The addition of daily programming will allow for breaking news to be discussed in a timelier manner than the once-a-week schedule has previously allowed. Meanwhile, the weekly three-hour show will still allow for multiple issues, guests and in-depth explorations of topics. Together, the programs will complement each other and fill a largely untapped market niche. [More]This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a tremendous new opportunity to share information most in media would rather go unmentioned.
Monday, April 06, 2015
‘Armed American Radio’ launches ‘Daily Defense’ program
We're the Only Ones Formal Enough
Crupp said he was jumped by a man wearing a tuxedo in front of the hotel just after midnight. [More]That explains why the assault wasn't stopped by one of "Our Heroes." They were evidently too busy committing it.
And just how "heroic" is the thug who (allegedly) delivered the beat-down?
Crupp said two other men helped hold him down. He was left with six broken ribs, a stress fracture in his hip and an abscess in his tooth after the attack.Assuming that account is true, what cowardly animals.
Any bets what we'll find out about the other two guys once they've been ratted out?
Terry siblings tell Grassley and radio host of electronics and weapons seizures
“It was then that federal agents made entry into Brian’s home, seizing his personal electronics and personally-owned weapons without warning or permission,” the letter to Grassley reports. “The electronic devices were returned to our family, wiped clean of any data and Brian’s personal handguns have still not been returned to this day. Brian’s personal cell phone, although, ‘Undiscovered’ by investigators, remained active for over a year. We still have not been provided the warrant, legal writ, or any other associated documentation as to why Brian’s house was searched and his personal belongings taken and altered against our wishes.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the government is only sympathetic to victims and survivors who can help them get what they want.
We're the Only Ones Going Rogue Enough
You don't mind paying for this oath-breaker to undermine your rights, do you? [More]
No uniform standards, I see--at least Capt. Kozicky tried to mask things when he inserted himself into politics.
And we all know what happens when someone takes a position (note 94) other than what the brass wishes to promote...
No uniform standards, I see--at least Capt. Kozicky tried to mask things when he inserted himself into politics.
And we all know what happens when someone takes a position (note 94) other than what the brass wishes to promote...
FFLGuard shares news for April. [Watch]
They're right claiming being first to report on B. Todd Jones leaving ATF. Just look at the headline and first link in my piece, and then note how the "Authorized Journalists" who came in a day or more later failed to note that little fact.
I've been told I'm not the only one who thinks that forced the announcement before the administration was ready.
They're right claiming being first to report on B. Todd Jones leaving ATF. Just look at the headline and first link in my piece, and then note how the "Authorized Journalists" who came in a day or more later failed to note that little fact.
I've been told I'm not the only one who thinks that forced the announcement before the administration was ready.
The Luxury of Obliviousness
Yes, more do need to be aware of subversive infiltration. [More]
Unmentioned is just who the hell the "Unit Equal Opportunity Officer" is, and how his role is fundamentally any different than that of a Zampolit.
[Via Florida Guy]
Unmentioned is just who the hell the "Unit Equal Opportunity Officer" is, and how his role is fundamentally any different than that of a Zampolit.
[Via Florida Guy]
What the Hell Kind of Intolerant Discrimination is This?
If we knew they were coming, we'd have ordered a cake from a Christian bakery! [More]
There Oughtta Be a Law
You know, to punish anyone who knowingly provides guns to criminals...? [More]
What? There is? And some of the biggest unpunished violators are...
I also like the way how -- despite carefully-chosen words of resigned acceptance by more nuanced antis, he can't restrain himself from showing reversals of Heller and McDonald are in the cards should his kind get the upper hand.
The "well regulated" part applies to a mustered militia, and not to the whole people being "properly armed and equipped." Representing otherwise is a default lie the monopoly of violence cult continually resurrects, knowing most who hear it won't have the depth of knowledge to refute it. Just like they do with practically everything.
What? There is? And some of the biggest unpunished violators are...
I also like the way how -- despite carefully-chosen words of resigned acceptance by more nuanced antis, he can't restrain himself from showing reversals of Heller and McDonald are in the cards should his kind get the upper hand.
The "well regulated" part applies to a mustered militia, and not to the whole people being "properly armed and equipped." Representing otherwise is a default lie the monopoly of violence cult continually resurrects, knowing most who hear it won't have the depth of knowledge to refute it. Just like they do with practically everything.
I Wonder Why
Go ahead, WND -- flesh out what would happen if you did ask.
I will never understand mundanes who make public "Only Ones" rah-rah displays.
The wife just got an invite to join such a group:
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Say, if someone walked up to you and let you know they were peaceably carrying concealed without a rights-infringing permission slip, what would your reaction be? Would your primary concern be to "protect their life and property"?
Because Nothing Quite Says "Justice"... a "feminist" teaming up with a teen-aged Islamist male to combat those who provide energy necessary for civilization, and, of course, "conservatives"... [More]
Brought to you by Neo-Bolshevik Cancer.
As long as we're on the subject of evil and conspiratorial corporations, why not take a closer look at the parent company?
"Progressives." Opposite Day. Projection.
And manipulation of the masses in the tradition of Leni Riefenstahl...
Not to just knee-jerk defend "corporate America," mind you...
Brought to you by Neo-Bolshevik Cancer.
As long as we're on the subject of evil and conspiratorial corporations, why not take a closer look at the parent company?
"Progressives." Opposite Day. Projection.
And manipulation of the masses in the tradition of Leni Riefenstahl...
Not to just knee-jerk defend "corporate America," mind you...
Making Us All Look Good
The flag was only removed because patriots from Liberty for All showed up in person to take it down. [More]Some, who look at the new paradigm as a competitive threat, call them "extremists."
UPDATE: The thought strikes that some of Liberty for All's critics would -- at most -- have told their members about this, and then asked them to write their reps, and, of course, to make a donation:
An Island of "Progressive" Play-Acting
Leonardo DiCaprio bought an eco-friendly island [More]I wonder what the island's "carbon footprint" has been, and what it will be once they put in 68 villas and start hosting environmentalcase conferences?
On the positive news from Hollywood front, per Box Office Mojo's latest tallies, Liam Neeson and Sean Penn's latest "Look at us: We're gun heroes!" efforts continue their plunge into irrecoverable investor losses.
On the positive developments front, we may be seeing the beginning of the end for such stage props, because again, per the weekend charts, look what's on top.
It'll be a lot easier to confront greasy and repellent studio bosses who attack RKBA than it will be actors much of the public conflates with their onscreen personas.
Go on, Harvey, you swine. Make your movie. I dare you.
This Day in History: April 6
It is not improbable, that as the Arrival of the Packet at N. York with the news of Peace, Sir Guy Carleton will send out an Officer with dispatches for me, containing that agreable intelligence—in such case, the Officer may be permitted to come to this place and you will send an Officer with him or accompany him yourself as you may think proper. [More]
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