Sunday, March 02, 2008
"I'm Jack Nicholson and I Approved This Message"

So does the USMC have anything to say about Jackie-Boy (he's "on the list") or any other civilian appearing in their uniform to promote Hillary Clinton's presidential bid? Yeah, I know the clips were taken from "A Few Good Men," but they were never intended for political endorsements.
Seems to me complaints could be filed with the Corps and the FEC. I wonder what the value of this would be, including labor and equipment to produce this bit, plus the use of corporate-owned film clips for which we can presume no royalties were paid, as an "in-kind contribution," and if any of this has been reported?
Independent inquiries and follow-up are encouraged.
UPDATE: HuffPo says "The Hillary Clinton Campaign released [the] video..."
We're the Only Ones Jumping Out of Gear Enough
WARNING: Contains strong language. Sound begins 26 seconds into the video.
This may not be quite as stupid as the Lee Paige video, but it sure comes in a close second.
I like the way he laughs it off and then resumes writing the ticket on the guy he pulled over, as if that's where the moving violation occurred.
Why, thanks, Officer Only One. I'll take your safety lecture seriously, you freaking goofball. You gonna write yourself a citation now, seeing as how your actions endangered oncoming traffic by a matter of seconds, and could have killed someone? No? Why not? By the way, what was it your cruiser hit that stopped it?
Nice running form, too. Glad to see standards are being maintained. And I'm still trying to figure out which cartoon character your voice reminds me of.
Yeah, the car "jumped out of gear." I believe that. So is your department--the same people who will write one of us peons up for a burned out taillight-- putting vehicles with potentially lethal hazardous mechanical defects out on the street? Was the cruiser inspected afterward, and certified for safe operation? Or more likely, did we just witness incompetence and a face-saving lie? What did you put down on the incident and insurance reports?
I don't know how long ago this dashcam video was taken and can't find anything else about it. If someone can shed some light on the story behind it, please do so.
[Via Kiwitoo]
We're the Only Ones Keeping in Touch Enough
A bill that cleared the Senate floor this morning would require any person convicted of a violent crime against a law enforcement official to register in a database.Not just "law enforcement officials"-- the title of the bill includes "AND OTHER PUBLIC SERVANTS."
Because we all know "Only Ones" count more than "Ordinary Ones," and there's no more noble calling than "public service."
In reality, all the requirements, the anual registration, the notification triggers, all of this seems a bit much for someone to be able to follow--read the bill yourself and see if you think it's likely that many will find it too complex to follow, particularly in Mississippi, where:
Mississippi's challenges in achieving this vision are particularly acute. For instance, in the river city of Vicksburg, 41 percent of the population ranks at the lowest literacy level measured by NALS, and 23 percent of the city's residents live below the poverty line. The situation in Vicksburg is not an isolated example. Municipalities across the state have significantly lower literacy levels and higher poverty rates than the national averages.
It would seem to be easier to just move out of state.
[Via Stephen Stamboulieh]
The Bases Are Loaded
Scott told of one situation several years back when he was at a Houston gas station and was confronted by a man carrying a shank.
"I didn't pull my gun on him," Scott said. "I would have if he had gotten close enough, and I would have shot him if he wouldn't have backed off. But all I had to do was lift up my shirt and put my hand on [the gun] and I said, 'Can I help you?' He stopped in his tracks.
I could argue with some of the things brought up, but on the whole, stories like this help, having personal defense firearms associated with people who are accepted and positively viewed by the public.
Andy McPhail certainly can weasel-word with the best of them...
Cavalry Arms Update
In reference to comments by "Rose J" copied here:
The only interaction between CAV ARMS and PRG is that they have been kind enough to donate AR15 furniture to the State IDPA matches we have held for the past few years. These go onto a prize table, and are awarded by random drawing. The post on KTAR is assumed to be by our former range master, who was let go, and apparently has a grudge against the members on the board of directors and his replacement. So far to date, he has sent the EPA out to the range on a bogus and harassing charge, and we believe he was behind sending an OSHA representative out, also on a bogus charge.
Don Reed, President
Phoenix Rod and Gun Club
Posted :: 3/1/2008 7:15:44 PM
This Day in History: March 2
General Howe cannot, by the best intelligence I have been able to get, have less than 10,000 Men in the Jerseys and on board of Transports at Amboy: Ours does not exceed 4,000: His are well disciplined, well Officered, and well appointed: Ours raw Militia, badly Officered, and under no Government. His numbers cannot, in any short time, be augmented: Ours must very considerably, and by such Troops as we can have some reliance on, or the Game is at an End. His situation with respect to Horses and Forage is bad, very bad, I believe; but will it be better? No; on the contrary, worse, and therefore, an inducement, if no other, to shift Quarters. General Howe's informants are too numerous, and too well acquainted with all these circumstances, to suffer him to remain in ignorance of them. With what propriety, then, can he miss so favourable an opportunity of striking a capital stroke against a City, from whence we derive so many advantages, the carrying of which would give such eclat to his Arms and strike such a damp upon ours? Nor is his difficulty of moving so great as is imagined. All the heavy Baggage of the Army; their Salt Provisions and Flour; their Stores, &ca. might go round by Water; whilst their superior numbers would enable them to make a sweep of the Horses for many Miles round about them (not already taken off by us).
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