Why There Are Still No Real ‘Smart’ Guns Yet [More]My guess is the same reason as there are no real unicorns...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Fantastic Beasts
A California Democrat
EXCLUSIVE: Shocking photos of Congresswoman Katie Hill are revealed as she's seen NAKED showing off Nazi-era tattoo while smoking a bong, kissing her female staffer and posing nude on 'wife sharing' sites [More]Her popularity will probably go up.
Crush to Judgment
The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act bans extremely abusive acts of animal abuse, such as crushing, and continues the criminalization of making and distributing animal crush videos. [More]Such things exist?
Ever catch a Constitutionalist or a gun owner rights advocate doing it?
Still only has a 4% prognosis...
And yeah, what about ripping living in-utero human babies apart?
Give it a few years and the exceptions on slaughtering food animals and medical/scientific research will go away.
[Via Keith B]
The Demonic Miss M
Bette Midler Reminds People To ‘Be More Grateful’ For Rand Paul’s Neighbor [More]What a rhymes-with-"runt."
You have to wonder why celebrity warmongers seem immune to attacks from Code Pink and the like...
[Via Michael G]
Safe or Out?
Major League Baseball is looking into a since-deleted tweet by longtime umpire Rob Drake, commissioner Rob Manfred said Wednesday. [More]Think the commies'll be able to gin up enough outrage for the owners to cave...?
As the Culture Terraforms
The left’s enthusiasm for Third World immigrants isn’t only because they vote 8-2 for the Democrats. It’s that Latin American peasants seem uniquely amenable to idiotic socialist schemes. [More]Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue." Right, Saviors?
[Via Mack H]
Voting with the Stars
From Alec Baldwin to Wanda Sykes, national celebrities campaign for local Democrats in Virginia [More]Nice to see the list includes a Savior favorite!
[Via Mack H]
A Keane Mind
"The judge asserted that the proper venue to establish public firearms policy is through the legislature and not the courts." [More]Great news, but there's a "proper venue" for the government to violate the Constitution?
Larry, Larry, Larry...
[Via Stephen I]
School Shooters Increase Threats to Everyone in Everytown
“Our high school doesn’t compete against other high schools. This is the only high school, that I know of, that does high-powered F-Class in the world." [More]So if we're to believe the grabbers (and why wouldn't we?), every one of the homes they live in put women at heightened "gun violence" risk? Besides, as we've so often heard, everybody's "law-abiding" until they're not.
Quick, check their social media. There must be something we can report them for.
Damn white-privileged penis-compensators...
[Via CDT]
Auto-rized Journalist
Ignorant, self-aggrandizing, arrogant, presumptuous... how is he not doing the job? [More]
Now that it's sunk in that he is henceforth unemployable, how soon until he sues claiming he was not properly trained and they're discriminating against a California majority minority?
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Flaming Enough
A St. Louis County police sergeant has testified that he was told to “tone down his gayness” to secure a promotion to lieutenant. [More]So the issue isn't that they know he's gay?
I'd think overt sexual expressiveness of any kind would be inappropriate and career-limiting in any organization where professional advancement standards are based on performance.
[Via bondmen]
The Top 10
The Top U.S. States In Gun Sales [More]But retail estimates can tell us only so much:
[Via bondmen]
Watch the Skies. Everywhere. Keep Looking. Keep Watching the Skies.
Murder victim’s family comes out in support of surveillance planes to fight violent crime [More]Anything to avoid hard reality...
[Via bondmen]
How Soon 'til Needles in the Streets?
Missoula City Council President Bryan Von Lossberg told the Missoulian on Tuesday he was "deeply saddened" by the ruling. [More]Does it surprise anyone to find they're dealing with "a California transplant," spreading the same nest-fouling politics wherever he alights?
[Via Michael G]
NOTICE: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers [More]That's OK. All mine were filed off before I lost them in that boating accident.
I don't put photos of my family on "social media," either. If I didn't want to share information that wouldn't get publicized any other way, I wouldn't be on it at all.
Speaking of which-- if you're not, how do you help share article links and the like that people will never hear about except from advocates? Because those of us trying to bring this information can't do it ourselves, and nothing quite takes the wind out of the sails like having thousands of "friends" and "followers" and seeing single-digit "likes," shares" and "retweets."
[Via several of you]
The president of Michigan State University expressed remorse Tuesday for a class presentation by U.S. Customs and Border Protection members in a university-wide email, saying the incident “disrupted a sense of safety.” [More]Can Leonidas do a facepalm with that helmet on?
[Via Michael G]
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[Via Michael G]
A Sense of Entitlement
Well, they all should have just agreed with him and given him whatever he wanted. [More]
Isn't that what "we" do on a societal scale?
Welcome to the Wogroll
Art in ArmsPress... [More]I've talked before about Jeff John and his website. He was my editor first at Guns and Ammo, then Handguns, and then GUNS. I've now added it to the sidebar list of sites reciprocating links with WoG.
I've also shared information on some of Jeff's unique, expert and beautiful work before, including:
- ‘FG42’ Profiles Revolutionary, Near-Forgotten Classic in Words and Pictures
- Colours of the Queen's Rangers
- ‘Weapon of War’ a Subject of Historic Interest and Contemporary Relevance
They Know Not What They Do
Poll: Majority of Americans Want First Amendment Rewritten - 51 percent of Millennials want fines or jail time for 'hate speech' [More]And now, a word from Hosea...
Denying the Obvious
"It’s not necessarily that Sen. McSally is doing poorly. It is that Mark Kelly is doing spectacularly,” said Paul Bentz, a Republican strategist in Arizona. [More]No, it's that she's doing poorly. So much for any fire in my belly. Astroturf and useful idiots make up for the rest.
Fairfax, of course, is deliberately indifferent to the single greatest threat.
I wanted to see what GOA had to say about her, but they still show McCain in the Senate seat and McSally being mediocre in the House.
License to Kill
JUDGE CHIN: What's your view on the [shooting someone on] Fifth Avenue example? Local authorities couldn’t investigate? They couldn’t do anything about it?I see others recall this story.
WILLIAM CONSOVOY: I think once a president is removed from office, any local authority, this is not a permanent immunity.
JUDGE CHIN: I'm talking about while in office, that is the [hypothetical]. Nothing could be done? That’s your position?
WILLIAM CONSOVOY: That is correct. That is correct. [More]
I get the rationale but I'm not seeing a Constitutional power for the executive to do anything until removed from office. Conflicting rights and equal protection would demand immediate restraint.
The trick becomes where do you draw the line to keep enemies from using criminal charges as an impeachment workaround? And we keep coming back to full due process for everyone, don't we, Mr.President?
[Via Mack H]
Improvised Extermination Device
Why not pour gas into that gopher hole? [More]Wouldn't take much to make that contained and controllable, and add embellishments, would it...?
Speaking strictly theoretically, of course...
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