Trust me, beneficiaries of his sacrifice, Nick Morrison's uniform got dirty. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column takes a personal look at what today is about.
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Notes from the Resistance...
Trust me, beneficiaries of his sacrifice, Nick Morrison's uniform got dirty. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column takes a personal look at what today is about.
I am very glad to find, that to morrow is the day fixed on for the completion of your Regiments; but I begin to think, that with respect to the Continent at large, it is almost a matter of moonshine, whether they are completed or not, for a very little more delay in marching them to Peeks Kill, will convince me, that there is no intention in the Colonels of sending them out of the State they are raised in; and that to guard against the possible evil of an Invasion of some of the Sea Port Towns of Connecticut, one of the most important posts in America, a post on the security of which alone, depends the Intercourse and Communication between the Eastern and Southern Colonies, is left in the utmost Jeopardy. [More]