So, Dick: Is all this publicity over your heavy-handed persecution of Red's Trading Post the reaction you were hoping for, or is this simply another manifestation of your agency's legendary incompetence resulting in "unintended consequences"?
Is all the hatred and contempt good Americans have expressed for you and your little "gang" a surprise to you, or is it just another motivating factor that drives you in your ongoing personal crusade against "shall not be infringed"?
Are you starting to feel the heat yet from your "superiors" (pity you appear to be answering to the wrong ones) for making a very public mess of what could have been a simple audit? I can't imagine they're too happy with you and your underlings right now.
Allow me to add to their--and your--discomfort, Dick. Tomorrow, I'm going to post photos of Area Supervisor Linda Young on this blog. I'm announcing it now for two reasons: first, to generate as much traffic as possible to see and spread the pictures, and also, to see if you'll try to get a court order preventing me from doing this--that'll be a story in itself. Make that three reasons: I won't mind if you sweat a bit in anticipation.
Better show this to your bosses, Dick. There isn't much time.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
"Stop Exposing Us!"
JPFO weighs in on Red's.
As the producer of a documentary about ATF, they're particularly concerned about the agency's claimed authority to restrict using images of its activities and personnel.
As the producer of a documentary about ATF, they're particularly concerned about the agency's claimed authority to restrict using images of its activities and personnel.
Radio Free Red's
Ryan Horsley joined Larry Pratt as a guest on "Top Story". His segment appears about 28 minutes into the broadcast--give it a listen. He repeats something he's told me before, and we need to press for more details as well as an official resolution: The local sheriff has called BATFU about their investigation and his calls have apparently not been returned.
It's starting now--per Ryan, his segment will start at 12:40 EST.
UPDATE: After the interview, Cam responded to an instant message and says he's going to call Ryan every day to check up on things.
It's starting now--per Ryan, his segment will start at 12:40 EST.
UPDATE: After the interview, Cam responded to an instant message and says he's going to call Ryan every day to check up on things.
Forfeit This

I mentioned yesterday how someone from the Treasury Department's Executive Office of Asset Forfeiture was lurking at WarOnGuns.
I sent them the above email, transcribed in full below:
I want to know why someone from your office was visiting my blog, The War on Guns. If it was someone visiting for personal reasons, I object as a taxpayer having government facilities used during working hours. If it was due to acting in an "official" capacity, I can't imagine why, unless it was in regards to my reporting on BATFE activities. If it was to send a "ping" that my site is being monitored, I'm curious as to what purpose you think that would accomplish--I certainly hope it's not meant to intimidate. Or perhaps it's just an automated search related to "homeland security" based on keywords? If you're interested in that, have I got some citizen militia activation suggestions for you.
I'm going to post this email, as well as any reply (or lack of one) I get from your office.
It may be nothing, or it may, as some have speculated--be calculated to chill. I figure the best way to handle things is using the same standard I impose on myself: conducting my public affairs in the full light of day.
Why would any government agency fear that?
Wayne Fincher Contact and Support
From Wayne's daughter, Connie Fields:
I note the "he got what he was asking for" folks are resurfacing in forums.
If every one of us did what Fincher did, there would be no more gun control laws in this country. Because we will not stand up en masse, any one of us who does will be cut down.
And Fincher did not just do this carelessly or casually, as implied. "The Silver Bullet" and other documents, as well as years of history corresponding with various public officials and the governor to notify them of their activities shows a thought-out strategy. The reason that strategy did not work is not because it was wrong in terms of founding intent and natural law, but because corrupted legal precedent is given more weight in our courts than unalienable rights--and We the People allow it through apathy, ignorance and fear.
Fincher's testimony was suppressed from the jury, as was mention of the Constitution, the 2nd Amendment...and they were instructed to obey the judge and accept his interpretation of his authority and the law.
It's true, I would not have put myself in harm's way the way he did--but that has more to do with my not trusting our "justice system" to deliver what its name promises than it does with any flaws in Fincher's legal reasoning.
Rather than belittle the fallen, we ought to be helping in his time of need. Because if we don't restore Wayne Fincher's vision of the Republic, it will be just a matter of time before we follow him to the dungeon or worse--unless we surrender not just ourselves, but our children.
[More about Wayne Fincher from WarOnGuns]
You can write to dad by using his new address.
Hollis Wayne Fincher
P.O. Box 9000
Forrest City, Arkansas
If you want to send money(money order) the address is:
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Hollis Wayne Fincher
07863-010 (MUST
P.O. Box 474701
Des Moines,
IA 50947-0001
All money must be sent to this address. The prison doesn't take any money.
Dad can have up to 25 pictures or less, 5 magazines, 5 paperback books.
NOTE: Inmates are allowed to receive magazines, soft cover books, greeting cards and photos( NO POLAROIDS). All hard cover books and newspapers must come directly from a publisher(BOOK STORE ETC.) Please note that any photos,magazines or books that show any form of nudity will be rejected by mail room staff.
When I know more I will let you know.
I note the "he got what he was asking for" folks are resurfacing in forums.
If every one of us did what Fincher did, there would be no more gun control laws in this country. Because we will not stand up en masse, any one of us who does will be cut down.
And Fincher did not just do this carelessly or casually, as implied. "The Silver Bullet" and other documents, as well as years of history corresponding with various public officials and the governor to notify them of their activities shows a thought-out strategy. The reason that strategy did not work is not because it was wrong in terms of founding intent and natural law, but because corrupted legal precedent is given more weight in our courts than unalienable rights--and We the People allow it through apathy, ignorance and fear.
Fincher's testimony was suppressed from the jury, as was mention of the Constitution, the 2nd Amendment...and they were instructed to obey the judge and accept his interpretation of his authority and the law.
It's true, I would not have put myself in harm's way the way he did--but that has more to do with my not trusting our "justice system" to deliver what its name promises than it does with any flaws in Fincher's legal reasoning.
Rather than belittle the fallen, we ought to be helping in his time of need. Because if we don't restore Wayne Fincher's vision of the Republic, it will be just a matter of time before we follow him to the dungeon or worse--unless we surrender not just ourselves, but our children.
[More about Wayne Fincher from WarOnGuns]
Red's Making the Rounds
The ongoing BATFU persecution of Red's Trading Post got picked up by Instapundit.
This opinion from a notable legal scholar carries significant weight, so I urged Ryan Horsley to make his attorney aware of it.
I'm also delighted to see the term "authorized journalist" gain wider recognition and acceptance.
Of Arms and the Law has a useful comment by Rivrdog I also called to Ryan's attention.
And SayUncle gives us a laundry list of agency abuses over the past few years.
Not meaning to leave anyone out, here's a link to other blogs covering this story.
Personally, I can't see any legitimate reason for ATF personnel conducting a routine inspection not to be photographed.
This opinion from a notable legal scholar carries significant weight, so I urged Ryan Horsley to make his attorney aware of it.
I'm also delighted to see the term "authorized journalist" gain wider recognition and acceptance.
Of Arms and the Law has a useful comment by Rivrdog I also called to Ryan's attention.
And SayUncle gives us a laundry list of agency abuses over the past few years.
Not meaning to leave anyone out, here's a link to other blogs covering this story.
This Day in History: July 26
On July 26, 1775, members of the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, agreed:That a postmaster general be appointed for the United Colonies...
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