Now that you've instituted glass control, here's one more way you can ensure the safety of your subjects:
Do they play pool over there? How about darts... oh, I bet that they have switched over to the plastic ones now...gariders
Notes from the Resistance...
Do they play pool over there? How about darts... oh, I bet that they have switched over to the plastic ones now...gariders
We’ve come to expect many things from Michael Moore, the deliriously anti-gun millionaire posing as populist who brought us such absurd and irresponsible works as “Bowling for Columbine,” “Stupid White Men,” “Dude, Where’s My Country?” and “Fahrenheit 9/11.” We’ve come to expect patronizing arrogance, blatant anti-Americanism, and flagrant lies.One thing I haven't come to expect is for NRA to follow its own Bylaws any more than I expect politicians to abide by the Constitution. Four years ago, I gave them ample evidence along with a demand to expel Moore from the Association, following the bylaws to the letter, notarized and sent via certified mail.
On this day in 1780, the reviled former royal governor of Massachusetts, Thomas Hutchinson, who served from 1771 to 1774, dies in Brompton, England.