“It is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving and the bullet that is utilized, a .50 caliber, these kinds of bullets, need to be licensed and do not need to be on the street.” [More]And here I thought "the shoulder thing that goes up" was the benchmark for presumptuous ignorance.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Jackson Lee’s AR-15 Ignorance is More Democrat Political Malpractice
Lowering the Barr
An Awful, Horrible, No-Good Expanded Background Check “Idea” [More]I hate to say "I told you so."
Maybe the brilliance of this latest 3D chess move will become apparent right before the gates slam shut...?
You Can't Have It Both Ways
“Facebook just admitted in a federal document that they are, indeed, a publisher, not a platform, and they are demanding First Amendment protections from Laura Loomer's defamation lawsuit.” The upshot: “This means, Mark Zuckerberg lied to Congress.” [More]If they need a vacancy, they could always stick him in Epstein's old cell.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Pawning Off Enough
A former Pinellas County school guardian was arrested Wednesday and charged with five counts of false verification of ownership for pawning a handgun and other items issued to him by the Sheriff’s Office. [More]Ah, those Opposite Day "progressive" trustees...
[Via Steve T]
As Serious as the Movement to Resist?
Adam Kinzinger: 'Serious movement' brewing to overturn entire Second AmendmentAnd he's doing everything he can to preemptively surrender incremental obstacles and clear the way for it.
This is what too many Republicans feel free doing when they think their seats are safe. That's because there's never been a serious movement to let the Party know that until they offer acceptable candidates, ones who actually lead, they can feel our pain.
And does somebody want to tell the blonde that the right isn't "given to us in the Consitution"?
[Via Roger J]
(FoxNews does not allow access from Blogger links. Copy and paste: https://www.foxnews.com/media/second-amendment-red-flag-laws-mass-shootings )
We're the Only Ones Watching Your Six Enough
Lawyers release video of Rifle police shooting man in the back as he jogs away [More]"RWL" is quite the "Leader."
[Via Neil W]
We're the Only Ones Defining Enough
“The (DNR) attempted to capture him to re-home him but he was acting aggressively toward the officers and that is why he was euthanized.” [More]What exactly does"acting aggressively" mean, and is it the same as "resisting arrest"?
And is "euthanized" Newspeak for shooting it?
[Via Michael G]
Sounds Like Some Department Heads Need Canned
The Trump administration has awarded nearly $1 million in grants to an illegal immigrant advocacy organization that has directly worked to undermine enforcement efforts at the southern border. [More]Embedded bureaucrats continue to subvert from within.
[Via Mack H]
With 'Republicans' Like These
Former Bush staffer urges 'fellow Latinos' to vote Trump 'out of office' [More]But he's "not asking you to become a Democrat. "
He doesn't have to.
[Via Mack H]
Creating Voids to Fill with Something Else
An Obituary for the Boy Scouts of America [More]Destroying traditions -- and any memory of them -- is part of the plan.
I'm sure the uniforms for the mandatory Young Patriots League of Loyalty will be more impressive.
[Via Michael G]
Glad We're on the Same Team!
How a hard-charging lawyer helped fuel a civil war inside the NRA [More]Did we mention he gave money to Beto?
Hey, don't let me stop you from digging deep for Wayne's interminable fundraising appeals. He needs to pay the lawyers.
[Via Felix B]
The Anti-Barretts -- UPDATE Says 'No'
Colt to Stop Manufacturing AR-15s For Sale to Civilian Market [More]Hey, you don't want Beto's Raiders to be outgunned...
[Via Jess]
SIGNIFICANT UPDATE-- And then there's this:
As Colt has made clear, it believes that “there is adequate supply for modern sporting rifles for the foreseeable future,” and so it is temporarily shifting its production priorities in order to focus on the military side of its business. That’s it. That’s the whole story.[Via Michael G]
It's Only a Movie...
Sandy Hook Promise’s chilling back-to-school PSA hopes to prevent mass shootings [More]Nothing like a slick, well-financed ad by professional illusionists to make the cud-chewers clutch their pearls. And get all kinds of free commercials via "news" stories.
Which school was used? You never know where asking such questions might lead.
At least it looks like they didn't plagiarize -- this time.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Possessive Enough
A St. Louis police officer is accused of using a gun to stop his vehicle from being repossessed. [More]Yet the uniform is all it takes to keep the herd from spooking.
[Via bondmen]
Judging a Book by Its Cover
An updated ad would need an image without a gun. [More]Just think of it as ideological cleansing.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Encouraging Enough
Granville County Sheriff Brindell Wilkins learned one of his deputies had a tape of him making “racially offensive” comments, prosecutors say. So the North Carolina lawman encouraged another man to kill the officer, according to a felony indictment revealed late Monday night. [More]"I Shot the Sheriff" could use a lyrics update.
[Via bondmen]
A Thousand Funded Cuts
Frivolous Lawsuits Once Again Threaten the Gun Industry [More]In a rational world, those doing the harassment would be countersued into oblivion. And RICO charges would be filed.
Forgive me for wondering how John Roberts is going to screw us this time.
[Via bondmen]
And On That Glorious Day...
It is about the consequences that would come when the rule of law returns and justice demands to be done. Because there will be an accounting before the law for anyone who swore to defend the Constitution and then willingly does the opposite. [More]Flesh that out, because I seem to have missed the civil war victory part.
I'd also like to see substantiation of those percentages.
[Via Sam Adams 1776]
YUGE Ideas! Terrific Ideas!
"Look, I'm a very strong believer in the Second Amendment," Trump continued. "We're going to protect our Second Amendment. We have plenty of ideas."That's what worries me.
[Via Wynn A]
(FoxNews does not allow access from Blogger links. Copy and paste: https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-second-amendment-nra-guns )
Situational Obliviousness
A Dingmans Ferry, Pa., driver was jailed after police say that during a vehicle stop on Route 206, a trooper observed ammunition and a weapons case on his passenger’s seat -- and later found assault rifles and high capacity ammunition. [More]I'm sorry if I seem unsympathetic, but how the hell does a gun owner reach age 69 and not know right-across-the-river New Jersey's gonna getcha if you don't watch out?
[Via Wynn A]
Killing the Messenger
Twitter Suspends Second Amendment Foundation Account on Eve of Gun Rights Policy Conference [More]No bias there, no sir.
I'm still seeing their page, but don't see updates since July...
What Can Brown Do for You?
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It's actually the photo further down where he's faking Sikh piety I find offensive, mostly because of the with a beta cuck look on his face. What a side-saddler.
And yeah, of course the whole controversy is manufactured, selectively-applied and ridiculous. The point is to hoist these virtue-bleeders on their own petard, but that's really up to the string-pullers and their perceptions of usefulness.
You'll notice Ralph ain't goin' nowhere.
Woke Up, It was a Chelsea Morning
Chelsea Handler says she needed ‘therapy’ before interviewing conservatives for white privilege documentary [More]Why doesn't she just get another abortion? Those always seem to make her and Alyssa feel better.
And There's a Man Who Knows a Thing or Two About Disastrous Presidencies
Jimmy Carter says Trump re-election would be ‘a disaster’ [More]Yeah. He'd probably run us out of gas, give away the Panama Canal and turn Iran over to the ayatollahs.
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