Letter: In gun debate, we need civility, persuasion [More]Before or after you try to imprison and kill us "terrorists"? And be civil while you lie in order to help make that happen?
[Via Mack H]
Notes from the Resistance...
Letter: In gun debate, we need civility, persuasion [More]Before or after you try to imprison and kill us "terrorists"? And be civil while you lie in order to help make that happen?
Given the recent tragic shootings, historians should play a role in providing dispassionate facts about the history of gun rights and gun control. [More]Agreed. Except after leafing through some of the resulting articles, it's pretty obvious they agree more with Burger than with Scalia, embrace all kinds of infringements and advance more than one strawman doing it. That said, there is some stuff they got right that I'll be able to use later, so I'm going to hold onto this as a reference resource, albeit not one I consider to be other than marginally useful for the sources it cites.
...“by the way, I have two guns in my household for self-defense, just so you know.” [More]One for each abortion!
GOP Sen. David Simmons proposes assault weapon restrictions for people under 25 [More]Don't just primary this piece of crap, do whatever it takes to see him defeated.
More states allowing gun seizures amid plague of mass shootings [More]And what do we do with plagues if not eradicate their causes, which we say, of course, are guns?
August gun sales were up 15% thanks to Democrats’ totalitarian demands for mandatory buybacks. Those who bought guns were Americans seeking self-protection and with deep concerns that President Donald Trump is on board with gun control. [More]Short-term reactions always make me question long-term commitments.
“We’re looking at background checks and we’re looking at putting everything together in a unified way so that we can have something that’s meaningful,” Trump said, adding that, “At the same time, all of us want to protect our great Second Amendment. It’s very important to all of us.” [More]Fletcher, the floor is yours.
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HA! Good one! |
Tell Your U.S. Senators and Representative to Oppose Gun Control! [More]Alternatives have been suggested and ignored.
Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman today announced the members of the Arizona Department of Education’s School Safety Task Force. The task force was created in partnership with March for Our Lives AZ after attempts to create such a task force failed at the Legislature during the last legislative session. [More]Do I understand this right? The legislature refused to authorize it, so she's going ahead on her own say-so and using public insignia, resources, facilities, and personnel to promote a political agenda?
Cruz cautioned that Democratic turnout in 2020 will be “record-shattering” and Republicans shouldn’t do anything that would keep GOP voters home. [More]Isn't it obvious?
It’ll make one also question their faith in public schooling altogether and perhaps compel readers to get more involved in their local public schools. [More]Where do I even begin...?
Beto O'Rourke: 'Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47' [More]And the crowd went wild.
1 In 5 Americans Can’t Name Single Branch Of U.S. Government [More]It's getting to the way the controllers want it, and coincidentally about the same number that thinks it ought to be illegal to join NRA...
If being on that list is going to prevent you (but not criminals or real terrorists) from buying firearms, who thinks the next step won‘t be to confiscate the guns you already own? (That’s where registration lists, which the National Institute of Justice acknowledges are necessary for “universal background checks” to “work,” can come in so handy, especially when supplemented with so-called “red flag laws.”) And if you are one of those real terrorists and are dumb enough to fill out a Form 4473 and submit yourself to a NICS approval, what better way to be tipped off that you’ve been “made” than to be helpfully told the feds won’t allow your firearm transfer to proceed? [More]They don't just want your guns. They view you as an existential threat to totalitarian control and want you in the gulag or the ditch. But don't take my word for it. Take theirs.