I had no idea or intent to dominate today's postings with "Only Ones" tales--it just kind'a happened based on random tips. The thought struck: Why not have an Only Ones Carnival?
Just to clarify: The purpose of this feature has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only the police are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly (the concept owes its origins to Lee Paige, the DEA agent who shot his own foot while lecturing a classroom on gun safety and his superior qualifications). And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly when they're involved in gun-related incidents.
The Carnival of the Only Ones will be held this Sunday, meaning I need all submissions in by Saturday night. It's open to anyone who has a freedom-related blog. Rules are as follows:
The title must have the words "Only Ones", and somewhere in the body of the post, a link to the following url should appear:
That's basically it, except for one more caveat: I reserve the right to reject any and all submissions. I don't want to send anyone to a site that's going to place spyware on their computers or subject them to pornography, spam sites, etc.
So if you're interested in participating, post an "Only Ones" feature on your blog and then send me the link by Saturday night. Send all submissions to dcodrea AT hotmail DOT com and use "ONLY ONES CARNIVAL" as your email subject.
If this generates enough interest, I may make it a regular feature here at WarOnGuns.