Go. Read.
Notes from the Resistance...
British youth: Hitler was a soccer coach [More]Across the pond in Sarah Brady Paradise 'n all...
Heilman’s friends, who had been in the car with him, said there was a fight and Heilman was winning, but he was backing away when Waldron pulled his gun. They said no one knew Waldron was a Le Sueur County Sheriff’s Department investigator working undercover. They said Waldron didn’t identify himself until after he shot. [More]I don't know why the debate on charges. Sounds like it's all within acceptable "Only Ones" protocol to me...
Fort Hood Reminds Us: Our Gun Laws Are a National Disgrace [More]Some times, no more rebuttal is needed than this: Bite me, Bill Mann. Useful idiot punk.
Police were not expecting the grenade and because officers had promised "no questions asked," no one was charged."I brought in thi...BOOM!
Police asked residents in the future to call ahead if they have any unusual items such as hand grenades or mortars. [More]
"JCT Confirms Failure to Comply with Democrats’ Mandate Can Lead to 5 Years in Jail...Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.”Today's second Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a consequence of PelosiCare that I don't see anyone else pointing out.
If that's true, we need to look at U.S. Code, TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 44, § 922, where we find:
"(g) It shall be unlawful for any person—
(1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year...to...possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce." [More]
And they must say, that was a very soft target. You wonder if the shooter did not choose that place in part because it was a place for so many people in it. And so many people without weapons. [More]Yeah, you wonder.
The Nyberg "III" Flag Woodland patch is now available from Raven's Wood Enterprises, LLC. $3 each post paid. The patches measure approximately 1.9 X 3 inches and are of the same quality that our coveted "Threeper" patches are.If combining orders for "Threeper" patches and Nyberg flag patches, ensure you specify how many you want of each type. The "Threeper" patches are $4 each, post paid. Only Woodland "Threeper" patches are available.USPS Money Orders, Cashier's & Certified Checks and cash (though any orders in cash are at the sender's sole risk) get immediate processing and shipment. Personal & business check orders are held 10 days until the check clears.Send all orders to:Raven's Wood Enterprises, LLCPO Box 962Birmingham, MI 48012Please note that any orders received between 13 November and Thanksgiving won't be processed until December 1, 2009 in observance of Michigan's deer season and the holiday!
I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT! [More]"It was a peaceful demonstration..."
Another rival for the Nevada U.S. Senate seat occupied by Majority Leader Harry Reid has answered the Gun Rights Questionnaire. Sue Lowden is the second responding candidate, along with Danny Tarkanian, to have out-performed the incumbent in recent polls. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column spotlights another entry in this important race.
As the term of Service of the Brigade of Massachusetts Militia under your command will expire with this month, it is not worth your while to march this distance to do a few days duty. I therefore desire you will return to Genl. Putnam and employ your Men, during their stay, in such manner as he shall direct. [More]