UPDATE: Sebastian makes an analogy.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Any Person...Even If

It looks like Nebraska lawmakers are out there proposing to break federal law.
In Haynes v US, the court ruled "...A proper claim of the privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register under sec. 5841 or for possession of an unregistered firearm under sec. 5851..."
Tell me refusal to obey a requirement to report a lost or stolen firearm by a prohibited person wouldn't be viewed as "a proper claim."
They try to get around that with this:

There are plenty of other traps and crap in this abomination, but this is the one most often overlooked.
This is nothing more than another way to screw with the "law abiding," and will not result in one less violent act by the free agent predators the official ones rely on to create demand for their "services."
[Via Gunscribe]
And That Goes Double for Mitt
“Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts,” Romney said, at a bill signing ceremony on July 1 with legislators, sportsmen’s groups and gun safety advocates. “These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.”What I just said about McCain goes double for this flip-flopping fraud.
The Straight Talk Express

Now I'm sure if we try hard enough, we can convince ourselves that the guy who partnered with Lieberman and Schumer and McCarthy, and Americans for Gun Safety will be the lesser of two evils.
And then we'll be able to blame principled third party supporters for not being pragmatic, throwing away their votes and electing Hillary!
Justice for Gun Owners
The Clement brief reflects cowardice on the part of the Justice Department, and a desire for expediency over what is right...Possibly, but I think it reflects more on the cowardice of gun owners who have enabled the betrayals all these years by continually rewarding the "lesser of two evils" with political power. They've actually got the justice they've earned, and now we all are living with it.
It also reflects on the cynical manipulation by some in convincing others that the "Vote Freedom First President" represented a vote for freedom, as well as gullibility to the point of willful negligence of those desperate to swallow a lie that told them what they wanted to hear.
Don't get me wrong: I'm not criticizing Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman here. I think it's past time those with national prominence in the gun rights movement took the gloves off and gave this administration what fer.
I would like to see them take this a step further, and join with Gun Owners of America in calling on Bush to withdraw this brief. And GOA goes a step further by "invit[ing]the National Rifle Association to join it in fighting this anti-gun development."
Can anyone think of a good reason why they wouldn't?
We're the Only Ones Pooling Our Resources Enough
Several gay adult Web sites have posted photographs of teenage water polo players from several high schools in Southern California...
Police at the University of California, Irvine, confirmed they are investigating whether a campus police dispatcher had photographed the high school athletes for gay-oriented sites.
Hopefully, they're all wet...uh...mistaken. He couldn't be "The Only One" with a camera, an opportunity, a predilection...
[Via Michael J]
Bleater's Digest
Dale ran back to his own house, got a shotgun and tossed it to Robert. Now the two friends made a plan. They would trap the man inside the garage so he couldn’t get back into the house, where Robert’s kids might still be. They’d hold him until police arrived.And it worked. The incident was resolved without anyone getting seriously injured or killed.
So knowing this, what's the Digest's advice to its Readers?
Locks...lights...pepper spray...
See anything about keeping a gun for self defense?
CeaseFire PA Director's Watch: 01/21/08

I don't mean to sound pessimistic or anything, Professor, but if I were you I'd maybe start looking for some new friends...
What's New Over at Red's Trading Post
From Ryan Horsley:
Two new companies have been unveiled that will protect firearms dealers.I'd like to see more on guarantees and warranties, and what they have in writing from BATFU certifying these as acceptable--not that they haven't been known to renege on that.
Also Idaho is heading to the Shot Show in Las Vegas to meet with firearms manufacturers.I suggest they work on those still in Illinois.
This Day in History: January 21
Washington directs each regiment to send out two officers to purchase weapons for their unit. Soldiers enlisting with their own firearms are promised one dollar for its use and reimbursement if the weapon is lost during the campaign.
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