Monday, November 12, 2007
Wayne Fincher Appellant Principal Brief.
The principal brief has now been filed on Wayne's appeal. The brief was filed in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals by Quentin Rhoades of Montana as pro bono counsel with the assistance of Stewart Rhodes of Nevada.
The Government's response is due within 30 days. There will then be opportunity for rebuttal argument.
The link to the actual document is on the page the title link takes you to. Paul W. Davis wanted people to read the update before downloading the brief.
I posted an announcement about this yesterday, because this is an important document to read, not just as it pertains to the story of Wayne Fincher, but also because of the legal and historical information pertinent to the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms that it contains. I urge everyone to read it completely--if you can't do it now, set aside an hour later today or this week when you can. Then share this link with other gun owners.
A "Pro-Gun" Democrat
Gov. Ted Strickland endorsed Hillary Clinton for president yesterday and will campaign with her in Iowa today, fueling speculation that he will be on Clinton's short list of possible running mates next year if she wins the Democratic nomination.But he's our friend!
I don't suppose it's occurred to anyone that we're being played, or as Stieger says:
We've been conned. Bare-ass naked in the town square conned.
Think about it--"The Winning Team" helped put him in office--over an A-rated Republican, one supported, incidentally, by GOA and various state grassroots groups. He then endorses their biggest enemy, and she in turn could give him the opportunity to vacate his office to an avowed anti--one everybody knew about in the campaign. There's a master chess strategy for you.
Even if these speculations don't come to pass, anyone who endorses Hillary has picked his priorities, and is no friend of gun owners.
I can't wait to hear the spin chastising me for not realizing that "politics is the art of the possible." How those who preemptively surrender and go for short-term opportunistic manipulation as part of the game plan can be authorities on what truly is possible lies beyond my poor ability to fathom.
[Via The Ready Line]
He Got Game
This exchange:
Valade, a hunter, was skeptical about Obama's position on gun owners' rights.He hunts! He's a sportsman! This changes everything! Come on in and have some blueberry wine!
Patrick discussed the issue, adding that he had hunted before.
"I've never done game," he said. "I've done birds, quail, and pheasant."
"So we share some things," Valade said with a nod.
Never mind that neither he nor the "authorized journalist" reporting the exchange seems to have a clue about what "game" is.
Good grief.
Your Privacy is What WE Say It Is
A top intelligence official says it is time people in the United States changed their definition of privacy.
Privacy no longer can mean anonymity, says Donald Kerr, a deputy director of national intelligence. Instead, it should mean that government and businesses properly safeguards people's private communications and financial information.
"Authorized privacy": Now there's a concept.
Well, why the hell not. They've already redefined "shall not be infringed."
I'm tempted to quote Orwell's Party slogans, but in truth, these control everything freaks remind me more of the opening to "The Outer Limits."
They're not even attempting to mask it any more. Yeah, I want to give up my guns to these people...and everybody noticed who nominated him, right?
[Via Jeffrey H]
We're the Only Oneth Thinging a Thong Enough
A 36-year-old Ohio police officer, who is married with children, is facing public indecency charges, after a park ranger allegedly caught him in a sexual act in a park's public restroom, according to a report from MyFoxCleveland.com.Ohhh...that kind of thong...
[Via Tony G]
[More from "The Only Ones" Files]
So THAT Explains It

No, not WarOnGuns.
This childish blog.
Try entering her url yourself if you don't believe me.
And in case you're wondering, WoG came in at "High School" level, which is pretty much where I try to keep things for the sake of clarity, but heck--at least the algorithm thinks I'm smarter than this guy, and we all know Internet site graphic generators are the ultimate standard of authority in such matters. But I could use bigger words and longer sentences if it bothers anybody...
Still, all in all, I wish I was on the same level as Blogonomicon.
This Day in History: November 12
Sir: I last night received your favour of the 10th. instt. and am sorry to find the Enemy's Batteries had played with such success against our Works. Nevertheless, I hope they will not oblige you to evacuate them. They are of the last importance, and I trust will be maintained till the latest extremity. I have written to Genl. Varnum to afford you immediate succour by sending fresh Troops to releive those now in Garrison, and also such numbers of Militia, as he may be able to prevail on to go to your assistance. With these, every exertion should be used for repairing in the night whatever damage the Works may sustain in the day. The Militia are principally designed for this end, and they are to be permitted to return every morning to Red Bank, if such shall be their choice. Genl. Varnum will furnish all the Fascines and palisadoes he can. You may rest assured, I will adopt every means our situation will admit of to give you relief. I am &ca.