Hammacher has the ultimate Marshmallow Blaster gun capable of shooting marshmallows 50 feet wide. The pneumatic gun features easy-to-refill bolt action for fast nonstop shooting. The gun has a cool design with silver body and red and black finishing.Thing is, it's illegal in California, and probably elsewhere. In order to be compliant with state law, "[t]he entire surface must be colored or transparent or translucent."
Per Section 12555.(a) of the Penal Code:
Any person who, for commercial purposes, purchases,sells, manufactures, ships, transports, distributes, or receives, by mail order or in any other manner, an imitation firearm except as authorized by this section shall be liable for a civil fine in an action brought by the city attorney or the district attorney of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each violation.
Hammacher might want to reconsider where they distribute their puff piece.
Besides, some panicky neighbor will probably call "The Only Ones," who won't be able to tell it's not a real gun. I guess the only upside would be, if they started a Waco-type fire in their dynamic response, there'd be plenty of marshmallows on hand.