WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court took no action Tuesday in the case involving the District of Columbia's ban on handguns.See AAARRGGHHH!!!! and Heller Watch, below, for further details.
The justices discussed the case at their private conference on Friday, but reached no resolution.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Court Takes No Action in Guns Case
Tuesday, November 13th, 2007 10:02 am Lyle Denniston
The Supreme Court on Tuesday announced no action on a new case testing the meaning of the Second Amendment. The next date for possible action on it is likely to be November 26, following a pre-Thanksgiving Conference set for November 20.
What's the matter, people? 68 years isn't a long enough time to make us wait?
As an aside, if you follow the title link on "Heller Watch," below, at the time of this posting there is nothing filed by the "authorized journalists" who get paid grand money and have billions of dollars in facilities and resources at their disposal to bring us all breaking news. Remember that the next time you hear them bemoaning the unprofessionalism of mere bloggers--or the government declaring we are not to be recognized as sanctioned media.
Since this has only appeared at this writing on SCOTUS Blog, I've "pulled rank" and called SCOTUS itself to verify the report, identifying myself as a field editor for the magazine. The receptionist promised to have the Public Information Officer call me. Sorry to take advantage of my royal blood, but I figure the need for accurate and timely reporting may cause some of you to excuse line cutting and surface hypocrisy.
I'll update this if I get a callback, or once this starts showing up as confirmed in the "official" media.
UPDATE: "Official media" has now reported this, and as of 11:47 AM EST, the promised return call has not happened--I doubt it will now that the story is out, because my message said I was calling to verify the SCOTUS Blog report. That's now not necessary.
But speaking of folks with resources, not to mention dedicated paid staff AND a strong vested interest in informing gun owners, I do find it curious that at this writing, our leaders are yet again not leading us.
[Via Joe's Crabby Shack]
Heller Watch
Check back on occasion to see the latest updates, and I will do the same.
The roller coaster is clacking as it's slowly towed up the first incline...
A Czar for Mary
Look down as she sells her wares.
Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling
Each time someone shows that he cares.
The Old Bird Woman must die! And leave it to Bürgermeister Bloomberg's New York enforcers to come up with a jackbooted police state final solution.
Look, I know the flying rats can be filthy as hell, and I really have no problem with finding incentives to discourage their out-of-control propagation, but a freaking "Pigeon Czar"? And as I usually ask whenever that term is employed, how come we never call them Führers?
If you find Mary Poppins too saccharine and treacly for your tastes (not me, I'm a sap for that kind of stuff, and having raised two cubs still know most of the Disney Sing Along Songs by heart), try this as a counterbalance.
Hey Kids: It's BATFU Toon Time!

What is interesting though, is that these videos must have cost tax payers quite a bit to educate dealers. However neither I nor any other dealers that I had asked, had any ATF employee notify us about them.Yeah, I think an FOIA demand to see who authorized this, how much they paid, who produced these and whether or not all federal procurement competitive bidding regulations, including requirement considerations for small/disadvantaged/woman-owned/minority businesses--and if there even was an IFB or RFP--were adhered to.
These same thugs will whine about how they don't have the resources to do their "job," but have money to burn on this silly crap. Maybe that's a good thing, come to think of it...
[More on Red's Trading Post and BATFU from WarOnGuns]
[Image from "A Brush With Politics: The Life and Work of John Frith"]
We're the Only Ones Electrified Enough
Wis. officer accidentally Tasers himself
Another Lee Paige, the Godfather of "The Only Ones," in the making...
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
BBC...Fair and Balanced ...NOT!
Britain's changing firearms laws
How guns get into the hands of crooks
Who supplies the guns on our streets?
Gun crime: A glossary
Who makes the world's guns?
What can be done about gun crime?
Gun Control Network
Mothers Against Murder and Aggression
Stop The Guns (Operation Trident)
The notion is crystal clear, guns are violent (imagine the absurdity of an inanimate object being violent, but reason has nothing to do with it), gun owners are evil, and relinquishing your sovereign rights is the path to security. This message has blatant support by government across the UK in defiance of logic or facts, it is simply accepted. It is the future here unless gun owners stop it.....
Cave Creek Misery
A Cave Creek resident is taking a stand against what he calls a dangerous sport in town.
Herb Natker filed an appeal recently in his complaint against Cave Creek buffalo wrangler T.C. Thorstenson...
Let's see--a guy gets thrown from his horse three years ago when a hayride wagon spooks it, so that means mounted cowboy shooting must be banned. Yeah, I follow that.
I did some checking on this Herb Natker character, and it seems he's continually complaining about something or other. Maybe some people apparently just can't stand to see other people having a good time, and feel so strongly about it, they'll even demand employing the coercive power of the state to stop it, with it's "obey or be destroyed" enforcers to impose their will.
I'll bet'cha if he'd have just taken an interest in the goings on at the outset, and maybe had his wife bring over a tray of hot muffins, his whole outlook would have been changed. I guess some people would rather be miserable, and make life miserable for everyone around them.
[Via Featherless Biped]
This Day in History; November 13
On November 13, 1775, General Richard Montgomery led American troops in the capture of Montreal.