Plurality of Brits Support Government Spying On People via Cellphone Tracking to Enforce Lockdown [More]
Is there a term for an entire culture suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
Notes from the Resistance...
Plurality of Brits Support Government Spying On People via Cellphone Tracking to Enforce Lockdown [More]
Is there a term for an entire culture suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
Then, late Monday afternoon, Facebook unpublished The Truth About Guns’ page. No warning or explanation was given and we haven’t been able to publish anything to our timeline there since. The matter has been escalated through the usual impenetrably opaque processes, but we’ve heard nothing and have to assume at this point that the Zuckerborg has no intention of restoring the account. [More]
I would think by accepting an account and allowing it to post for years there would be, like, an implied contract, because had the banned party known ideological deplatforming would be used, he would not have put untold hours into posting to build his business, and in maintaining his account. That and it also seems like a virtual easement of sorts...
I dunno. Guess it's a good thing I'm not a lawyer.
A Capitol Hill Police plainclothesman shot the 14-year Air Force veteran and California businesswoman as she was attempting to climb through a broken window pane on one of the double doors leading the Speaker’s Lobby and Member’s Retiring Room – just a few feet from the House floor. [More]
Almost two weeks have elapsed and we still don't know his name?
I got an email a week or so back purporting to ID him and his Facebook account and pegging him as a BLM supporter. I let it pass because I didn't think the case had been sufficiently proven to warrant doxxing someone. Now I'm wondering if that was a mistake and if the cleanup crew has removed all traces.
UPDATE: What's in a URL?
It shows what the original headline was intended to be, doesn't it? [More]
Says a lot about the DSM mindset and the tone of "information" we can expect once the "deplatforming" of alternative media is complete, does it not...?
Virginia Senate Votes 37-1 to Strip Sen. Amanda Chase – Who Spoke at the 1/6 Pro-Trump Rally in D.C. – of Her Last Committee Assignment [More]
So how is that not taxation without representation for her constituents?
[Via Mack H]
While Thousands of Shots Sit in Fridge, Maui Hospital’s vaccine clinic closing FOR 3 WEEKS over 'shortage' [More]
In a way, I'm glad incompetents are in charge of "gun control."
I touched on the danger we face briefly in my last Ammoland piece. I also received the following appeal by email from a longtime pro-RKBA political activist urging us to include Jon Tester and other advocacy groups as well:
Twitter is like a party where everyone is screaming. Not much of a party. Goodbye for now. [More]
I haven't been this upset since Chrissy Teigen threatened to "take [her] talents" elsewhere.
[Via Steve T]
“As governor, I will work tirelessly to eliminate these weapons of war from our streets, keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, and keep our communities safe,” McAuliffe said in a statement. [More]
And guess who's going to help!
Uh-oh. Looks like Kirk is falling short.
This ought to inspire contributors to dig deep!
[Via Mack H]
McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer will join Biden at church before his inauguration [More]
I wonder what the sermon's going to be on...
[Via Mack H]
What are we to make of Tarrio — and, more broadly, of Latino voters inspired by Trump? And what are we to make of unmistakably White mob violence that also includes non-White participants? I call this phenomenon multiracial whiteness — the promise that they, too, can lay claim to the politics of aggression, exclusion and domination. [More]
So that's what we're calling a Bill of Rights culture these days...?
[Via Mack H]
Virginia is one step closer to potentially abolishing the death penalty [More]
Well we still have a Plan B, right?
[Via Mack H]
Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl’s And Wayfair Pull MyPillow Products From Shelves, CEO Says [More]
So when do UPS, FedEx, and Amazon do their part to kill internet and phone sales?
[Via Mack H]
Everyone involved in the suppression of this document needs to be arrested immediately and charged with treason... So now the question remains, with ponly two days left to Inauguration, will President Trump fially act? [Watch]
Yeah, he'll get right on that, just as soon as he moves his next 4D chess piece.
Anybody else sick of getting their hopes up for Krakens that end up not scaring anybody?
[Via Jess]
Levine, a male who identifies as female, faced harsh criticism for removing his mother from a personal care home during the COVID-19 pandemic after he had directed nursing facilities to admit people who had previously tested positive for COVID-19. [More]
"Microaggressions" that could get PJM deplatformed aside, ain't that just like the elites?
[Via Michael G]
Del. Kirk Cox, R-Colonial Heights, a candidate for governor who supports gun rights, said on Twitter that the assault rifle-carrying people who descended on Richmond aren’t protesters, but provocateurs. “They’re not welcome at our Capitol, and they need to go home before someone gets hurt,” he said. “Grateful for our law enforcement officers and their work to keep us safe.” [More]
And I see Democrat enforcers haven't lost their touch.
[Via Mack H]
According to the Times, he said she's been completely nonresponsive so far. [More]
With her backers, she's got options.
[Via Michael G]
An extremism expert watching the Trump fringes now has never been more worried. [More]
I can't even begin to tell you how many "progressives" I've smacked in the head with a bike lock.
[Via Michael G]
NM bill would punish firearm instructors if their students later commit violence [More]
You could drive a truck through that "with the intent of" qualifier. You can bet the trainers will have their social media and other accounts scoured by leftist molehill mountaineers to see if they've ever expressed sentiments like you see here every day, or maybe have a "Molon Labe" shirt, quoted Jefferson on "the Tree of Liberty or Tench Coxe on "every terrible implement of the soldier," talked about "the Three Percent," or agreed with Oath Keepers about "orders we will not obey."
Oh, look: The "Republican" teaming up with the "Gun Sense Candidate" is "a life-long member of the NRA and the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, a member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Mule Deer Foundation."
[Via bondmen]
The study also showed new firearm and ammunition purchases during the pandemic in response to concerns about lawlessness, prisoner releases and even government collapse. The researchers estimate that about 110,000 Californians bought firearms directly in response to the pandemic, 47,000 for the first time. [More]
So naturally, the eggheads and gunquacks insist it would be safer if the Koreans just came down off those rooftops unarmed.
[Via bondmen]
America, the Prison State [More]
So we've been lied to in order to "justify" tighter controls?
Aw, go on...
[Via bondmen]
@JoeBiden's Personnel Chief used to work at a Chinese Communist Party-run think tank flagged by the FBI as a "front group for intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment." [More]
You think they don't have his resume?
[Via bondmen]
The Destructive Hypocrisy Of The Political Left Is What Caused The Capitol Protest [More]
That just means they're better at goading the low-hanging fruit into doing something self-defeating than we are.
[Via bondmen]
The military knows it has a problem with domestic extremists, white supremacists [More]
Looks like there's plenty of blame to go around.
But focusing on that won't purge those who would heed their oaths and disobey unlawful orders, so guess who gets smeared...
[Via bondmen]
TANGENTIALLY-RELATED UPDATE:Neither Hoffman nor Hokanson responded to requests for details on what would flag a guardsman deployed for Capitol security, whether that was specific ties to extremism, documented threats against Capitol or inauguration security or political speech against the Biden or supporting outgoing President Donald Trump. [More]
Last week police attempted to serve an eviction order and were repelled by Antifa, it was a vicious battle. [More]
Damn Trump supporters.
[Via Jess]
Baltimore 'Safe Streets' director Dante Barksdale fatally shot in the head while visiting housing project [More]
OK, we tried it his way...
[Via Jess]
Even After US Capitol Riot: CNN Poll Shows 75% of Republicans Believe 2020 Election Stolen from President Donald Trump [More]
We're gonna need a bigger gulag.
[Via Michael G]
Get Ready for a Major COVID19-Narrative Shift Based on ‘Consensus’ and ‘Science’ [More]
and "Politics"...
UPDATES (looks like this may turn into an aggregator post):
[Via Michael G]
Major NRA donor to challenge gun group's bankruptcy over alleged fraud [More]
My enthusiasm is diminished by his goal of putting Chris Cox in charge.
The wife added that Reffitt is a member of the Three Percenters, a right-wing militia group known for their violent rhetoric. [More]
I see nothing Mike advocated reflected in his reported actions, assuming an estranged wife wasn't embellishing. Then again, I see no mention of Mike on many so-called "Three Percenter" websites and wonder how many who so identify know nothing more about it than the estimate.
“Following the January 6 insurrection, a seven-foot, non-scalable fence was added around the Capitol Hill complex,” Business Insider reveals in a Sunday article on “ramped up” security for the Biden inauguration. “Barbed wire sits atop the fence, providing an additional barrier to entry to the grounds.” [More]
So walls, government-issued IDs, and guns are bad -- unless they serve Democrat purposes?