More "gun control"!
And why not?
The government-dependent mothers of those "17,000 gang members" they can't protect the sheeple from from will thank them for it. As will the sheeple themselves.
Let's see, 17 bills--that's one for each thousand gang members...I wonder what the magic ratio is before people realize the magic incantations not only don't work, but guarantee more of the same--all the while taking focus and draining energy away from finding sane and rational solutions?
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
If Bloomberg Can Break the Law, Why Can't We?
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa joined with gun control advocates Monday to call for a city law requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen weapons.California law gives the state preemption, meaning cities can't legally enact their own more restrictive measures.
That never stops them, of course, as evidenced by the San Francisco handgun ban.
And our lawless anti-gun courts and lawless anti-gun attorney general will probably let them get away with it.
It seems everyone is entitled to break laws not to their liking except us citizens.
A Portrait of Self Control
Jim McGreevey shockingly admits that before he became governor of New Jersey, he'd have anonymous gay sex at Garden State highway rest stops...Nice control demonstrated there, Jimmer. No wonder you have such a sick compulsion to control others.
And look who agrees:
"New Jersey needs the proven leadership of Jim McGreevey to put the safety of our children and our families first."--Michael Barnes-Brady Campaign/Million Mom MarchAgain I recall some of my favorite lyrics:
He can't even run his own life
I'll be damned if he'll run mine...
"On My Worst Enemy"
Of course, under normal circumstances, I wouldn't wish the ATF on anyone, but for these sorts of anti-freedom operatives, I think it only right they get a dose of their own medicine, and in spades.Ayup.
Blognomicon on Bloomberg
alandp has also been posting on the Bloomberg Conspiracy:
In "One of the Gun Dealers Speaks Up," we get another denial of wrongdoing by an accused dealer.
"On Bloomberg's Illegal Activities" reveals the claim:
On a side note, he's also looking for pictures of famous women pipe smokers. Here's my favorite:
In "One of the Gun Dealers Speaks Up," we get another denial of wrongdoing by an accused dealer.
"On Bloomberg's Illegal Activities" reveals the claim:
NRA-iLA is pursuing the vagaries of the legal questions.And "Bloomie Makes an Oopsie" includes his plea for the New York Daily News to quit being a shill and start acting like investigative reporters.
On a side note, he's also looking for pictures of famous women pipe smokers. Here's my favorite:

Hardy: BATFU Investigating Bloomberg "Sting Sales"
ATF has said they will be investigating every aspect of these "sting" sales (and there were ATF people present who repeated that). This may be bad news for the city, since IF the sales were illegal straw sales, their investigators committed felonies.This is an interesting development, particularly the bit on how a gun apparently wandered away from the Only Ones' custody...Wonder if BATFU really has the guts and the administration backing to take on a billionaire Republican, though, and my gut says "no."
One gun was traced TWICE in NYC. The first time was for a crime, so it would have to have been confiscated. Only explanation for how it would later be on the street is that someone in NYC PD is selling seized guns on the street.
Prove me wrong--please.
It's not that I want to promote enforcement of existing laws. My goal in staying with this subject is primarily to expose hypocrisy and lawbreaking among those who think they're higher and better than sovereign citizens. That said, if Mikey or his minions take a fall on this, you'll see no tears shed here.
[Via Jed]
Gun Owner Asks Georgia AG to Investigate Bloomberg
May 22, 2006
Office of the Attorney General of Georgia
Mr. Thurbert E. Baker
40 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334
Dear Mr. Baker:
As a resident and law-abiding gun owner of Georgia, I am outraged at the recent illegal straw gun purchases made by an “investigative team” assembled at the behest of Mayor Bloomberg of New York City.
Mayor Bloomberg continuously attacks the civil liberties of law-abiding gun owners in this country and has taken it upon himself to destroy these liberties by targeting gun stores throughout the country, including some stores in Georgia such as Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna. In order to gain publicity for his anti-gun campaign he knowingly conspired and planned illegal straw purchases at these gun stores and violated federal law as well as possible Georgia state laws. His attempts to entrap gun store owners and produce evidence of illegal gun sale procedures at these Georgia gun stores are despicable.
I ask: What is the authority of private individuals from New York to conspire to break, and then actually violate, federal gun purchase laws and the laws of other states?
Mayor Bloomberg’s out-of-touch viewpoints are a threat to all law-abiding gun owners in Georgia as well as law-abiding legitimate businesses in Georgia.
I urge you to launch an investigation into these illicit tactics that were performed to support Bloomberg’s frivolous lawsuits against these legitimate and law-abiding Georgia businesses.
Thank you for your attention into this matter.
Jason Morin
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