Well, that's not exactly what we've come to regard as safe gun handling being demonstrated on the cover there, is it? We've come a long way in half a century, but most of it has not been in the right direction.
There's plenty in this issue, including a look at "West Point's 'Library' of Guns," "Tommy Gun" marksmanship,
Elmer Keith hunting lions, the story of
"Pistol Pete" Eaton, and more, including the classic period gun ads.
But here's what really stands out:
No corrupt politician ever worked more cynically, or more successfully, to put over a deal that would perpetuate his power. "He knew, of course," a retired policeman told this writer, "that his own boys would keep on getting gats without papers." But he went about enlisting unthinking "reformers" to bat for his bill through press and pulpit.

"Sullivan Law: This Law Makes Crime Safe," is a must-read, and gives us an invaluable analysis and perspective on the background, effects and implications of this evil, unAmerican edict that provided the model for urban citizen disarmament.