah blah blah. [More]

Not that I expected anything different.

Or anything but more of the same.

Will anything actually be done? Will anyone be charged?

Sure, Fletcher. You can say it.

Check out the Google News feed. Fox News, Townhall and Washington Examiner, announcing Sessions is keeping out of it.  No one else in the "mass media" is interested -- just like last time. You get more hits for a Universal Orlando attraction based on the movie franchise, and for some reason, Wonder Woman.

If anyone is interested, it looks like the Internet Archive robots.txt issue has been worked out and you can still access the stuff deleted in order to transition over to the important work of sucking off cerlebrities.

Start here.

If anyone is interested.

Professionally Protected Kim Kardashian Can Afford to Support ‘Gun Control’

She has an armed security team. They can go places armed you and I could not, at least not without risking arrest. Naturally her protectors enjoy and profit from their “Only Ones”-like exclusivity, and besides, how long would their employment last if they publicly disagreed with their employer? [More]
It's a big club and you ain't in it.

What Goes Around Comes Around

Iran: 12 dead as Islamic State claims attacks on parliament and shrine - Dozens more injured in twin attacks on parliament and tomb of late revolutionary leader in Tehran [More]
Welcome to the party, pals.

Funny -- They have all the "laws" we're told will stop this sort of thing.

Spooking the Herd

An emotionally disturbed person who somehow scared riders on a B train near Central Park West sparked a panic at the height of Wednesday's morning rush, with straphangers tweeting about "mass evacuations" and "people stampeding"... [More]
Is it any wonder they have the politicians they do?

Disaarrmm us! Disaarrmm us!

Men Punch

Obama delivers a new veiled slap at Trump as he warns – in Canada – that America could descend into 'extreme nationalism and xenophobia and the politics of us-versus-them' [More]
It was hardly veiled and it wasn't "at Trump" -- he's just an avatar for the people in all that "red" territory who believe in what he was promising. And anyone who doesn't recognize the threat of "them-versus-us" is a suicidal fool, as is anyone who doesn't recognize this treasonous liar for what he is.