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[Via Les K ]
Notes from the Resistance...
The town's three policemen fled and there was no response from the military and U.N. peacekeepers to the increasingly panicked pleas for help. That's when residents realized they were on their own.So much for counting on either "Only Ones" or globalist gungrabbers.
...So Akoyo called a town meeting and told everyone to bring whatever weapons they had: pre-World War II rifles, homemade shotguns, lances, swords, machetes, hunting knives, bows with sheaths of poisoned arrows.
...Since then, the residents of Bangadi have successfully driven off two attacks by the Ugandan rebels, who have killed at least 900 people in this remote northeastern corner of Congo over the past seven weeks. [More]
Last year’s police officer of the year for Orange County was arrested Friday night, accused of hitting a female acquaintance... [More]There's a particularly poor taste joke that's been around for many years:
Authorities say Aasiya Hassan recently had filed for divorce from her husband.So she was beheaded.
"She had an order of protection that had him out of the home as of Friday the 6th [of February]," Benz said. [More]
The New York Times is reporting that, due to our military being stretched to its limits in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US Military will start recruiting immigrant workers who have temporary visas the opportunity to become citizens, in as little as 6 months. [More]
"It is with great hope that we can put a gun lock on every gun to keep kids and the families safe."[More]Every gun. Except for your super-special "Only One" gun, right, Vernotis?
A lawsuit filed in Circuit Court that seeks $200,000 says two Chattanooga Police officers burst into the wrong house with guns drawn.What do you think would have happened had Mr. Brady grabbed a gun and repelled the errant "Only Ones," thinking they might be home invaders?
...It says the couple was held at gunpoint while the home was searched, placing them, their children, their spouses, nephews, nieces and grandchildren "in mortal fear."
The suit says, the officers left "after realizing they had made a mistake." [More]
No, not for political offices. It's nearing that time of year when eligible members (Life and above, or members for five consecutive years) get to elect candidates for the NRA Board of Directors.You knew there would be.
But there's a problem. [More]
Austin: Another Brady hallucination: More guns, more ‘gun violence’ (Part 1) Charlotte: Phony gun groups, Part 3: 'American Hunters and Shooters Association' DC: DC City Council enables residents’ easy access to mail order handgun carry permits! Denver: Granny, get your gun Los Angeles: Gun Control: the very first pig with lipstick on it. Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns Minneapolis: The folly across the river St. Louis: What's next--a .499 caliber ban?
The time of the Troops, who now Garrison Fort Montgomery will expire the first of March, They must therefore be relieved by some of the Militia in the Pay of the Continent. [More]