Additionally, Mr. Rankin advises he was forced to sign the following "under duress," meaning that he was informed his application would not be forwarded to Sheriff Brown for consideration unless and until he had done so:

And here's the thing--Larry says the Sheriff's Department now refuses to give him a copy of the form he signed, providing him instead with a blank. Why would they do that?
This is typical "Only Ones" arrogance, of course. They have their guns, they deny a citizen the right to bear his, and they'll arrest or kill him if he tries and they find out about it. Of course they will do nothing to guarantee the safety of Mr. Rankin and his family, nor assume liability should he or they be harmed or worse in a situation where his having a gun could have prevented an attack.
And what about this?

You'll notice there has been nothing but silence from the people who gave Sheriff Brown an "A" rating during the election--despite several attempts to contact them and an invitation to post their unedited response. I think it's past time NRA's California Grassroots explained why they solicited their membership with a pro-Bill Brown mailer and who knows what other kind of election support, and it's high time they publicly admitted they were wrong and revoked their rating and support. But it's probably easier to just have their apologists dismiss this as more NRA bashing.
I may have time this weekend to scan and post the entire new policy.