I note he doesn’t flesh out how it is morally justifiable to use guns against, say, the group that stands for limited government, free markets and federalism. What would the circumstance be for whacking them, and who else would make his list? At what point will it be cool to start targeting “teabagger” firms, and is anyone who works for or with them fair game? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes, if Rolling Stone has its way, the Prozis may be able to start shooting conservatives and libertarians any day now.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Rolling Stone ‘gun lover’ shows curious interpretation of Second Amendment
Last Night on Armed American Radio
What are your top ten carry guns? Dave Bray, lead singer for Madison Rising stopped by, Jerry Henry of Georgia Carry updated us on the implementation of the GA “Guns Everywhere” law, Kenny Barlow of North American Arms talks 22 mini’s, and David Codrea, Seanto and more!
The FBI encouraged and sometimes even paid Muslims to commit terrorist acts during numerous sting operations after the 9/11 attacks, a human rights group said in a report published Monday. [More]Paid?
Man, some of the domestic terrorists I know are getting a raw deal.
And Now a Word from Renfield

I also agree that Pratt represents a dangerous strain of religiously based insurrectionism that runs through some fringes of American society. [More]Oh, like what you agree with has some special significance?
Do you also fluff your boss, or do you service him all the way?
Is Master pleased, lickspittle?
Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You
Set aside 40 minutes. Watch it now or watch it later, but watch it.
And then share it.
Note the "Gunwalker" tie-in.
Thanks, foreign and domestic enemies, aided and abetted by Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists! Thanks, Prozis, both the cynical ones who know better and their useful idiots!
Now I see why you want our guns.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
Speaking of "Not of the Body"...
"All in for justice and equality," Prozi-style. [More]
Every day is Opposite Day.
Now get back on the plantation.
[Via bondmen]
Every day is Opposite Day.
Now get back on the plantation.
[Via bondmen]
It's Not a Requirement
Well, only if you want to eat. [More]
That's Prozi for "Convert or die."
No wonder this @$$hole wants our guns.
That's Prozi for "Convert or die."
No wonder this @$$hole wants our guns.
Meanwhile, Over on Beta III
Two Men Try To Rob A Store; One Accidentally Second Amendments His Accomplice To Death [More]Yeah, that's what it's about. These people are as dishonest as they are arrogantly ignorant.
Landru, guide us!
You're NOT of the body! Lawgivers! Traitors!
What's the Difference Between an Authorized Journalist and a Toilet?
A toilet doesn't follow you around whining and demanding things after you've used it. [More]
But he said he loved us!
The Global Economist
MICROSOFT TO CUT 18,000 JOBS [More]S'OK. Bill is busy bringing in more H-1Bs.
They're not only cheaper, they expect fewer benefits.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Doggone Enough
But the attorney for dog owner Brittany Preston said that police dash camera video recorded an officer as saying, “The only thing I’m going to do is shoot it. I do not like dogs.” [More]Thank goodness he made it home at the end of his shift!
[Via Florida Guy]
Every Day IS Opposite Day
Matthew Liao, director of the Bioethics Programme at New York University, says we should combat global warming by genetically engineering humans so they are shorter and allergic to red meat. [More]A Prozi ethicist -- no wonder.
They're fixated on bringing about global cooling via the aptly-named (and this is too damn funny) algor mortis.
If they succeed in making things collapse, I wonder how many academics will put heat back into the environment as the central objects of Long Pig barbecues. And I wonder how many of those will be put on by people who currently share their ideology, despising and ridiculing those taking preparatory precautions, including for the ability to repel anti-human monsters like this character and anyone who would make such a demented vision "law."
[Via Michael G]
The Patriot Movement
Prozi-style. [More]
The Manchinette?
Esquire said it, I believe it, that settles it.
[Via Michael G]
The Manchinette?
Esquire said it, I believe it, that settles it.
[Via Michael G]
Gun Talk Redux
As usual, I had a fun time yesterday talking with Tom Gresham.
I did make one critical error: I should have known the publisher of Rolling Stone's first name is pronounced "Yawn."
Click here for archived shows. My segment is here, starting at around the halfway point.
I did make one critical error: I should have known the publisher of Rolling Stone's first name is pronounced "Yawn."
Click here for archived shows. My segment is here, starting at around the halfway point.
In Other Words
Facebook comment in re a poster that Mike inspired:
In other words start acting like illegal aliens.My reply:
The outlaws are the criminals in government infringing on unalienable rights. Claiming those rights and defying usurpation of them is hardly the moral equivalent of lawlessly mass-invading a sovereign nation.In other words, start acting like people who will not surrender.
This Day in History: July 21
Their chiefs have offered me their service to go out against our
enemies, but they say they want shoes and Stockings. Was it in my
power, I would not only furnish them with these articles but they should
be the gayest and finest savages in the Wilderness, and in this way I
would not only preserve their friendship but I would allure others if
possible to be at peace with us. In this way only in my opinion are
they to be subdued. [More]
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Makes a hell of a lot more sense than the Gunwalker-ignoring Prozi propaganda to advance a disarmament agenda this comment poster is responding to.