Sunday, March 20, 2005

"Thinking of England" Now Online

"Direct contact should be avoided whenever possible ... If unavoidable, the victim should adopt a state of active passivity ... be careful what you say or do and give up valuables without a struggle. This allows the victim to take charge of the situation ... By doing nothing there is no chance of inadvertently initiating violence by saying something such as 'Please don't hurt me.'"

"Thinking of England" appears in the April issue of GUNS Magazine, now online. Click here to read the rest.

DEA Buffoon Update

The world-class idiot who shot himself in front of a room full of kids after telling them he's the only one "professional enough" to carry a gun has been suspended.

I have a few questions:

Why does he still have a job?

Why hasn't he been prosecuted for reckless child endangerment and negligent discharge of a firearm, as would you or I be, save for the fact that we're not dumb, incompetent and irresponsible enough to pull such a bone-headed move?

Who's the jihadi in the ski mask? Dont'cha feel safer knowing guys like him are kicking in doors across the land?

And why is there an investigation to determine who "leaked" what is being described as a "home video"?

Maybe the'yre afraid someone has discovered the location of their secret clubhouse.