Friday, September 21, 2007
In a Rational World...
...this lying sob would have been booed off stage amidst a hail of rotten cabbages and tomatoes.
BREAKING NEWS: DSU's "No Guns" Policy Violated!
Two students were shot and wounded, one seriously, at Delaware State University early Friday, and the campus was locked down as police searched for a gunman, officials said.
I just don't get it.
Campus policy clearly states:
The use, possession and/or storage of firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks or other lethal weapons of any kind in motor vehicles, buildings or elsewhere on University Premises or during University Activities are prohibited. Students who violate this policy will be referred to the Judicial System. The penalty for possession of weapons is expulsion.
It's especially perplexing, because their "Zero Tolerance Policy applies to... Weapons/Firearms/Explosives (possession or use)."
At least their residence halls are still safe:
Because of the threat of violence in our society, we are very concerned about weapons in our residence halls. Therefore, we prohibit the possession of weapons or those items that a casual observer might perceive to be a weapon (e.g., toy guns, stun guns etc.). Persons found to be in possession of such items or weapons may be charged with a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
I just can't figure out what went wrong.
Perhaps Campus Security's "three-tiered system" and S.E.C.U.R.E. Program could use some fine tuning?
Personally, I think the DSU Escort Service wasn't employed. I mean, what animal with a gun would want to be confronted by "cadets...identified by their blue Public Safety shirt or jacket [and] equipped with two-way radios, and flashlights for quick dispatch and prompt safe service"?
Hold on--I think I may have pinpointed the problem: The escort's jacket is orange!
[Via Chris H and Bruce M]
It's Time to Employ the Surge... California.
I see nothing in today's news about Arnold signing the microstamping bill. Perhaps the flood of calls and emails has given him pause to consider.
It's been some days since I've seen anyone pushing this, so rather than give the impression that there is a lull in our commitment, why not give the effort a surge before everyone skies out for the weekend?
Call or email the governor's office today. Matter of fact, why not take one measly minute and do it right now?
And tell a friend...
I see nothing in today's news about Arnold signing the microstamping bill. Perhaps the flood of calls and emails has given him pause to consider.
It's been some days since I've seen anyone pushing this, so rather than give the impression that there is a lull in our commitment, why not give the effort a surge before everyone skies out for the weekend?
Call or email the governor's office today. Matter of fact, why not take one measly minute and do it right now?
And tell a friend...
"With Support from the Joyce Foundation"

"With support?"
David Hardy points out they funded and wrote the damn thing.
Everybody realizes this is nothing less than a declaration of war on free Americans, right?
Curious how the "law enforcement" establishment is stepping up their treason at the same time they're arming themselves with the stuff they want to take from us. What can I say--they're "The Only Ones"...and naturally, their "authorized journalist" cheerleading squad is calling out the chant on cue.
Y'all are ready for the next federal "assault weapons" ban, right? Look for it right after the Dems sweep office at the next election, thanks to the Republicans blowing their time at bat so badly--and offering us such pathetic leading choices under their self-fulfilling trademark mantra that principled candidates can never win.
And even if Parker...uh...Heller results in an affirmative ruling, I wouldn't be looking for strict scrutiny standards to be applied to future "gun" cases--my layman's guess is that "compelling state interest" would trump any challenge to an "assault weapons" ban--that is, assuming SCOTUS wouldn't just duck the controversy outright. And assuming they don't screw us on Heller.
Why do I sound so certain this is the course we're headed on? No one can know the future, of course, otherwise I'd be making online stock trades right now instead of blogging. But it sure seems like it's in the wind, doesn't it?
Humor me: let's say I'm right. Let's say a federal ban passes mirroring California law--semiautomatic firearms are banned by characteristic and by name (and hell, let's throw in those .50 BMGs that can blow the Starship Enterprise out of low Earth orbit--besides, the Chiefs are asking for it in the Joyce Report). Let's say the new law "grandfathers" existing ownership (for the time being), provided you register your firearms with the government.
All of you who maintain we need to enforce existing gun laws and work to change the ones we don't like--will you comply? If you will, a fair question might be "Then what good is the Second Amendment?"
[Via HZ]
We're the Only Ones Green Enough
"I ask the citizens of Orem: How many of you would like to have your great-grandmother taken from her home with bruises and blood and placed in handcuffs for failing to water her lawn?" attorney Gloria Allred said.Hey, what do you expect us to do, come up with non-coercive and non-violent solutions?
Damn right "the city attorney still is pressing charges." Maybe she won't give her name again and they can finish the job.
[Via Wm H]
[More from "The Only Ones" Files]
This Day in History: September 21
Faced with financial ruin, uncertain of future promotion, and disgusted with congressional politics, Arnold made a fateful decision: he would seek fortune and fame in the service of Great Britain.
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