Wednesday, September 06, 2017

A Right Delayed

... Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-West Olive, says the timing isn't right ...  [More]
When will it be?


No, of course that's not good enough for a free people.  Fortunately for the rights deniers, they're not dealing with those.

Your Tax Dollars at Work

New York and other states sue over DACA termination [More]
Thank goodness none of this has anything to do with that "single issue."

And thank goodness "Republican" Paul Ryan tells the benign-sounding "DACA immigrants" they can "Rest easy."

[Via Michael G]

Blowing Their Top

“We call it ‘taking the roof off.’ If the mountain collapses and the hole is exposed, it will let out many bad things.”  [More]
Things that can be picked up by the jet stream...

[Via Michael G]

Gracias, Capitán Obvio

Gun Control Laws Have Failed Latin America. [More]
They've failed everywhere if the goal is to ensure peace and tranquility.

Who but the cud-chewers is thick enough to believe that's actually the goal?

[Via Keith B]

Play to Win


Justice and Righteousness Demand It

SPLC's Civil Rights Memorial features this powerful and noble sentiment paraphrased from Amos 5:24 (and repurposed, because the word was "judgment," meaning by God).

SPLC is a leading voice calling for the removal of monuments it deems hateful. And SPLC is a leading voice in calling out prominent Christians it deems prejudiced against the LGBT community via its "Hatewatch" resource.

There was a prominent Christian minister who publicly described homosexual attraction as a "problem" that is"culturally acquired." He advised a confused young man seeking counsel to "see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that led to the habit. You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognize the problem and have a desire to solve it."


Looks like that plaque is going to have to come down. And statues. And quite a few streets and schools are going to need to be renamed.

If we're going to be consistent...

'Fake News' or Something to Consider?

Morbidly obese, smoked Newports, exerted herself in an agitated crowd on a hot day, had a heart attack... [More]

And doesn't look a thing like the picture McAwful and the media have been spreading around....

Where have we seen that tactic used before?

This is not to trivialize her misfortune or excuse any unjustified use of force by anyone, or to apologize for real hate, again by anyone. But we who believe in a limited government of powers delegated for the purposes articulated in the Preamble can't be afraid to challenge any narrative smearing us as racists, haters, Nazis, fascists, and domestic enemy extremists. And that's what this has been turned into.

If we're to believe the driver was a "right wing terrorist," why has he not been so charged? And if the woman's death was attributable to factors besides his actions, true "social justice" demands a sober and judicious examination of all facts and evidence, as opposed to just a ginning of the mob based on accusations serving an agenda.

Amish Photo Exemption Bill Raises Questions about Gun Owner Control Laws and More

Where does anyone get off requiring a free citizen to get permission to exercise a right? Who has legitimate moral authority to impose prior restraints on rights that, depending on your beliefs, are either “endowed by our Creator” or inherent to the condition of being human? [More]
If photo IDs disenfranchise minority voters as "progressives" claim, why doesn't the same requirement disenfranchise them from their right to keep and bear arms?

Both to Blame

Top senator sees both parties blamed if no health compromise [More]
I blame both for even acting like it's a delegated power.

A young man of my close acquaintance, out on his own for the first time and forced by "the law" to participate, can only afford to be part of the Obamacare/Medicaid dependency system. Either that or he's subject to the punishments.

He tried to find a GP from his assigned provider. He stopped searching further after getting a "No results" screen for a 100 mile radius.

Anybody think Lamar has that problem?

[Via Geordan]

The Unity of Exclusion

Beneficiaries of the fund will include victims of the events in Charlottesville on August 11 and 12, their families, first responders, and organizations devoted to the promotion of healing, unity and justice locally and nationwide. [More]
So do "first responders" include those who stood down and allowed violence to erupt? And will anyone assaulted by Antifa be considered an eligible "victim"?

And can someone "identify" as a Charlottesville area resident?

Dave Matthews.  Figures.

Nice to see Areola Grande amongst the One Percenter celebrity virtue oozers...

[Via Steve T

We're the Only Ones Unadmitted Enough

The University of Utah Hospital, where a nurse was manhandled and arrested by police as she protected the legal rights of a patient, has imposed new restrictions on law enforcement, including barring officers from patient-care areas and from direct contact with nurses. [More]
Those are some "peace officers"...

[Via Neil W]

Faulty Omissions Standards

I've found if I up the size on this it's blurry, but I can read it.

I disagree with my friend T.L. about this review being "not all favorable, but honest."

Here's why:

The truth side is right. And the "not evil just wrong" misdirection is used as cover for all kinds of subversive partnerships.

We should never give lies equal time.  The whole point of the project is to counter that which already overwhelmingly dominates the media narrative. And far from getting "equal time," what we're doing is deliberately suppressed. There's no room for an undiluted/unpolluted message?

We ARE in a contest, and a cataclysmic one at that.

Any reviewer who could make such an asinine statement is either a hopelessly naive weakling themessage will be forever lost on, or else somebody who knows exactly what he's doing.

A Remembrance of Days Gone By

In a wave of lawlessness that spread across the island, eyewitnesses reported looting by men and women, children and the elderly, even police and National Guardsmen. Armed gangs were reported roaming the streets. Ham radio operators said between 300 and 500 inmates had broken out of a hurricane-damaged prison and were loose in the city. [More]
What better time to have laws in place that authorize disarming the people who obeyed them and registered their guns?

The Blame Game

Progressive Left policies on crime (such as those embraced by Black Lives Matter and most all Democrats) are based on a social justice hypothesis that crime is a result of income disparity and racism. [More]
Curly explains:

[Via Michael G]

We're the Fauxnly Ones Pulling Over Enough

Man arrested on suspicion of impersonating law enforcement officer - 
Lloyd Chang, 61, accused of trying to pull over several vehicles [More]
As I've noted before, it wouldn't hurt to be aware of The Fauxnly Ones Files. You never know when an "I was afraid he might not be a real cop" defense could use some validation that it's a widespread and frequent enough phenomenon to be a legitimate concern.

[Via Steve T

Between the DREAMers and the Dead

More than 14,000 votes were cast in Chicago during the 2016 general election than there were voters to cast them... [More]
But snarky 'progressives' ridicule the contention..

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via William T]

Captain's Log

A Matter of Priorities

“We've got a lot of busy things happening here,” McCarthy told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo. “We have to deal with Harvey, we have the debt ceiling, we have a continuing resolution, which will be just about a three month continuing resolution. So you will deal with the wall a little later in the year.” [More]
And what will your excuses be then?

Good thing the physical security of our nation's borders has nothing to do with either the Preamble or that "single issue."

Otherwise, I'd start wondering if this should impact his "outstanding legislator" status from the Arnhole endorsers.

Anybody think having a Californian as Majority Leader (and Cantor replacement) is an accident?

The Loonies

Actress declares that her ‘first abortion’ at age 19 was ‘my best one.’ And the audience loves it. [More]
Hey, she's gotta do something to receive the shallow adulation from strangers that compensates for an otherwise love-repelling personal life.

Considering her side, think of all those Democrat voters that have never been born. That's another reason why they've got to pad that side with foreign replacement voters.

Not that this has anything to do with that "single issue"...

As an aside, Whoopi doing incontinence product commercials has a certain Twilight Zone ending sense of ironic justice...

Blessed are the Peacemakers

There is no word as to the identity of the children involved or the countries of origin.  [More]
Anybody care to take a stab at it?

"Diplomatic immunity" ought to be reserved for agreed-upon political actions.  Anything else means our lives are forfeit and the government will protect criminal foreigners.  That's an absolute betrayal of the "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" obligation as well as a denial of equal protection.

We're the Only Ones Not Making an Impression Enough

Some of the arrested during the day are DACA recipients. The NYPD says the protesters arrested outside Trump Tower won't have to be fingerprinted if they provide their information willingly -- no fingerprints means no arrest information transmitted to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. [More]
If they're not committing crimes, what's NYPD doing hassling them in the first place? And if they are, what other crimes do they give suspects a pass on -- for political reasons as ordered by their masters?

And while they won't lift a fingerprint, what will they do if a finger is lifted?