We talked about this here.
Then this happened.
It's back up now.
Go give it a look-see.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Some Things Can't Be Laid to Rest
Two young adults have been. [More]
Correspondent Mack H originally sent me the story of the two Virginia Tech students slain in the national forest. I'd like to share some of our email exchanges.
MH: Authorities have stepped up patrols. So everyone can 'feel' safer, I guess. One word describe all of this: EVIL. Do not think 'mentally ill' - whoever did this was evil. Period. DC: It was a National Forest, not a National Park, so the ban that will exist until Feb 10 did not apply--NF's abide by the state rules where their territories overlap. That said, both were too young to qualify for handgun permits in VA--another outrage in itself. MH: That is correct. However, in Va., we can open-carry in most places -- EXCEPT in state parks, thanks to Timmy Kaine. I'll send you his pathetic letter later, if I can find it. Virginians can open-carry from age 18 onward. VCDL is covering this. DC: Thanks for the clarification--is the state park OC ban paralleled in national forests? MH: Well, the answer is a bit complicated. The relevant Forest Service CFR reg is 36 CFR 261.8(b): [See gpoaccess.gov for further details] The following are prohibited **to the extent** Federal or ***State law is violated***: "(b) Possessing a firearm or other implement designed to discharge a missile capable of destroying animal life." The problem: Kaine refused to honor an AG opinion which declared that open-carry in Virginia parks is legal. I'll send the documents in a follow up. MH: Here is a brief overview: 1) This is an AG opinion, requested by a strong pro-gun Delegate, Richard Black (his second attempt): http://oag.state.va.us/Opinions/2002opns/02-074.pdf Basically, the idea is if you have a CHP, only the General Assembly, not the state parks department (DCR), can ban concealed carry in state parks. The opinion had nothing to say about open carry. Then governor Mark Warner grudgingly accepted that opinion and had the regs revised to allow concealed carry in state parks. =============== 2) About a year ago, Senator Ken T. Cuccinelli, II requested an AG opinion from the AG Bob Mcdonnell, concerning open carry in state aprks. Here is that opinion: http://oag.state.va.us/OPINIONS/2008opns/08-043-Cuccinelli.pdf [SNIP] I find no specific statutory authority granting the Department the authority to prohibit the open carrying of firearms in state parks. A person’s right to carry a firearm openly is considered universal within the Commonwealth, subject to definite and limited restrictions upon certain locations and classifications of individuals. Accordingly, it is my opinion that the Department of Conservation and Recreation has only such authority to restrict the open carrying of firearms which is expressly provided by law. Thank you for letting me be of service to you. Sincerely, Robert F. McDonnell =================== As you may be aware, McDonnell is running for Governor, and Cuccinelli is running for Attorney General. Once again, it was up to the governor (Tim Kaine) to accept the opinion and order the regs changed. Well, VCDL tried reasoning with his office, to no avail. finally, VCDL received a letter indicating the Governor would NOT honor the AG opinion. VCDL letters page. Kaine's letter [SNIP] DCR's longstanding ban is an important aspect of maintaining the safety and attractiveness of our state parks. Park visitors must have confidence that they can enjoy our parks without concern about the open carriage of firearms. =========== Well, there you have it. I assume you know that Kaine is the new DNC Chair.
We're the Only Ones Egging On Enough

An officers with the Carrollton Police Department, along with three civilian employees with the department, have been fired for egging a house. [More]No doubt just a few rotten eggs, and not representative of all the hard-boiled Carrollton "Only Ones" who are above such childish nonsense...
What did Vincent Price playing Egghead on "Batman" always say? "Eggsactly!"
The yolks on you!
And I do apologize, but good grief. Every story I get seems to be more ridiculous than the last.
[Via Harvey]
Restoring Felon Rights
The North Carolina Supreme Court says a 2004 law that bars convicted felons from having a gun, even within their own home or business, is unconstitutional. [More]The opinion is here.
Dave Workman is soliciting opinions.
I've made my position clear for some time. Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian.
[Via Ambiguous ambiguae]
We're the Only Ones Probationary Enough
A Chandler homicide detective who was arrested on suspicion of assaulting his wife has agreed to 36 months of probation and substance-abuse counseling in a deferred prosecution deal in Gilbert Municipal Court on Friday.Plus it says this "Only One" lied to investigators.
If Brett Lockwood, 35, completes the terms of his probation he will not be prosecuted on the misdemeanor assault charge. [More]
Hey, I'll bet you or I would have been given the same deal under these circumstances, don't you think? I mean, no Lautenberg lifetime ban or anything...?
[Via Doug H]
We're the Only Ones Pointing and Clicking Enough
Officer Michael Williams is accused of using the red laser on his JSO-issued Taser inappropriately.What a boob.
According to an internal affairs report, Williams pointed the laser at two women. They said he aimed it directly at their chest and moved it around in circles. [More]
What an "Only One."
[Via Harvey]
A Safety Message?
But Lesnick said his son’s death has put a renewed emphasis on gun safety and education. He acknowledges guns should be secured and kept away from ammunition to prevent similar accidents. [More]No.
There is no "one size fits all."
I'm sorry for this guy's loss. I cannot imagine his guilt and agony. Which, along with his support for armed citizens is why I won't give this one a flippant "Only Ones" title.
But that title gives him extra "gravitas" with the media when he speaks, and the message he's promoting could end up getting someone else's kid killed.
[Via Harvey]
Money Talks...

...and of course, the BSers want to portray that as "weird"...
I think a great viral campaign could be started with a "III" stamp. Maybe I'll shoot Vanderboegh an email...
[Via HZ]
Damned American Gun Shows!
UC Davis report finds gun shows as leading source of guns used in crimes...Starring Wal...uh...Garen Wintemute!
This unique report includes hundreds of hidden-camera photographs and video taken from 78 gun shows in 19 states, detailing how American gun shows have become leading sources of crime guns for Northern California, the United States, Mexico and Canada. Also emphasized is the link between gun shows and extreme right-wing political activities and specific action recommendations. [More]
I tried warning people to be on the lookout.
Can you imagine the howls of outrage--hell, the lawsuits-- had Mary McFate sneaked cameras into Ceasefire PA meetings? And speaking of which, anybody ever figure out what happened to Alex...?
It'll be interesting to see the report itself. I'm sure it will be chock-full of Witemutean colon clenching...
It will also be interesting to see if any of the gun shows or individuals have recourse based on what and who he secretly recorded.
[Via JPR9]
Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself
George Voinovich is like a child molester that lists out some good things he has done, as if that offsets the bad things. That is not the way I measure my friends, or my legislators. [More]That weasel Voinovich is from the "Republicans are too conservative and need to be more moderate" wing of the GOP...
That's why Meghan McCain is subbing on ABC's "The View," and Jenna Bush-Hager will be the new token on NBC's "Today."
The neo-cons have to do their part to keep up the illusion from Carroll Quigley's sleight-of-mind scam.
A Tale of Two Cities

VANCOUVER, Wash. - A 78-year-old man with a licensed concealed pistol said he was trapped by two pit bulls he had never seen before, and the only way to survive was to shoot and kill one of dogs. [More]Vs.
SAN FRANCISCO - The 140-pound Presa Canario, Bane, bolted away from Knoller and attacked Diane Whipple, 33, who bled to death from at least 77 wounds. The dog's 100-pound mate, Hera, charged out of Knoller's apartment and may have joined in the attack. [More]Hmmm...why the different outcomes?
Aside from the fact that some out-of -control power-abusing deviants hate their fellow human beings so badly that, rather than see them able to defend themselves, would just as soon they ended up as dog food...
Which rhymes with "hog food"...
[Via Jeffersonian]
Between Two Rivers
Please join me in welcoming strandediniowa into the sacred brotherhood of--there's gotta be a better word than "gunbloggers"... Anyway, go check out his new site, "Between Two Rivers."
I encourage you to read his inaugural post, "It's time to get off the sidelines," and his exposition on "A right vs. a Right?" (I think the 15-year-old nailed it.)
I'll update the WoGroll.
I encourage you to read his inaugural post, "It's time to get off the sidelines," and his exposition on "A right vs. a Right?" (I think the 15-year-old nailed it.)
I'll update the WoGroll.
What Role Does Government Play in Arming Taliban?

It's not just corrupt Mexican officials and drug cartels benefiting from U.S. government-supplied and approved weapons exports. Michael Crowley's "Outrageous: Friends Like These" in the September issue of Readers Digest (posted online as "American Weapons in the Hands of the Taliban") shows the same thing happening on the other side of the globe. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner looks at the unintended consequences of government arms programs.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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This Day in History: September 1
September 1, 1777 at Fort Henry, Virginia - On September 1, 400 Indians laid siege to Fort Henry, named in honor of Patrick Henry. The settlers took refuge in the fort before the Indians attacked. Several soldiers died in skirmishes outside the walls before the siege began. After American reinforcements arrived, the Indians burned the settlement, killed livestock, and then withdrew. In the end, there was not any deaths among the fort's defenders. Conclusion: American Victory [More]
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